



  • 中文名:柏躍磊
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:安徽壽縣
  • 出生日期:1983年
  • 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學
  • 職業:教師


他在2006年從哈工大複合材料與工程專業畢業後,即於同年9月作為本博連讀博士研究生免試保送至哈工大複合材料與結構研究所攻讀博士學位,在讀期間多次獲得各種獎學金和榮譽稱號並被評為黑龍江省優秀畢業研究生,2012年7月順利畢業後留校任教。他於2013年破格晉升為副教授,2021年晉升為教授。在攻讀博士學位和工作期間,主要從事三元層狀化合物陶瓷MAX相和二維過渡碳(氮)化物MXene的合成表征和第一性原理研究工作。申請人在MAX 相和MXene的合成、基本性能表征、氧化、特別是理論模擬等方面取得了許多研究成果。近年來,已經在包括本領域的國際頂級學術期刊如《Acta Mater.》、《J. Am. Ceram. Soc.》上發表25篇學術論文,其中SCI 檢索24篇,被引用781次,H 因子為19。獲得授權國家發明專利6項。憑藉這些工作,他作為第二獲獎人獲得了2019年度黑龍江省科學技術獎一等獎(自然科學類)和2015年度黑龍江省科學技術獎二等獎(自然科學類)各1項。在本領域國內外著名學術會議做“邀請報告”16次。受邀擔任2個國際學術期刊的審稿人26,審稿1次07,如《Acta Mater.》、《J. Am. Ceram. Soc.》,《J. Appl. Phys.》,《Mater. Sci. Eng. A》,《Mater. Lett.》。目前主持承擔國家自然科學基金面上項目、教育部博士點基金、國防重點實驗室基金重點項目、中國博士後科學基金特別資助等多項課題。


2006年9月-2012年6月 哈爾濱工業大學 工程力學, 工學博士,導師:赫曉東教授
2002年9月-2006年7月 哈爾濱工業大學 複合材料與工程 工學學士,導師:赫曉東教授


時間 單位 職務
2021.1 - 至今 哈爾濱工業大學複合材料與結構研究所 教授
2018.4 - 至今 哈爾濱工業大學複合材料與結構研究所 博士生導師
2014.1 - 2020.12 哈爾濱工業大學複合材料與結構研究所副教授
2015.4 - 2016.3 南洋理工大學機械和航空工程學院 研究員(Research Fellow)
2014.2 - 2015.1 帝國理工學院材料系(英國) 獎學金研究員(Sponsored Resecher)
2012.7 - 2013.12 哈爾濱工業大學複合材料與結構研究所講師


2018年10月,Journal Of the European Ceramic Society傑出審稿人
2018年4月,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids和Ceramics International傑出審稿人
2014年8月,入選2015年(32版)“Who’s Who in the World”百科全書


