- 中文名:柳向斌
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:浙江大學
- 性別:男
1. 非線性系統控制(Nonlinear System Control):主要研究非線性系統鎮定和觀測器設計理論;
2. 自適應控制(Adaptive Control):主要研究各類參數化不確定系統基於浸入和不變流形自適應控制方法;
3. 學習控制(Learning Control):主要研究參數化不確定系統的學習控制及觀測器設計理論;
4. 魯棒控制(Robust Control):主要研究不確定系統的變結構控制理論及套用。
1) 國家自然科學基金: 數據驅動自適應疊代學習控制及其在交通系統中的套用(主持);
2) 國家自然科學基金: 廣義疊代學習控制理論及在高速列車運行控制中的套用(參與);
3) 高校基本科研業務費:非線性參數化系統的自適應控制理論及其在車輛摩擦補償中的套用(主持)。
1) 綠色出行主題目錄。
1、Xiangbin Liu, Romeo Ortega, Hongye Su and Jian Chu, On adaptive control of nonlinearly parameterized nonlinear systems: towards a constructive procedure, Systems & Control Letters, 60(1), pp. 36-43, 2011.(SCI 和EI 收錄)
2、Xiangbin Liu, Zhongsheng Hou, Bin Yao, Hongye Su and Mingxuan Sun, Output feedback adaptive robust learning control of a class of nonlinear systems with periodic disturbances, the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano (Italy), pp. 4874-4879, 2011.(EI收錄)
3、Xiangbin Liu, Romeo Ortega, Hongye Su and Jian Chu, A constructive procedure based on dynamic scaling for adaptive control of nonlinearly parameterized nonlinear systems, the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano (Italy), pp. 120-120, 2011. (EI收錄)
4、Xiangbin Liu, Romeo Ortega, Hongye Su and Jian Chu, Immersion and invariance adaptive control of nonlinearly parameterized systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 55(9), pp. 2209-2214,2010. (SCI 和EI 收錄)
5、Xiaoli Qu, Xiangbin Liu and Mingxuan Sun, Asymptotic attenuation of a class of nonlinear systems with unknown sinusoidal disturbance, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, vol. 8(4), pp. 509-514, 2010. (EI 收錄)
6、郭壁壘, 蘇宏業, 柳向斌,劉之濤, 帶有非線性不確定奇異系統的積分滑模控制,控制理論與套用, 27(7), 873-879, 2010. (EI 收錄)
7、Xiangbin Liu, Hongye Su, Bin Yao and Jian Chu, Adaptive robust control of nonlinear systems with dynamic uncertainties, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 23(4), pp.353-377, 2009. (SCI 收錄)
8、Xiangbin Liu, Romeo Ortega, Hongye Su and Jian Chu, Immersion and invariance adaptive control of nonlinearly parameterized nonlinear systems, IEEE Proceedings of American Control Conference, pp. 1268-1273, 2009. (EI 收錄)
9、Xiangbin Liu, Romeo Ortega, Hongye Su and Jian Chu, Identification of nonlinearly parameterized nonlinear models: application to mass balance systems, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,pp.4682-4685, 2009. (EI 收錄)
10、Xiangbin Liu, Hongye Su, Bin Yao and Jian Chu, Adaptive robust control of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown sinusoidal disturbances, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2594-2599, 2008. (EI 收錄)
北京交通大學本科教學質量獎(2004, 2005, 2006)