


  • 中文名:東方
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:東南大學教授
  • 主要成就:在國際國核心心期刊及學術會議上發表論文10餘篇
  • 性別:男


2006.9 - 2011.3 東南大學計算機學院(博士),博士論文題目“面向動態環境的格線工作流自適應調度機制”。
2004.9 - 2006.6 南京理工大學計算機系(碩士),碩士論文題目“基於QoS的格線資源管理策略及任務調度算法研究”。
2000.9 - 2004.6 南京理工大學計算機系(本科),校優秀畢業生。
2011.5 - 至今 東南大學計算機科學與工程學院任教。
2011年3月獲得東南大學計算機系統結構專業工學博士學位,博士畢業後留校任教,在江蘇省"網路與信息安全"重點實驗室從事教學科研工作。作為主要成員參加完成國家自然科學基金、國家科技攻關計畫等多項國家級項目,在《Cluster Computing》、《Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing》、HPCC、ICPP、GlobeCom、CCGrid等國際國核心心期刊及學術會議上發表論文10餘篇。




[1] Fang Dong, Junzhou Luo, Aibo Song, Jiuxin Cao, Jun Shen. An Effective Data Aggregation based Adaptive Long Term CPU Load Prediction Mechanism on Computational Grid. Future Generation Computer Systems, 錄用。
[3] 金嘉暉, 羅軍舟, 宋愛波,東方. 基於數據中心負載分析的自適應延遲調度算法. 通信學報, 2011(7): 47-56。
[4] Junzhou Luo, Fang Dong, Jiuxin Cao and Aibo Song. A Novel Task Scheduling Algorithm Based on Dynamic Critical Path and Effective Duplication for Pervasive Computing Environment. Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing, 2010, 10(10): 1283-1302。
[5] Junzhou Luo, Fang Dong, Jiuxin Cao, Aibo Song. A Context-aware Personalized Resource Recommation for Pervasive Learning. Cluster Computing, 2010, 13(2): 213-239。
[6] 東方, 羅軍舟, 宋愛波. 面向Deadline約束的格線QoS任務調度. 華中科技大學學報自然科學版, 2006: 185-188。
[1] Fang Dong, Junzhou Luo, Aibo Song, Jiuxin Cao, Jun Shen. Load-aware based Adaptive Rescheduling Mechanism for Workflow Application. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design , 2011: 400-407。
[2] Fang Dong, Junzhou Luo, Jinhui Zhang, Aibo Song, Jiuxin Cao. Data Aggregation based Adaptive Long Term Load Prediction Mechanism in Grid Environment. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2010: 402-407。
[3] Fang Dong, Junzhou Luo, Aibo Song, Jiahui Jin. Resource Load based Stochastic DAGs Scheduling Mechanism for Grid Environment. The 12th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications-HPCC2010, 2010: 197-204。
[4] Runqun Xiong, Junzhou Luo, Aibo Song, Bo Liu and Fang Dong. Optimal QoS Preference-Aware Replica Selection Using MapReduce-Based PGA in Data Grids. The International Conference on Parallel Processing, 2011。
[5] Jiahui Jin, Junzhou Luo, Aibo Song, Fang Dong and Runqun Xiong. BAR: An Efficient Data Locality Driven Task Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Computing. The 11th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, 2011: 295-304。
[6] Wang Wei, Luo Junzhou, Song Aibo and Dong Fang. SLA-Based Resource Co-Allocation in Multi-Cluster Grid. IEEE Globe Communications Conference, 2010。
[7] Junzhou Luo, Fang Dong, Jiuxin Cao, Aibo Song, Bo Liu. A Multicontext-aware Resource Recommation Mechanism for Service-oriented Ubiquitous Learning Environment. The 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, 2008: 792-797。
[8] Fang Dong, Junzhou Luo. A Heterogeneous Dynamic Critical Path and Duplication based Task Scheduling Algorithm for Pervasive Computing. The 2th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, 2007: 457-462。
[9] Fang Dong, Junzhou Luo. QoS Matching Offset Oriented Resource Clustering Scheduling Algorithm in Grid Environment. The 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2007: 611-616。
[10] 東方, 羅軍舟. 基於兩階段全局動態關鍵路徑與有效任務複製的格線任務調度算法. 中國計算機大會, 2007。
[11] Fang Dong, Junzhou Luo, Lisha Gao and Liang Ge. A Grid Task Scheduling Algorithm Based on QoS Priority Grouping. The international conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing, 2006: 58-61。


