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林開傑,男,博士南京航空航天大學材料科學與技術學院 副教授/博士生導師。


  • 中文名:林開傑
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:雷射增材製造、雷射表面工程
  • 任職院校:南京航空航天大學材料科學與技術學院


林開傑,男,博士。2005-2011年就讀於哈爾濱工業大學,獲得工學學士和工學碩士學位。2011年獲得國家公派留學機會,赴英國伯明罕大學繼續博士深造,導師Prof. Hanshan Dong,於2015年獲得博士學位,博士期間從事質子交換膜燃料電池中碳膜氣體交換層以及不鏽鋼雙極板表面處理研究。回國後任職於南京航空航天大學材料科學與技術學院,現主要從事高性能金屬基複合材料的雷射增材製造及雷射表面改性等方面的研究。近年來,在Scientific Report、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy、Surface and Coating Technology、Rare Metal Material Engineering、中國表面工程等國內外學術期刊上發表論文10餘篇。參加International conference on nanotechnology、nanomaterials and thin films for energy applications,IFHTSE 22nd Congress / European Conference on Heat Treatment,the 1st International Congress on Materials and Renewable Energy,the 6th China International Conference of Surface Engineering等國際學術會議,並做特邀報告。主持國家自然科學基金(青年基金),軍委科技委基金項目,國防科技重點實驗室開放基金,國防科工局科學挑戰計畫,江蘇省自然科學基金(青年基金項目),航空基金,南京航空航天大學科研啟動項目等各類科研項目10餘項;參與國家重點研發計畫“增材製造與雷射製造”專項課題、江蘇省重點研發計畫(產業前瞻與共性關鍵技術)等國家及省部級項目3項,英國工程與自然科學研究理事會項目(EPSRC, EP/J018252/1)1項,歐盟瑪麗居里基金項目(PIIF-GA-2012-327750)1項以及英國企業合作項目3項。




1. K. Lin, X. Li, X. Lou, Y. Sun, H. Dong, Active screen plasma nitriding of 316 stainless steel for the application of bipolar plates in proton exchange membrane fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2014 39: 21470)
2. K. Lin, X. Li, L. Tian and H. Dong, Active screen plasma surface alloying of 316 stainless steel with nitrogen and niobium for the application of bipolar plates in PEMFCs, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2015 40 :10281)
3. K. Lin, Y. Lu, S. Du and H. Dong, The effect of active screen plasma treatment conditions on the growth and performance of Pt nanowire catalyst layer in DMFCs, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016 41:7622-7630)
4. K. Lin, X. Li, L. Tian and H. Dong, Active screen plasma surface co-alloying treatments of 316 stainless steel with nitrogen and silver for fuel cell bipolar plates, Surface and Coatings Technology (2015 283: 122-128)
5. Kaijie Lin, Linhai Tian, Xiaoying Li and Hanshan Dong, Development of novel plasma surface engineering technologies for multi-functional surfaces, IFHTSE 22nd Congress / European Conference on Heat Treatment
6. S. Du, K. Lin, S. K. Malladi, Y. Lu, Q. Xu, R. Steinberger-Wilckens and H. Dong, Plasma nitriding induced growth of Pt-nanowire arrays as high performance electrocatalyst for fuel cells, Scientific Reports (4 : 6439)
7. G.Z. Tang, Y.J. Wang, K.J. Lin, X.X. Ma, and M.G. Sun, Influence of AAO Treatment Parameters on Characterizations of Surface Pores on 316L Stainless Steel, Rare Metal Mat Eng, 2012. 41 : 156-160.
8. S. Yang, K. Cooke, H. Sun, X. Li, K. Lin, and H. Dong, Development of advanced duplex surface systems by combining CrAlN multilayer coatings with plasma nitrided steel substrates, Surface and Coatings Technology, (2013 236: 2–7)
9. (英) 李小英, 田林海, 竇文博, 林開傑, (英) 董漢山. 經濟型雙相不鏽鋼的離子氮化及其組織結構和腐蝕磨損性能. 中國表面工程, 2015, 28 (3)


