



  • 中文名:林志淼
  • 畢業院校:北京大學
  • 教學職稱:副教授,博士生導師
  • 臨床職稱:副主任醫師
  • 擅長領域:遺傳性皮膚病,銀屑病
  • 執業地點:北京大學第一醫院
  • 性別:男




1997-2000年 福建省漳州市第一中學讀高中
2000-2007年 北京大學醫學部臨床醫學7年制學碩連讀
2007-2010年 北京大學第一醫院皮膚科攻讀博士學位


2010年-2014年 任北京大學第一醫院皮膚科主治醫師
2014年-至今 任北京大學第一醫院皮膚科副主任醫師
2019年5月-至今 北京大學第一醫院皮膚科副主任


2017.6-至今 中國醫師協會皮膚科分會青年委員會副主任委員
2018.11-至今 中國醫師協會皮膚科醫師分會罕見遺傳病委員會副主任委員




《中華皮膚科雜誌》、《中國皮膚性病學雜誌》、《Clinical & Experimental Dermatology》、《Journal of the European Academy of Dermatologyand Venereology》、《Pediatric Dermatology》、《Human Mutation》、《Experimental Dermatology》、《British Journal of Dermatology》等多個雜誌審稿人。






1. 國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金,81522037,遺傳性掌跖角化病,2016/01-2018/12,150萬元,在研,主持。
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,81573032,鈣蛋白酶及其抑制蛋白在表皮橋粒結構異常性皮膚病的致病作用,2016/01-2019/12,60萬元,在研,主持。
3. 北京市科技新星計畫,2015012,AQP5基因突變導致皮膚角化及手足多汗的機理研究,2015/01-2017/12,35萬元,在研,主持。
4. 北京市高等學校青年英才計畫,YETP0069,Bothnia掌跖角化症致病基因及發病機理研究,2013/01-2015/12,15萬元,結題,主持。
5. 國家自然科學基金青年基金,81201220,Olmsted 綜合徵臨床表型與基因型關係研究,2013/01-2015/12,23萬元,結題,主持。
6. 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金新教師類,20110001120048,LAMA3突變體蛋白對小鼠損傷修復中瘢痕形成的影響,2012/01-2014/12,4萬元,已結題,主持。
7. 北京大學醫學-信息科學聯合研究種子基金,中國漢族人肢端黑色素瘤的皮膚鏡圖象智慧型分析技術研發,2016/01-2017/12,8萬元,在研,主持。
8. 霍英東教育基金會高等院校青年教師基金,161038,鈣蛋白酶及其抑制蛋白在表皮橋粒結構穩態中的作用研究,2018/01-2019/12,14.4萬元,在研,主持。
9. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,81872515,瞬時受體電位蛋白TRPM4突變導致皮膚紅斑角化症的發病機理研究,2019/01-2022/12,70.8萬元,在研,主持。
10. 智慧醫療項目,校內科研基金,皮膚科智慧醫療,15.0萬,在研,主持。


