



  • 中文名:林小拉
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:並行與分散式計算、計算機網路、計算金融
  • 職務:博士生導師
  • 職稱:教授


北京大學 計算機科學 學士
北京大學 計算機科學 碩士
美國密西根州立大學 計算機科學 博士






J. Fan, X. Lin and X. Jia, “Optimal Path Embedding in Crossed Cubes,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 16, Number 12, December 2005.
J. Fan and X. Lin, “The t/k-Diagnosability of the BC Graphs,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 54, Number 2, pp. 176-184, February 2005.
J. Wu, F. Dai, X. Lin, J. Cao, and W. Jia, “An Extended Fault-Tolerant Link-State Routing Protocol in the Internet,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 52, Number 10, pp. 1298-1311, October 2003.
Y. Sun, X. Lin, Y. Pan, R. W. H. Lau, D. A. Bader, and P. Y. S. Cheung, “Generalized Block Shift Network for Clusters,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Volume 49, Number 4, pp. 543-546, April 2002.
Y. Ling, J. Mi, and X. Lin, “A Variational Calculus Approach to Optimal Checkpoint Placement,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 50, Number 7, pp. 699-708, July 2001.
Y. Sun, P. Y. S. Cheung, and X. Lin, “Barrier Synchronization on Wormhole-Routed Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 12, Number 6, pp. 583-597, June 2001.
S. Lin, R. Lau, K. Hwang, X. Lin and P. Y. S. Cheung, ”Adaptive Parallel Rendering on Multiprocessors and Workstation Clusters,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 12, Number 3, pp. 241-258, March 2001.
Y. Sun, P. Y. S. Cheung, and X. Lin, “Recursive Cube of Ring: A New Topology for Interconnection Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 11, Number 3, pp. 275-286, March 2000.
X. Lin, P. K. McKinley, and L. M. Ni, “The Message Flow Model for Routing in Wormhole-Routed Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 6, Number 7, pp. 755-760, July 1995.
X. Lin, P. K. McKinley, and L. M. Ni, “Deadlock-Free Multicast Wormhole Routing in 2D-Mesh Multicomputers,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 5, Number 8, pp. 793-804, August 1994.
X. Lin and L. M. Ni, “Multicast Communication in Multicomputer Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed, Volume 4, Number 10, pp. 1105-1117, October 1993.


“Towards More Efficient Communication Support for Cluster of SMPs,” Strategic Research Grant 7001378 (CS), May 2002, HK5,232 (項目主持人).
“Improving the Performance of Multiprocessing-Based Web Servers,” RGC Grant, CERG No. 9040695, June 2002, HK3,404 (項目主持人).
“Developing Scalable and Fault-Tolerant mobility Management in Mobile Networks,” Strategic Research Grant 7001378 (CS), May 2003, HK9,500 (項目主持人).
“Supporting Efficient and Fault Tolerance Location Management in Mobile-IP Systems”, RGC Grant, CERG No. 9040816, July 2003, HK7,149 (項目主持人).
“Achieving High Availability of Distributed Services” RGC Grant, CERG No. 9040909 (CityU 1167/04E), July 2004, HK9,414 (項目主持人).


