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12. Wang Chunxi & Cha Jianzhong, “Three Layer Architecture Model in Network Manufacturing,” WCICA"2000, June 2000, Hefei, China
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14. Dong Zhilin & Cha Jianzhong, “An Objective Method of Suppliers’ Performance Evaluation,” 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Technology, November, 1999, Beijing, China
15. Li Jianyong, Cha Jianzhong, E Mingcheng, Fang Yuefa, “The Fractal Architecture of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems,” 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Technology, November, 1999, Beijing, China
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19. M.C.E & J.Z.Cha, “The R & D of the Business Process Services of the Integrating Infrastructure,” Proc. of ASME Design Technique Conference, aug.1996, Irvine CA, U.S.A.
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21. M.Dong & J.Z.Cha, "Timed Petri Nets and Heuristic Search-Based FMS Scheduling," Proc. of ASME Design Technique Conference, Aug. 1996, Irvine CA U.S.A.
22. M.Dong & J.Z.Cha, “Using SIMOSA and Stochastic Time Petri Nets for Behavior Modeling of CIM System,” Proc. of ASME Design Technical Conference, Aug.1996, Irvine CA U.S.A.
23. M.Dong & J.Z.Cha, “Knowledge-based Integrated Manufacturing Flexible Simulation System,” Proc. of ASME Design Technique Conference, Aug.1996, Irvine CA, U.S.A.
24. M.Dong & J.Z.Cha, “Objective Oriented Simulation Modeling Environment for FMS Design,” Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing technology in Hong Kong, Dec.13-16,1995
25. M.Dong, W. Guo & J.Z.Cha, Integration Methods between Expert System and Process Control System,” The Eighteenth international Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, Shanghai, October 1995.