1. Lin Z(#), Li S(#), Feng C(#), YangS, Wang H, Ma D, Zhang J, Gou M, Bu D, Zhang T, Kong X, Wang X, Sarig O, Ren Y,Dai L, Liu H, Zhang J, Li F, Hu Y, Padalon-Brauch G, Vodo D, Zhou F, Chen T,Deng H, Sprecher E, Yang Y(*), Tan X(*).Stabilizing mutations of KLHL24ubiquitin ligase cause loss of keratin 14 and human skin fragility. Nature Genetics, 2016Dec;48(12):1508-1516.(IF:31.616)
2. Lin, Z.(#), Zhao, J.(#),Nitoiu, D.(#), Scott, C.(#), Plangnol, V., Smit, F.,Wilson, N., Cole, C., Schwartz, M., McLean, W., Wang, H., Feng,C., Duo, L., Zhou, E. Y., Ren, Y.,Dai, L., Chen, Y., Zhang, J., Xu, X., O'Toole, E. A.,Kelsell, D. P.(*), Yang,Y(*).Loss-of-Function Mutations in CAST Cause Peeling Skin, Leukonychia,Acral Punctate Keratoses, Cheilitis and Knuckle Pads. American journal of human genetics, 2015,96(3):440-447. SCI 期刊論文(IF:10.794)
3. Lin, Z.(#), Chen, Q.(#), Lee, M.(#), Cao, X.(#), Zhang, J., Ma, D.,Chen, L., Hu, X., Wang, H., Wang, X., Zhang, P., Liu, X., Guan, L., Tang, Y.,Yang, H., Tu, P., Bu, D., Zhu, X., Wang, K., Li, R.(*),Yang, Y(*). Exome sequencingreveals mutations in TRPV3 as a cause of Olmsted syndrome. American journal of human genetics, 2012, 90(3): 558-564. SCI 期刊論文(IF:10.794)
4. Lin, Z.(#), Chen, Q.(#),Shi, L., Lee, M., Giehl, K.A., Tang, Z., Wang, H., Zhang, J., Yin, J., Wu, L.,Xiao, R., Liu, X., Dai, L., Zhu, X., Li, R., Betz, R. C., Zhang, X.(*),Yang, Y(*).Loss-of-function mutations in HOXC13 causepure hair and nail ectodermal dysplasia. American journal of human genetics,2012, 91(5): 906-911. SCI 期刊論文(IF:10.794)
5. Wang, H.(#), Cao, X.(#), Lin, Z.(#), Lee, M., Jia, X., Ren, Y., Dai, L., Guan,L., Zhang, J., Lin, X., Zhang, J., Chen, Q., Feng, C.,Zhou, E. Y., Yin, J., Xu, G., Yang, Y(*).Exome sequencing reveals mutation in GJA1 as a cause ofkeratoderma-hypotrichosis-leukonychia totalis syndrome. Humanmolecular genetics, 2015, 24(1): 243-250. SCI 期刊論文(IF:5.985)
6. Cao, X.(#), Yin, J.(#),Wang, H., Zhao, J., Zhang, J., Dai, L., Zhang, J., Jiang, H., Lin, Z.(*), Yang,Y. Mutation in AQP5, encoding aquaporin 5, causes palmoplantarkeratoderma Bothnia type. The Journal of investigative dermatology, 2014, 134(1):284-287. SCI 期刊論文(IF:6.915)
7. Yin, J., Xu, G., Wang, H.,Zhao, J., Duo, L., Cao, X., Tang, Z., Lin,Z.(*), Yang, Y(*).Newand recurrent SERPINB7 mutations in seven Chinese patients with Nagashima-typepalmoplantar keratosis. The Journal of investigative dermatology, 2014,134(8): 2269-2272. SCI 期刊論文(IF:6.915)
8. Cao X(#), Wang H(#),Li Y, Lee M, Jiang L, Zhou Y, Feng C, Lin Z(*),Yang Y. Semidominant Inheritance in Olmsted Syndrome. The Journal ofinvestigative dermatology, 2016, 136(8):1722-5. SCI 期刊論文(IF:6.915)
9. Wang, X.(#), Lin, Z.(#), Gao, L., Wang, A., Wan, Z., Chen, W., Yang,Y., Li, R(*). Exomesequencing reveals a signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1)mutation in a child with recalcitrant cutaneous fusariosis. The Journal ofallergy and clinical immunology, 2013, 131(4): 1242-1243.SCI 期刊論文(IF:12.485)
10. Wang, X.(#), Wang, W.(#), Lin, Z.(#), Wang, X., Li, T., Yu, J., Liu, W., Tong, Z.,Xu, Y., Zhang, J., Guan, L., Dai, L., Yang, Y., Han, W.(*),Li, R(*). CARD9 mutations linked to subcutaneousphaeohyphomycosis and TH17 cell deficiencies. The Journal of allergy andclinical immunology, 2014, 133(3): 905-908 e903. SCI 期刊論文(IF:12.485)
