An index of the relationship between the rating in % for a target audience (i.e. All 15-34) and for a reference audience (i.e. All Individuals 4+). Note: The user can choose the reference audience.
公式 : TgAfin% = {目標觀眾收視率(%) / 參照觀眾收視率 (%)} x 100
Formula: TgAfin% = (Rtg% for the target audience / Rtg% for the reference audience) x 100
An index showing the average loyalty of viewers, expressed as a percentage with a minimum and maximum result of 0% and 100% respectively. Note: The higher the index, the viewers are more loyal for the specified period and conditions on an average daily basis.
The percentage of the average daily contacts divided by the universe of the respected target. By default, the definition of "contacts" is "having viewed at least 1 minute" for the conditions specified.
Note: The definition can be defined by the user either by the number of minute(s) viewed or percentage of the time band viewed.
Formula: AvRch% = (Sum of the c ontacts in 000's per day / Number of days) / Universe of the respected target x 100
The average daily contacts expressed in thousands. By default, the definition of "contacts" is "having viewed at least 1 minute" for the conditions specified. Note: The definition can be defined by the user either by the number of minute(s) viewed or percentage of the time band viewed.
Formula: AvRch(000) = Sum of c ontacts in 000's per day / Number of days
Cont(000) 接觸度 (以千人為單位)
Contacts in 000's
The number of individuals reached by a given support expressed in thousands.
Formula : Cont(000) = Sum of the n umber of individuals contacted in a support
Cost 成本
The rate card cost for a support.
Cost/Cont 每千人成本
CPM (Cost per thousand)
The cost of the support for every one thousand contacts, expressed in currency units
公式: Cost/Cont = 廣告成本 x 1000 / 接觸度 (000)
Formula : Cost/Cont = Cost x 1000 / Cont (000)
Cost/GRP 每毛評點成本
CPRP (Cost per rating point)
The average cost for one rating point.
公式: Cost/GRP = 廣告成本 / 毛評點
Formula : Cost/GRP = Cost of the support / Rating in % of the support
The number of individuals in thousands who have viewed a campaign or a plan of supports once, twice…or n times. Note: The user can define the number of 'n' by using the "Maximum number of contacts" option.
The number of individuals in thousands who have viewed a campaign or a plan of supports once, twice…or n times, expressed as a percentage. Note: The user can define the number of 'n' by using the "Maximum number of contacts" optio n.
公式 : n+(%) = n+(000) / 總體電視推及人口
Formula: n+(%) = n+(000) / Universe of the chosen target
Duration 時長
The duration or length of a support, expressed in seconds.
ExcReach % 邊際到達率 (以百分比為單位)
Exclusive Reach in %
在媒介計畫中,去掉某條插播或某個載體而損失的到達率( 000 )占總體推及人口的百分比。
The number of Reach in % which is exclusive can be reached by a particular spot/support.
ExcReach (000) 邊際到達率 (以千人為單位)
Exclusive Reach in 000's
The number of Reach in 000's which is exclusive can be reached by a particular spot/support.
An index showing the loyalty of viewers, expressed as a percentage with a minimum and maximum result of 0% and 100% respectively. Note: The higher the index, the viewers are more loyal for the specified period and conditions.
公式 : Fid = ( 收視率 % / 到達率 %) x 100
Formula: Fid = (Rtg% / Rch%) x 100
OTS 平均暴露頻次
Opportunity To See (also known as Average Frequency)
The average number of contacts per viewer in a campaign, or a plan of supports. Relation between the cumulated contacts and the coverage reached in a plan of supports.
公式 : OTS = 累積接觸度 (000) / 到達率 (000)
Formula : OTS = Accumulated Rating in 000's / Total Reach in 000's
Rtg(000) 收視率 (以千人為單位)
Rating in 000's
The average number of the universe in 000's to a channel, programme, spot, specified target, time band or channel.
Formula: Rtg(000) = Sum of the total audience / Total number of time bands
Rtg% 收視率 (以百分比為單位) ( 也稱為電視收視率 )
Rating in % (also known as TVRs (TV Ratings))
The percentage of the average number of audience with respect to the universe of the determined target.
Formula: Rtg% = [(Sum of the total audience / Total number of time band) / Universe of the determined target] x 100 = (Rtg(000) / Universe) x 100
An index of the relationship between the rating in 000's of a target audience (i.e. All Male) and a reference audience (i.e. All Individuals 4+). Note: The user can choose the reference audience.
Formula: TgSat% = (Rtg 000's for the target audience / Rtg 000's for the reference audience) x 100
CTTV% 時段頻道貢獻
Time Band's Contribution to Reference Channel Group's Total
The contribution of TV viewing to a particular channel for a specified time band, compared to the TV viewing of a reference channel group for a determined total time band using the average minutes viewed. Note: The 'Reference Channel Group' and 'Total Time Band' used as reference can be specified by the user.
The contribution of TV viewing of a particular channel for a specified time band, compared with the TV viewing of the same channel for a total time band. Note: The 'Total Time Band' used as the reference can be chosen by the user.
公式 : CChn% = 某一頻道特定時段的收視時間(分鐘) / 該頻道總收視時間(分鐘) x 100
Formula: CChn% = Min. of a particular channel for a time band / Min. of the same channel for total time band) x 100
The index of the relationship between channel share for a specified time band compared to a reference time band for the same channel. Note: user can specify both time bands.
公式 : TBIndex% = ( 指定時段頻道占有率 / 參照時段頻道占有率 ) x 100
Formula: TBIndex% = (Channel Share for the specified time band / Channel Share for reference time band) x 100
The total number of contacts for a specified period divided by the universe of the respected target and expressed as a percentage. By default, the definition of "contacts" is "Having viewed at least 1 minute" for the conditions specified. In this case, an individual will be considered as a "contact" if he has viewed at least for one minute for the total period specified. Note: The definition can be defined by the user either by the number of minute(s) viewed or percentage of the time band viewed.
Formula: Rch% = Sum of c ontacts in 000's for the whole period / Universe of the respected target x 100
The total number of contacts for a specified period expressed in thousands. By default, the definition of "contacts" is "Having viewed at least 1 minute" for the conditions specified. In this case, an individual will be considered as a "contact" if he has viewed at least for one minute for the total period specified. Note: The definition can be defined by the user either by the number of minute(s) viewed or percentage of the time band viewed.
Formula: Rch(000) = Sum of c ontacts in 000's for the whole period
Min 人均接觸分鐘數
TV Consumption
The average daily minutes viewed for an audience, either by a specified channel or time band .
Formula: Min= Rtg% x Time Band's Total Length in Minute / 100