  1. 陶瓷及陶瓷基複合材料及其在極端環境下的行為
  2. 多尺度物理力學/計算材料科學
  3. 斷裂與損傷力學


1. (邀請報告)Theoretically and experimentally understanding the mechanical and physical properties of the damage-tolerant MAB phases. 45th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites (ICACC 2021), Daytona Beach, USA (2021)
2. (邀請報告)磁性三元層狀硼化物Fe2AlB2的性能表征和DFT機制探究. 第二十一屆全國高技術陶瓷學術年會,合肥,中國(2020)
3. (邀請報告)Synthesis and characterization of magnetic MAB-phase Fe2AlB2 bulk from elemental powders by reactive hot pressing. 3rd International Conference on MXenes (MXene2020), Ningbo, China (2020).
4. (主旨報告)Damage-tolerant ternary layered borides MAB phases: theoretical and experimental insights. 10th International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites (HT-CMC10), Bordeaux, France (2019).
5. (邀請報告)Ternary-layered borides MAB phases: a class of damage-tolerant ceramics. The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM13), Okinawa, Japan (2019).
6. (邀請報告)Weak bonding within the ternary layered ceramics: Origin of unusual mechanical properties. 11th International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-11), Kunming, China (2019).
7. (邀請報告)Damage-tolerant ternary layered ceramics: from the MAX to MAB phases. 2019 EMN Meeting on Ceramics, Jeju Island, Korea (2019).
8. (邀請報告)高韌性高損傷容限的三元層狀過渡金屬化合物陶瓷. 第二屆博士後國際交流計畫派出項目青年學者論壇,呼和浩特,中國(2019)
9. (邀請報告)基於“鍵剛度”模型的三元層狀MAB相陶瓷非凡力學行為的理解和預測. 2019中國有色金屬第四期優秀青年學者論壇,太原,2019.
10. (邀請報告)高韌性和高損傷容限的新型三元層狀硼化物陶瓷:MAB相. 第三屆新穎材料製備及套用研究研討會,寧波,2019
11. (邀請報告)高韌性和高損傷容限的三元層狀化合物陶瓷:從MAX相到MAB相. 第九屆國際稀土開發與套用研討會暨2019中國稀土學會學術年會,北京,中國(2019).
12. (邀請報告)三元層狀高韌性陶瓷的非凡力學行為:“鍵剛度”模型及其套用. 第二十屆全國高技術陶瓷學術年會,呼和浩特,中國(2018).
13. (邀請報告)三元層狀化合物:一類介於金屬和陶瓷之間的材料. 中國有色金屬學會2018青年科技論壇,長春,中國(2018).
14. (邀請報告)Model of “Bond stiffness” and its role in understanding and predicting ternary-layered MAX and MAB phases. 12th International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications 2018 (CMCEE 2018), Singapore, Singapore (2018).
15. (邀請報告)新型三元層狀硼化物陶瓷MAB相:理論預測與合成表征. 第九屆無機材料結構、性能及測試表征技術研討會,恩施,中國(2018).
16. (口頭報告)“鍵剛度”模型的建立及其在理解三元層狀陶瓷非凡力學行為方面的套用. 中科大-哈工大特種環境材料力學行為雙邊學術研討會,合肥,中國(2018).
17. (邀請報告)Theoretical insights and predictions of ternary layered boride MoAlB using first-principles. 10th International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-10), Nanchang, China (2017).
18. (口頭報告)三元層狀硼化物MoAlB的密度泛函理論預測. 中國力學大會-2017,北京,中國(2017).
19. (邀請報告)Density functional theory insights into ternary layered boride MoAlB. 12th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM12), Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA (2017).
20. (口頭報告)燃燒合成/準等靜壓工藝製備塊體Ti2AlC的結構和性能表征. 第十九屆全國高技術陶瓷學術年會,武漢,中國(2016).
21. (口頭報告)Synthesis and Characterization of Ti2AlC bulk by self-propagating high temperature combustion synthesis with pseudo hot isostatic pressing. Second Sino-Russia Workshop on self-propagating high temperature combustion synthesis (SHS), Beijing, China (2012).
22. (口頭報告)Rapid Synthesis of Bulk Ti2AlC by Self-propagating High Temperature Combustion Synthesis with Pseudo Hot Isostatic Pressing Process. 2010航天學院博士生論壇,哈爾濱,中國(2010)
23. (張貼)Preparation of ternary layered Ti3SiC2 ceramic by SHS/PHIP. 5th China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-5), Changsha, China (2007).


