



  • 中文名:杭超
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:光與超冷原子氣體相互作用系統中的新奇量子效應與非線性效應
  • 就職院校華東師範大學
  • 性別:男




1.Chao Hang, Guoxiang Huang, and V.V. Konotop, “Tunable spectral singularities: coherent perfect absorber and laser in an atomic medium”, New Journal of Physics
2. Junyang Liu,Chao Hang, and Guoxiang Huang, “Weak-light rogue waves, breathers, and their active control in a cold atomic gas via electromagnetically induced transparency”, Phys. Rev.
3.Chao Hang, D. A. Zezyulin, G. Huang, and V. V. Konotop, “PT-Symmetric Waveguides With Tunable Parameters”,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics,
4. Yaroslav V. Kartashov,Chao Hang, Vladimir V. Konotop, Victor A. Vysloukh, Guoxiang Huang, and Lluis Torner, “Suppression and restoration of disorder-induced light localization mediated by PT -symmetry breaking”,Laser Photonics Rev.
5. Yaroslav V. Kartashov,Chao Hang, Guoxiang Huang, and Lluis Torner, “Three-dimensional topological solitons in PT-symmetric optical lattices”, Optica
1.Zhiming Chen, Zhengyang Bai, Hui-jun Li,Chao Hang, and Guoxiang Huang,“Storage and retrieval of (3+1)-dimensional weak-light bullets and vortices in a coherent atomic gas”,Sci. Rep.
2.Chao Hang, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Guoxiang Huang, and Vladimir V. Konotop,“Localization of light in a parity-time-symmetric quasi-periodic lattice”,Opt. Lett.
3.Chao Hang, Gregory Gabadadze, and Guoxiang Huang,“Giant Kerr nonlinearity and superluminal and subluminal polaritonic solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate via superradiant scattering”, Phys.
4.Chao Hangand Guoxiang Huang,“Weak-light solitons and their active control in a parity-time-symmetric atomic system”, Phys. Rev.
5. Zhenya Yan, Zichao Wen, andChao Hang, “Spatial solitons and stability in self-focusing and defocusing Kerr nonlinear media with generalized parity-time-symmetric Scarff-II potentials”, Physical Review E,
6. Ying Wang, Guosen Luo, Yu Zhou, andChao Hang, “Analytical solitonlike solutions and the dynamics of ultracold Fermi gases in a time-dependent three-dimensional harmonic potential”, Physical Review E,
7. Qi Zhang, Chaohua Tan,Chao Hang, and Guoxiang Huang,“Low-loss Airy surface plasmon polaritons”, Chinese Opt. Lett.
1.Chao Hang, D. A. Zezyulin, G. Huang, V. V. Konotop, and B. A. Malomed, “Tunable nonlinear double-core PT-symmetric waveguides”, Opt. Lett.
2.Yuli V. Bludov,Chao Hang, Guoxiang Huang, and Vladimir V. Konotop,”PT-symmetric coupler with a coupling defect: soliton interaction with exceptional point”, Opt. Lett.
3.Chao Hang, Zhengyang Bai, and Guoxiang Huang, “Storage and retrieval of Airy light wave packets in a coherent atomic system”, Phys. Rev.
4.Chao Hangand Guoxiang Huang, “Guiding ultraslow weak-light bullets with Airy beams in a coherent atomic system”, Phys. Rev.
5. Qiong Du,Chao Hang, and Guoxiang Huang, "Phase-controlled optical switching and slow- and weak-light solitons in a coherent molecular system with permanent dipole moments" J. Opt. Soc. Am.
1.Chao Hang, Guoxiang Huang, and V.V. Konotop, “PT Symmetry with a system os three-level atoms”, Phys. Rev. Lett.
2.Chao Hang, Dmitry A. Zezyulin, Vladimir V. Konotop, and Guoxiang Huang, “Tunable nonlinear parity–time-symmetric defect modes with an atomic cell”, Opt. Lett.
3.Chao Hangand Guoxiang Huang, “Slow-light Airy wave packets and their active control via electromagnetically induced transparency”, Phys. Rev.
4.Chao Hangand Guoxiang Huang, “Ultraslow helical optical bullets and their acceleration in magneto-optically controlled coherent atomic media”, Phys. Rev. A
5. K. Staliunas,Chao Hang, and V. V. Konotop, "Parametric patterns in optical fiber ring nonlinear resonators", Phys. Rev. A
6. Zhengyang Bai,Chao Hang, and Guoxiang Huang, “Subluminal and superluminal terahertz radiation in metamaterials with electromagnetically induced transparency”, Opt. Express
7. Zhengyang Bai,Chao Hang, and Guoxiang Huang, “Classical analogs of double electromagnetically induced transparency”, Opt. Comm.
8. Qiong Du,Chao Hang, and Guoxiang Huang, Crossover from spontaneously generated coherence to Autler-Townes splitting in three-level atomic systems, Int. J. Mod. Phys.
9. Zhengyang Bai,Chao Hang, and Guoxiang Huang, “Storage and retrieval of ultraslow optical solitons in coherent atomic system”, Chin. Opt. Lett.
1.Chao Hang, and Guoxiang Huang, "Stern-Gerlach effect of weak-light ultraslow vector solitons", Phys. Rev. A
2.Chao Hang, and Guoxiang Huang, "Ultraslow optical solitons in atomic media with spontaneously generated coherence", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
3. Huijun Li, Yanpo Wu,Chao Hang, and Guoxiang Huang, "(3+1)-dimensional superluminal spatiotemporal optical solitons and vortices at weak light level", Phys. Rev.


