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林平,山東菏澤人,山東大學1977級數學系本科,中國社會科學院經濟學碩士,美國明尼蘇達大學經濟學博士; 山東大學經濟學院講席教授,中國經濟體制改革研究會理事,香港嶺南大學經濟系教授。曾任國際競爭網路(ICN)香港非政府顧問,香港行政抗訴委員會委員和香港電訊行業競爭抗訴委員會委員(均為香港特首任命),香港經濟學會會長,香港政府研究資助委員會評審組專家。曾擔任Review of Industrial Organization中國反壟斷專刊特邀主編。並為國家市場監督管理總局反壟斷局、前國家工商管理總局反壟斷與反不正當競爭執法局,前商務部反壟斷局、國務院發展研究中心、香港競爭事務委員會、和亞洲發展銀行等機構長期進行反壟斷諮詢工作和競爭政策研究。


  • 中文名:林平
  • 國籍中國
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職業:教師
  • 職務:山東大學經濟學院院長 




自1995年起開始研究競爭政策與反壟斷經濟學和科技創新經濟學, 在國際學術期刊(包括頂級學術雜誌Journal of Economic Theory,Internatinal Economic Review等)和國內頂級學術期刊如《管理世界》和《中國工業經濟》等發表中英文學術文章100餘篇;在多個知名國際出版社發表書籍章節,如在牛津大學出版社2015年出版的國際反壟斷經濟學手冊中撰寫中國章節;主持譯著《反托拉斯革命-經濟學、競爭與政策》第4版、第5版和第6版。


  1. Towards a More Robust Competition Policy for Hong Kong, with Thomas Ross, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, forthcoming.
  2. "Command-and-Control Regulation, Incentive for Pollution Abatement, and Market Structure" (with Y. Pang), forthcoming in the Journal of Regulatory Economics.2020, 57(3) : 159-180.
  3. "Vertical Integration and Disruptive Cross-Market R&D" (with Tianle Zhang and Wen Zhou), forthcoming in the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.2020, 29(1) : 51-73.
  4. "FDI into a Two-Tier Oligopoly: Spillovers, Vertical Integration and Welfare" (with K. Saggi), International Economic Review, 52(4), 1271-1290, 2011.
  5. “Creditor rights, information sharing, and bank risk taking” (with J. Houston, C. Lin and Y. Ma), the Journal of Financial Economics, 96, 2010, pp. 485-512.
  6. "Property Rights Protection and Corporate R&D: Evidence from China" (with C. Lin and F. M. Song), Journal of Development Economics, 93, 2010, 49-62.
  7. "Corruption in Bank Lending to Firms: Cross-Country Micro Evidence on the Beneficial Role of Competition and Information Sharing" (with J. R. Barth, C. Lin, and F. M. Song), Journal of Financial Economics, 91, 2009, 361-388.
  8. "Multinational Firms, Exclusivity, and Backward Linkages" (with Kamal Saggi), Journal of International Economics, 71(2007), 206-220.
  9. "Strategic Spin-offs of Input Divisions", European Economic Review, 50 (2006), 977-993.
  10. "Implementing Efficient Allocations in a Model of Financial Intermediations" (with E. Green), Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 109 (1), March 2003, 1-23.
  11. "Product Differentiation, Process R&D, and the Nature of Market Competition" (with K. Saggi), European Economic Review, 46(1), January 2002, 201-211.
  12. "Incentives for Foreign Direct Investment under Imitation"(with K. Saggi), Canadian Journal of Economics, November 1999, 1275-1298.
  13. "Fixed-fee Licensing of Innovations and Collusion", Journal of Industrial Economics, December 1996, 443-449.


  1. 林平.信息環境與經濟系統的改善.《數量經濟技術經濟研究》,1985(11):29-32.
  2. 林平.關於中國建立反壟斷法體系的幾個基本問題.《管理世界》,2005(08).
  3. 白雪,林平,臧旭恆.橫向合併控制中的資產剝離問題——基於古諾競爭的分析.《中國工業經濟》,2012(01):90-100.
  4. 唐明哲,劉豐波,林平.價格檢驗在相關市場界定中的實證運用——對茅台、五糧液壟斷案的再思考.《中國工業經濟》,2015(04):135-148.
  5. 林平. 反事實狀態與反壟斷執法誤差. 《競爭政策研究》, 2016.
  6. 林平. 經濟分析在反壟斷中的作用以及數字經濟和大數據.《競爭政策研究》, 2017.
  7. 林平. 忠誠折扣的反壟斷經濟分析. 《經濟與管理研究》, 2019.
  8. 林平. 標準必要專利FRAND許可原則的效率涵義:經濟學的視角. 《 中國套用法學》, 2020.
  9. 林平. 我國專利侵權損害賠償界定公式的經濟學分析. 《山東大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》, 2020.


  1. "Merger Control in China 中國企業兼併的反壟斷控制" (in Chinese), in Wang X. (ed.), New Development of Competition Law under Globalization, Social Science Documentation Publishing House, Beijing, 2005.
  2. "Equilibrium Research Joint Ventures", in R. Cellini and L. Lambertini (eds.), Advanced Studies in the Economics of Innovation, Elsevier, 2004.
  3. "Competition Policy in China: Interactions with Industrial and FDI Polices", in S. Evernett and D. Brooks (eds.), Competition Policy and Development in Asia, Routledge, 2005, pp.71-106.
  4. "Market Power and Competition Policy in Hong Kong", with Edward K.Y. Chen, in D. Slottje (ed.), Measuring Market Power, Amsterdam: North Holland, 2002, pp. 135-152.
  5. "The Recent Development of the Theory of Industrial Organisation and the US Antitrust Policies", in Y. Mao and M. Tang (eds.), The Frontiers of Modern Economics, Vol. III, (in Chinese), Shangwu Press, Beijing, 1998.
  6. "The Antimonopoly Law in Japan <日本反壟斷法介紹> ", (in Chinese), in X. Y. Wang (ed.), Anti-Monopoly Policy and the Market Economy, The Law Press, Beijing, 1998, pp. 292-302.
  7. "Intellectual Property right Protection in China", in Y.Y. Kueh and Weimin Zheng (eds.), Globalisation and the Sino-US Economic and Trade Relationship, Beijing: China's Social Sciences Press, pp. 372-397.
  8. "The Evolution of Competition Law in East Asia", in Erlinda Medalla (ed), Competition Policy in East Asia, RoutledgeCurzon, 2005, pp.15-40.