11. Zhou EY, Zhao Y, Lin Z(*). AnnularPlaques with Skin Atrophy in a Young Patient. JAMA Dermatol. 2017, 153(6):595-596.(IF: 8.107)
12. Lee, M. (#), Chen, Q., Wang, H.,Zhang, J., Lin, Z.(*),Yang, Y. ITGB4-associated Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa withoutPylori Atresia but Profound Genito-urinary Involvement. Actadermato-venereologica, 2015, 95(1): 112-113. SCI 期刊論文(IF:3.638)
13. Lee, M.Y. (#), Wang, H.J. (#), Han, Y. (#), Zhou, Y., Zhao, J.H.,Duo, L.N., Feng, C., Hua, H., Liu, H.W., Lin,Z.M.(*),Yang, Y. Lipoid Proteinosis Resulting from a LargeHomozygous Deletion Affecting Part of the ECM1 Gene and Adjacent LongNon-coding RNA. Acta dermato-venereologica, 2015, 95(5):608-610. 期刊論文(IF:3.638)
14. Lin, Z.M. (#), Xu, Z., Bu, D.F., Yang, Y(*).New mutations of KIT gene in two Chinese patients withpiebaldism. The British journal of dermatology, 2006,155(6):1303-1304. SCI 期刊論文(IF:6.129)
15. Ran M(#), Lee M(#),Gong J, Lin Z(*),Li R. Oral Acyclovir and Intralesional Interferon Injections for Treatment ofGiant Pyogenic Granuloma-Like Lesions in an Immunocompromised Patient WithHuman Orf. JAMA Dermatology. 2015, 151(9):1032-4. 期刊論文(IF:8.107)
16. Chen, Q., Lin, Z.M.(*), Wang, H.J., Zhang, J., Yin, J.H.,Yang, Y. New mutations in the PLEC gene in a Chinese patient withepidermolysis bullosa simplex with muscular dystrophy. Clinicaland experimental dermatology, 2013, 38(7): 792-794. SCI 期刊論文(IF:1.315)
17. Wang, H.J., Lin, Z.M.(*), Zhang, J., Yin, J.H., Yang, Y. A new germline mutation in KITassociated with diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis in a Chinese family. Clinicaland experimental dermatology, 2014, 39(2): 146-149. SCI 期刊論文(IF:1.315)
18. Wang, H.J.(#), Tang, Z.L.(#),Lin, Z.M.(*), Dai, L.L., Chen, Q., Yang, Y.Recurrent splice-site mutation in MBTPS2 underlying IFAP syndrome with Olmstedsyndrome-like features in a Chinese patient. Clinical and experimentaldermatology, 2014, 39(2): 158-161. SCI 期刊論文(IF:1.315)
19. Yang, S.X.(#), Yin, J.H.(#),Lin, Z.M.(*), Wang, H.J., Ren, Y.L., Zhang, J., Li,R.Y., Yang, Y. A novel nonsense mutation in the CDSN geneunderlying hypotrichosis simplex of the scalp in a Chinese family.Clinical and experimental dermatology, 2014, 39(1): 75-77. SCI 期刊論文(IF:1.315)
20. Yin, J.(#), Ren, Y.(#), Lin, Z.(*), Wang, H., Zhou, Y., Yang, Y. Compound heterozygousPLEC mutations in a patient of consanguineous parentage with epidermolysisbullosa simplex with muscular dystrophy and diffuse alopecia. Internationaljournal of dermatology, 2015, 54(2): 185-187. SCI 期刊論文(IF:1.227)
21. Tang, Z.L. (#), Lin, Z.M.(*), Wang, H.J., Chen, Q., Xu,X.M., Ge, H.F., Yang, Y. Four novel and two recurrentglycine substitution mutations in the COL7A1 gene in Chinese patients withepidermolysis bullosa pruriginosa. Clinical and experimental dermatology, 2013,38(2): 197-199. SCI 期刊論文(IF:1.315)
22. Lee M(#), Xu G(#),Wang K, Wang H, Zhang J, Tang Z, Lin Z(*),Yang Y. Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa caused by a de novointerstitial deletion spanning COL7A1 and a hemizygous splicing mutation intrans. Clinical and experimental dermatology, 2016, 41(4):372-8.(IF:1.315)
