Published about 40 papers in international journals;
Translated (into English) and published a book (Lin, J. (譯者), 2001. Marine Species and Their Distributions in China’s Seas. Krieger Publishing Company, in press, 598pp. (原著:中國海洋生物種類與分布,黃宗國主編,海洋出版社, 1994); Co-edited a book:方精雲(主編),唐艷紅,林俊達,蔣高明(副主編), 2000,全球生態學-氣候變化與生態回響。高等教育出版社和施普林格出版社, 319頁。
Served as the Principal Investigator (PI) on about 20 research projects, with over US$1 million;
Served as an Associate Editor for Journal of World Aquaculture Society (official publication of World Aquaculture Society);
Organized and chaired several international conferences;
Gave invited lectures and research seminars in many countries.
Served as panel expert reviewer for US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Sea Grant, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Agency (NOAA), US Department of Agriculture (USDA), US Aid for International Development (US AID) and other funding agencies; The Center for Field Studies, Chesapeake Bay Stock Assessment Program
Served as reviewer for Aquaculture, Biol. Bull., Chemosphere, Fish. Bull., J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. UK, J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., J. Shellfish Res., J. World Aquaculture Society, Marine Biology, Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. and Zootaxa.