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姓名:林青 職稱:講師 職務: 教育與工作經歷: 1995-1999 南京林業大學 本科 1999-2001 福建省林業勘察設計院 工程師2001-2003 美國阿拉斯加大學 碩士2003-2010 美國明尼蘇達大學雙城分校 博士2011-2013 北京大學 博士後2013- 中國石油大學(北京)教師


  • 中文名:林青
  • 職稱:講師
所在系所: 油氣田開發工程系
研究方向: 實驗岩土力學、岩石斷裂力學、水力壓裂的實驗研究及數值模擬教學情況:
1. Fracture of sandstone characterized by digital image correlation. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2013. (SCI, EI收錄)
2. Opening and mixed-mode fracture initiation in a quasi-brittle material. Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE 2013. (SCI, EI收錄)
3. Identifying rock fracture by AE and digital imaging. Journal of Acoustic Emission 2011; 29: 68-77.
4. Observing deformation and fracture of rock with speckle pattern. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2010. (SCI, EI收錄)
5. Initiation of tensile and mixed-mode fracture in sandstone. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2009. (SCI, EI收錄)
6. Intermediate stress effect in reverse: strength anisotropy. Proc.46th U.S. Symp..Rock Mech. Chicago IL 2012. (EI收錄)
7. Process zones in rock identified by AE and DIC. World Conference on Acoustic Emission. Beijing 2011.
8. Process-zone length from image analysis. Proc.45th U.S. Symp..Rock Mech. San Francisco CA 2011. (EI收錄)
9. Digital image correlation and the fracture process in rock. Proc.44th U.S. Symp..Rock Mech. Salt Lake City NV 2010. (EI收錄)
10. Imaging analysis of shear banding. Proc.42th U.S. Symp..Rock Mech. San Francisco CA 2008. (EI收錄)
11. Initiation of failure in quasi-brittle materials. Proc. Workshop on Fracture Mechanics for Concrete Pavements: Theory to Practice. Vail, Colorado 2005.
12. Development of fracture in bending experiments. Proc. 40th U.S. Symp. Rock Mech. Anchorage, AK 2005. (EI收錄)
13. Fox permafrost tunnel: new study and interpretation of permafrost development. 53rd Arctic Sci. Conference, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 204, 2002.
14. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Geotechnical Engineering Conference. Minneapolis, MN 2008.