23. Feng C(#), Wang H, LeeM, Zhao J, Lin Z(*),Yang Y. Two missense mutations in CYP4F22 in autosomal recessive congenitalichthyosis. Clinicaland experimental dermatology, 2017 Jan;42(1):98-100(IF:1.315)
24. Cao X(#), Lin Z(#),Yang H, Bu D, Tu P, Chen L, Wu H, Yang Y(*). Newmutations in the transglutaminase 1 gene in three families with lamellarichthyosis. Clinical and experimental dermatology, 2009 Dec;34(8):904-9.(IF:1.315)
25. Wang RJ, Lin ZM(*). DisseminatedAsymptomatic Papules Over the Body. JAMA Dermatol. 2018;154(7):835-836. (IF:8.107)
26. Li Y(#), WangY, Lin ZM(*). Linearkeratotic lesions in a young women. JAMA Dermatol. 2018;154(9):1078-1079(IF:8.107)
27. Zhong WL(#), Wang HJ, Lin ZM(*), YangY. Novel mutations in SASH1 associated with Dyschromatosis UniversalisHereditaria. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2019 Jul-Aug;85(4):440.(IF:2.229)
28.W. Zhong(#),J. Liu, H. Wang, X. Dou, B. Yu, Z. Lin(*),Y. Yang. Atypical presentation of Dowling–Degos disease with novel andrecurrent mutations in POFUT1. Clinical and experimental dermatology, 2018Dec;43(8):937-939(IF:1.315).
29.Y. Pan(#), Y. Men(#),Z. Lin(*). Palmoplantarkeratoderma Bothnia type with acrokeratoelastoidosis-like features due to AQP5mutations. Clinical and experimental dermatology,2018 Dec; 44: 88-91(IF:1.315)
30. Y. Pan(#), W. Zhong(#), H. Wang, Y. Yang, Z. Lin(*). Reticulateacropigmentation of Kitamura with a novel mutation in ADAM10. Clinical andexperimental dermatology, 2019, Jul; 44:700-703(IF:1.315)
31. Xi Chen(#), Yong Yang, Zhimiao Lin(*). Poikiloderma with neutropenia.The British journal of dermatology, 2019 Jan;180(1):e6(IF:6.129)
32. Ruojun Wang(#), ZhimiaoLin(*). Segmental cutaneous leiomyomatosis. The Britishjournal of dermatology, 2018, 179: e229, (IF:6.129)
33. W.Zhong(#), Y. Pan(#), Y. Shao, Y. Yang, B. Yu, Z. Lin(*). Atypicalpresentation of dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria with a novel ABCB6mutation. Clinical and experimental dermatology, 2019 Apr;44(3):e58-e60. (IF:1.315)
34. Zhe Xu(#), Zhimiao Lin(*).Cutaneous findings in an adult with X-linked reticulatepigmentary disorder. The British journal of dermatology, 2019Feb;180(2):e37(IF:6.129)
35. Wang, Huijun(#);Xu, Zhe(#); Lee, Bo Hyun(#); Simon, Vu(#); Hu,Linghan; Lee, Mingyang; Bu, Dingfang; Cao, Xu; Hwang,Sam; Yang, Yong; Jie , Zheng(*); Lin, Zhimiao(*). Gain-of-function mutationsin TRPM4 activation gate cause progressive symmetric erythrokeratoderma. TheJournal of investigative dermatology, 2019 May;139(5):1089-1097(IF:6.915)
36. Shangzhi Dai(#), Huijun Wang, Zhimiao Lin(*).Moth-eaten Alopecia insecondary syphilis. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2019May;82:6.(IF: 3.202)
37. Ruojun Wang(#), Yang Wang, Zhimiao Lin(*).Dry scaling patches andnodules in a middle-aged man. JAMA Dermatol. Accepted.
38. Shangzhi Dai(#), Zhongbin Sun(#), MingyangLee, Huijun WangYong Yang*, Zhimiao Lin*. Olmsted syndrome with alopeciauniversalis caused by heterozygous mutation in PERP. The British journal ofdermatology, 2019, Accepted.






