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林志軍教授,男,1985年獲得廈門大學經濟學博士學位(中國第一位經濟學及會計學博士) 。現任澳門科技大學副校長兼澳門科技大學商學院院長,教授,2018年起擔任澳門科技大學副校長


  • 中文名:林志軍
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:中國
  • 職業澳門科技大學副校長、教授 
  • 畢業院校:廈門大學
  • 代表作品:《會計信息系統原理與套用》




“公司財務會計(香港)”載於《公司秘書手冊》(英文)THE TPH Publishing1998
“中國會計制度的變更:與國際會計準則接軌”,載於《新興經濟會計研究》(美國)NO 12000
學術成果 (最近 10 年)
Hu, J.S., J.B. Kin and Z.J. Lin, (2014) Does Timely Loss Recognition Improve the Board’s Ability to
Learn from Market Prices? Evidence from Worldwide CEO Turnover, The Journal of International
Accounting Research, (forthcoming)
Hu, J.S. and Z.Lin, (2014) The Implied Cost of Equity Capital, Corporate Investment and CEO Turnover,
Accounting and Finance, Vol. 54, (forthcoming)
Z.Jun Lin, Z. Yu, and L.Q. Zhang, (2014) Performance outcomes of BSC application in hospital administration in China, China Economic Review, September, 2014, 30:1-15
Yang, S.Z., R. Yang, and Z.Jun Lin, (2014) Historical evolution of the balance sheet in the People’s
Republic of China, The Accounting Historians Journal, 41(1): 1-34
Z.Jun Lin, (2013) VAT Replacing Business Tax: A Major Tax Reform in China, The International Tax
Journal, Vol. 39 No. 2, 17-22
Zhang, L.; Z. Yu, and Z. Lin (2013), The Application of Balance Scorecard in Public Hospital
Administration in China, International Journal of Management: Theory and Applications, Vol.1, No.1,
Z.Jun Lin, and Ming Liu, (2013) The Effects of Managerial Shareholdings on Audit Fees: Evidence from
Hong Kong, International Journal of Auditing, 17 (3):227-245
Z.Jun Lin, and Zhimin Tian, (2012) Accounting Conservatism and IPO Underpricing: China Evidence,
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Vol. 21 (2):127-144
Z.Jun Lin, and J.R. Zhang,(2011) Ethical Awareness of Chinese Business Managers and
Accountants and Their Views on Use of Off-book Accounts, Advances in Accounting Incorporating
Advances in International Accounting, Vol. 27(1), 143-155
H. Chen, Q. Tang, Y.Jiang and Z.Jun Lin, (2010) The Role of International Financial Reporting
Standards in Accounting Quality: Evidence from the European Union, Journal of International
Financial Management & Accounting, 21(3):221-278
Z.Jun Lin, and M.Liu, (2010) The Determinants of Auditor Switching from the Perspective of Corporate
Governance in China, Advances in Accounting, Incorporating Advances in International Accounting,
Z.Jun Lin, (2010) Audit Committee Essentials (Book Review), The International Journal of Accounting,
45(1): 136-140
Z.Jun Lin, M.Liu, and Z. Wang, (2009) Market Implications of the Audit Quality and Auditor Switches:
Evidence from China, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, 20(1): 35-78
Z.Jun Lin, and M.Liu, (2009) The Impact of Corporate Governance on Auditor Choice: Evidence from
China, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 18 (1):44-59
Z.Jun Lin, and M.Liu, (2009) The Determinants of Auditor Switching from the Perspective of Corporate
Governance in China, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 17(4):476-491
Z.Jun Lin (2009) Value-added Tax in China and Its Reform, International Tax Journal, May-June 2009, 69-78
Z, Wang., Z. Lin, and S. Ju, (2009) “HealthSouth Corporation: The First Case Against a Company
under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.” Journal of Business Case Studies, Volume 5, No.1, 9-18
林志軍, 劉明 (2008), 從公司治理的視角看中國上市公司審計師變更的影響因素, <<當代會計評
論>>, 第1卷第2期, 1-24頁, (Contemporary Accounting Review, Vol.1, No.2, pp.1-24)


