



  • 中文名:林子雨
  • 畢業院校:北京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:資料庫、數據倉庫、數據挖掘、雲計算
  • 任職院校:廈門大學信息學院






中國計算機學會會員, 2009-





Lin Ziyu, and et al, Performance optimization of analysis rules in real-time active data warehouses,14th Asia-Pacific Web Conference on Web Technologies and Applications,"APR 11-13, 2012"
Lin Ziyu, et al, A new algorithm on lagged correlation analysis between time series: TPFP,Computer Research and Development,49,12(2012)
Lin Ziyu,et al, View-tree-based dynamic view selection,Computer Research and Development,49,10(2012)
Lin Zi-Yu,et al, Research on cloud databases,Journal of Software,23,5(2012)
Ziyu Lin, Yongxuan Lai, Chen Lin, Yi Xie and Quan Zou. Maintaining Internal Consistency of Report for Real-time OLAP with Layer-based View. APWeb’2011.LNCS 6612, pp. 143–154, 2011.(EI收錄).
林子雨,楊冬青,王騰蛟, 張東站. 基於關係資料庫的關鍵字查詢. 軟體學報,Vol 21 (10), Oct, 2010.PP:2454-2476. (高級學術期刊,EI檢索)
林子雨,林琛,馮少榮,張東站. MESHJOIN*:實時數據倉庫環境下的數據流更新算法.計算機科學與探索,Vol4(10),Oct,2010.PP:927-939.
林子雨, 左思強, 賴永炫, 張東站. DB&IR系統研究綜述. 計算機研究與發展. Vol 47(Suppl.), Oct, 2010. PP:176-180.
林子雨, 楊冬青, 王騰蛟, 宋國傑. 實視圖選擇研究.軟體學報,Vol 20 (2), Feb, 2009. PP:193-213. (高級學術期刊,EI檢索,Accession number:20091111955872)
林子雨, 楊冬青, 王騰蛟. 利用基於移動均值的索引實現時間序列的相似查找. 軟體學報,Vol 19 (9), September, 2008.PP:1-13. (高級學術期刊,EI檢索,Accession number:20084011613568)
林子雨, 楊冬青, 宋國傑, 王騰蛟,唐世渭. 實時主動數據倉庫中多維數據實視圖的選擇. 軟體學報,Vol 19 (2), Feb, 2008.PP:301-313. (高級學術期刊,EI檢索,Accession number:20081311170345)
Ziyu Lin, Dongqing Yang, Guojie Song, and TengjiaoWang. User-oriented Materialized View Selection. Proceedings of the IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2007), 122-127.( EI檢索:Accession number: 080311031089)
Ziyu Lin, Dongqing Yang, Guojie Song, and Tengjiao Wang. Dealing with Query Contention Issue in Real-time Data Warehouses by Dynamic Multi-level Caches. Proceedings of the IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2007)
林子雨, 楊冬青, 宋國傑, 王騰蛟. 實時主動數據倉庫中面向需求的實時數據集成方法研究. 計算機研究與發展,2007, 44(Suppl.), 435-440.
林子雨, 楊冬青, 宋國傑, 王騰蛟. 實時主動數據倉庫中的變化數據捕捉研究綜述. 計算機研究與發展,2007, 44(Suppl.), 447-451.
Ziyu Lin, Yongsheng Xue and Xiaohua Lv. A new dynamic indexing structure for searching time-series patterns. In: Proceedings of ER2004 Workshops CoMoGIS, CoMWIM,ECDM, CoMoA, DGOV, and Ecomo, Shanghai, China, Nov, 2004. German, Springer-Verlag's Lecture No
薛永生,林子雨,段江嬌,呂曉華. 用多用戶多視窗處理多維視圖動態選擇. 計算機研究與發展,2004,Vol.41, No.10, Page:1703-1711.(EI 檢索)
Lin Z, Lai M, *Zou Q, Xue Y, Yang S, 2013. Probability-Based buffer replacement algorithm for flash-based databases. Chinese Journal of Computers, 36(8): 1568-1581.
Li Z, Li L, Hong W, *Li T, 2013. PENETRATE: personalized news recommendation using ensemble hierarchical clustering. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(6): 2127–2136.
*Zou Q, Wang Z, Guan X, Liu B, Wu Y, Lin Z,2013. An approach for identifying cytokines based on a novel ensemble classifier. Biomed Research International, 12(2): 686090
*Lin C, Lin Z, Zou.Q, 2013. Hybrid pseudo relevance feedback for microblog retrieval, Journal of Information Science, 39(6): 773-788
*Feng S, Ye L, Lin Z, 2014. Research on parallel association rules mining algorithm based on hadoop, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 543-547: 3625-3631.
*林子雨, 鄒權, 賴永炫, 林琛,2014. 關係資料庫中的關鍵字查詢結果動態最佳化, 軟體學報, 25(3):528-546.
*張東站, 蘇志鋒, 林子雨, 薛永生, 2014. 基於關係資料庫的top-k聚合關鍵字查詢, 計算機研究與發展, 51(4):918-929
*馮少榮, 葉林寶, 林子雨, 賴永炫, 2014. 一種基於評分策略和置信區間的代價敏感決策樹, 計算機研究與發展, 51(Suppl.Ⅰ): 239-249.


