
查氏生絲微菌成都亞種( Microstreptospora nanchangensis M.L.Yu sp. nov.)


  • 中文名:查氏生絲微菌成都亞種
  • 外文名: Microstreptospora nanchangensis M.L.Yu sp. nov.
  • 編號: AMS-92-01
  • 定名人: 陳一平 范成英 鄭 堅 何開澤 陳躍初
  • 發表文章生絲微菌屬的一個新亞種


作者 陳一平 范成英 鄭 堅 何開澤 陳躍初 趙樹傑
Author Yu Minglun
作者單位 中國科學院成都生物研究所, 成都 610015
摘要 從酒窖分 離到一株編號為8502-3的細菌. 該菌株能以甲醇為唯一碳 源和能源生長, 並累積PHB顆粒. 能以乙醇, 甲胺, 二甲 胺, 三甲胺, 甲酸鹽, 乙醇酸, 乙酸鹽, 乙醛酸, 乙醛和 蛋白腖為唯一碳源生長. 有氧時, 最適氮源為銨鹽和硝酸 鹽. 厭氧條件下, 能以硝酸鹽作為氮源生長. 最適生長 pH和溫度分別為7.2和35.0'C. DNA中G+C含量為65.5mol%. 它具側生單鞭毛,在2.5%氯化鈉中不能生長, 不能用丙三 醇, 丁酸鈉和天冬氨酸作為碳源生長. 經鑑定認為此 菌株為一新亞種, 命名為查氏生絲微菌成都亞種 (Hyphomicrobium zavarzinii subsp. cheagduense subsp. nov.).
Abstract A strain of actinomycete No.14.83102, isolated from a soil sample from rice field in east suburb of Nanchang city, Jiangxi province, China,producing numerous swellen substrate spores. These spores are spherical, ovoid, ellipsoidal or club in shape with diameter of about 2-2.4 micrometer, stalked or sessile,single or 2 to several inshrot chain, spore surface smooth. Aerial spores are formed on 2-6 coils spiral streptomyce-like spore chain of aerial mycelium.These spores are ellipsoidal or cylindrical withdiameter of about 0.5-0.8 micrometer, spore surface smooth Its cell wall chemical composition is of type 1, containsLL-DAP and glycine. In addition, it contains a littele leucine. There is no characterisic sugar from whole cell analysis.
According to characteristics mentioned above, the strain No.14.83102 considered belonging to the genus Microstreptospora. Its characteristicsdiffer from that of the species Microstreptospora cinerea. So the strain No.14.83102 considered as a new species of the genus and the nameMicrostreptospora nanchangensis sp. nov. has been proposed.
關鍵字 PHB產生 菌, 生絲微菌, 釀酒, 查氏生絲微菌, 查氏生絲微菌成都 亞種
期刊 微生物學報 32(1-6):161-166, 1992
Publication Acta Microbiologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 32(1-6):pp.75-78, 1992
分享省市 四川省成都市
Place Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China
採集地 全興大麯酒廠酒窖的酒窖泥
Environment The actinomycete isolated from soil sample, it collected from rice field at Beiluo village of east suburb of the city.
生態環境 中亞熱帶濕潤季風氣候酒窖
寄主 酒窖的窖泥
Habitat middle-subtropical moist climate rice field
Host soil of rice field
採集人 陳一平 范成英 鄭 堅 何開澤 陳躍初 �
Isolation Person Yu Minglun


Preservation Unit Department of Biology, Jiangxi University, Nanchang 330047, Jiangxi Province, China
Speciman No. No.14.83102
Note The bacterium produce the material to inhibite weakly Bacillus subtilis.


該菌能在胞內累積聚-B羥基丁酸酯(PHB)顆粒, PHB是新一代的可降解的塑膠.