1. (邀請綜述)柏躍磊*,尹航,宋廣平,赫曉東,齊欣欣,高進,郝兵兵,張金澤高韌性三元層狀陶瓷:從MAX相到MAB相. 材料工程
2. Guangping Song, Dongdong Sun, Xiaodong He, Xinxin Qi, Yongting Zheng, Jin Gao, Hang Yin, and Yuelei Bai*. Friction and wear behavior of Fe2AlB2 nanolaminates against GCr15 steel counterpart. Ceramics International, 46[12] (2020): 19912-19918.
3. Yuelei Bai*, Xinxin Qi, Xiaodong He, Guangping Song, Yongting Zheng, Bingbing Hao, Hang Yin, Jin Gao. Andrew Ian Duff. Experimental and DFT insights into elastic, magnetic, electrical and thermodynamic properties of MAB-phase Fe2AlB2. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 103[10] (2020): 5837-5851.
4. 齊欣欣,宋廣平,尹維龍,王明福,赫曉東,鄭永挺,王榮國,柏躍磊. 新型三元層狀硼化物Cr4AlB4的物相穩定性和力學行為分析. 無機材料學報,35[1], 2020: 53-60.
5. Yuelei Bai, Narasimalu Srikanth, Chee Kai Chua, Kun Zhou. Density functional theory study of Mn+1AXn phases: A review. Critical Reviews in Solid State and Material Sciences, 44[1] (2019): 56-107.
6. Yuelei Bai*, Xinxin Qi, Xiaodong He, Dongdong Sun, Fanyu Kong, Yongting Zheng, Rongguo Wang, Andrew Ian Duff. Phase stability and weak metallic bonding within ternary-layered borides CrAlB, Cr2AlB2, Cr3AlB4, and Cr4AlB6. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 102 (2019): 3715-3727.
7. Yuelei Bai*, Dongdong Sun, Ning Li, Fanyu Kong, Xinxin Qi, Xiaodong He, Rongguo Wang, Yongting Zheng. High-temperature mechanical properties and thermal shock behavior of ternary-layered MAB phases Fe2AlB2. Int. J. Refract. Met. Hard Mat., 80 (2019): 151-160.
8. Fanyu Kong, Xiaodong He*, Qianqian Liu, Xinxin Qi, Dongdong Sun, Yongting Zheng, Rongguo Wang, Yuelei Bai*. Enhanced reversible Li-ion storage in Si@Ti3C2 MXene nanocomposite. Electrochemistry Communications 97, (2018): 16-21.
9. Fanyu Kong, Xiaodong He*, Qianqian Liu, Xinxin Qi, Dongdong Sun, Yongting Zheng, Rongguo Wang, Yuelei Bai*. Further surface modification by carbon coating for in-situ growth of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on MXene Ti3C2 multilayers for advanced Li-ion storage. Electrochimica Acta 289, (2018) 228-237.
10. Fanyu Kong, Xiaodong He, Qianqian Liu, Xinxin Qi, Yongting Zheng, Rongguo Wang, Yuelei Bai*. Effect of Ti3AlC2 precursor on the electrochemical properties of the resulting MXene Ti3C2 for Li-ion batteries. Ceramics International 44, (2018) 11591-11596.
11. Fanyu Kong, Xiaodong He*, Qianqian Liu, Xinxin Qi, Yongting Zheng, Rongguo Wang, Yuelei Bai*. Improving the electrochemical properties of MXene Ti3C2 multilayer for Li-ion batteries by vacuum calcination. Electrochimica Acta 265, (2018):140-150.
12. Ning Li, Yuelei Bai*, Shuai Wang, Yongting Zheng, Fanyu Kong, Xinxin Qi, Rongguo Wang, Xiaodong He, Andrew Ian Duff. Rapid synthesis, electrical and mechanical properties of polycrystalline Fe2AlB2 bulk from elemental powders. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 100 [10], 4407-4411 (2017).
13. Yuelei Bai*, Fanyu Kong, Xiaodong He, Ning Li, Xinxin Qi, Yongting Zheng, Chuncheng Zhu, Rongguo Wang and Andrew Ian Duff. Thermal shock behavior of Ti2AlC from 200 oC to 1400 oC. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 100 [9], 4190-4198 (2017).
14. Yuelei Bai*, Xinxin Qi, Andrew Duff, Ning Li, Fanyu Kong,Xiaodong He, Rongguo Wang and Willam Edward Lee. Density functional theory insights into ternary layered boride MoAlB. Acta Mater. 132, 69-81 (2017).
15. Fanyu Kong, Ke Feng, Yuelei Bai*, Ning Li, Xinxin Qi, Yongting Zheng, Rongguo Wang, Xiaodong He.Oxidation behavior of high-purity nonstoichiometric Ti2AlC powders in flowing air. J. Mater. Res. 32, 2747-2754 (2017).
16. Yuelei Bai*, Andrew Duff, Daniel Doni Jayaseelan,Rongguo Wang, Xiaodong He, and William Edward Lee. DFT predictions of crystalstructure, electronic structure, compressibility, and elastic properties ofHf-Al-C carbides. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 99[10], 3449-57 (2016).
17. Yuelei Bai, Kun Zhou*, Narasimalu Srikanth, John H. L.Pang, Xiaodong He, Rongguo Wang. Dependence of elastic and optical propertieson surface terminated groups in two-dimensional MXene monolayers: afirst-principles study. RSC Adv. 6 [42], 35731-35739 (2016) .
18. Yuelei Bai*, Xiaodong He*, Rongguo Wang.Lattice dynamics of Al-containing MAX-phase carbides: A First-principle study. J.Raman Spectrosc. 46, 784-794 (2015).
19. Yuelei Bai*, Xiaodong He*, Rongguo Wang,Shuai Wang, and Fanyu Kong. Effect of transition metal (M) and M-C slabs on equilibriumproperties of Al-containing MAX carbides: an ab initio study. Comp.Mater. Sci. 91, 28-37 (2014).
20. Yuelei Bai*, Huixing Zhang, Xiaodong He*,Chuncheng Zhu, Rongguo Wang , Yue Sun, Guiqing Chen, Ping Xiao. Growthmorphology and microstructural characterization of nonstoichiometric Ti2AlCbulk synthesized by self-propagating high temperature combustion synthesis withpseudo hot isostatic pressing. Int. J. Refract Met. H. 45, 58-63 (2014).
21. Yuelei Bai*, Xiaodong He*, Rongguo Wang,Chuncheng Zhu. An ab initio study on compressibility of Al-containing MAXphases carbides. J. Appl. Phys. 114, 173709 (2013).
22. Yuelei Bai*, Xiaodong He*, Rongguo Wang, YueSun, ChunCheng Zhu, Shuai Wang, Guiqing Chen. High temperature physical andmechanical properties of large-scale Ti2AlC bulk synthesized byself-propagating high temperature combustion synthesis with pseudo hotisostatic pressing. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 33, 2435-2445 (2013).
23. Yuelei Bai, Xiaodong He*, Chuncheng Zhu,Guiqing Chen. Microstructures, electrical, thermal and mechanical properties ofbulk Ti2AlC synthesized by self-propagating high temperaturecombustion synthesis with pseudo hot isostatic pressing. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 95[1], (2012) 358-364.
24. Xiaodong He*, Yuelei Bai, Chuncheng Zhu, M. W. Barsoum. Polymorphismof newly-discovered Ti4GaC3: A first-principle study. Acta Mater. 59, (2011) 5523-5533.
25. Xiaodong He*, Yuelei Bai,Yang Chen, Chuncheng Zhu, Mingwei Li. Phase stability, electronic structure,compressibility, elastic and optical properties of a newly discovered Ti3SnC2:A First-principle study. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 94[11], 3907-3914(2011).
26. Xiaodong He*, Yuelei Bai,Chuncheng Zhu, Yue Sun, Mingwei Li, and M. W. Barsoum. General trends in thestructural, electronic and elastic properties of the M3AlC2 phases (M = transition metal): A first-principle study. Comp. Mater.Sci. 49, (2010) 691-698.
27. Xiaodong He*, Yuelei Bai,Yibin Li, Chuncheng Zhu and Xianghao Kong. In situ synthesis and mechanicalproperties of bulk Ti3SiC2/TiC composites by SHS/PHIP. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 527, (2010) 4554-4559.
28. Yuelei Bai, Xiaodong He*, Mingwei Li, Yue Sun, ChunchengZhu, Yibin Li. Ab initio study of the bonding and elastic properties ofTi2CdC. Solid State Sci. 12, (2010) 152-155.
29. Yuelei Bai, Xiaodong He*, Yue Sun, Chuncheng Zhu,Mingwei Li and Liping Shi. Chemical bonding and elastic properties of Ti3AC2 phases (A = Si, Ge, and Sn): A First-principle study. Solid StateSci. 12, (2010) 1209-1214.
30. Zuo Chun-Ying*, Wen Jing, and Bai Yue-Lei. First-principles investigation of N Ag co-doping effect onelectronic properties in p-type ZnO. Chin. Phys. B 19 [4], (2010)047101.
31. Yuelei Bai, Xiaodong He*, Yibin Li, Chuncheng Zhu, SamZhang. Rapid synthesis of bulk Ti2AlC by self-propagating hightemperature combustion synthesis with pseudo hot isostatic pressing process. J.Mater. Res. 24, (2009) 2528-2535.
32. Xiaodong He*, Yuelei Bai,Yibin Li, Chuncheng Zhu, Mingwei Li. Ab initio calculations forproperties of MAX phases Ti2InC, Zr2InC, and Hf2InC. Solid State Commun. 149, (2009) 564-566.
33. Yuelei Bai, Xiaodong He*, Yibin Li, Chuncheng Zhu,Mingwei Li. An ab initio study of the electronic structure and elasticproperties of the newly discovered ternary carbide Ti4GaC3. Solid State Commun. 149, (2009) 2156-2159.


