研究論文發表在國際頂級心理和行為健康期刊,包括Child Development, Journal of Personality, Health Psychology Review, Social Science & Medicine等。研究成果被《Pacific Standard》等國際媒體報導,並接受美國全國公共廣播電台(USA's National Public Radio)採訪。現擔任Asian Journal of Social Psychology客座主編和期刊編委,以及頂級SSCI期刊審稿人,如Child Development, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Neuroimage等。
- 中文名:杜洪飛
- 畢業院校:香港大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:貧富差距感知、文化、恐懼管理、健康
- 任職院校:廣州大學教育學院
- 職稱:副教授
Asian Journal of Social Psychology (2018-present)
AIDS and Behavior; AIDS Care; Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being;Asian Journal of Social Psychology; Basic and Applied Social Psychology; BMC Psychology; Culture, Health and Sexuality; Death Studies; Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine; Human Brain Mapping; International Journal of Psychology;Journal of Affective Disorders; Journal of Applied Sport Psychology; Journal of Child and Family Studies; Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology; Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health; Journal of Personality Assessment; Learning and Individual Differences; PLoS ONE; Psychology & Health; Psychology, Health & Medicine; Scandinavian Journal of Psychology; Substance Use and Misuse; Acta Psychologica Sinica (心理學報)
2014-2017 訪問助理教授(副研究員),澳門大學心理學系
2016-2019 國際研究員,健康研究中心,美國南卡羅來納大學
2012-2014 博士後研究員,兒童預防研究中心,美國韋恩州立大學
2010-2011 訪問學者,奧地利薩爾茨堡心理學系
貧富差距感知(economic inequality);文化(culture);恐懼管理(terror management);健康(well-being)
2017-2019 國家自然科學基金青年項目,“自我擴展作為一種恐懼管理的心理機制”,在研,項目主持人
1、Du, H., Chi, P., & King, R.B. (2019). Economic inequality is associated with long-term harm on adolescent well-being in China. Child Development. 90, 1016-1026. doi: 10.1111/cdev.13253 (SSCI Q1; IF: 5.024).
2、Du, H., King, R. B., & Chi, P. (2019). Income Inequality is Detrimental to Long-Term Well-Being: A Large-Scale Longitudinal Investigation in China. Social Science & Medicine.232,120-128. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.04.043 (SSCI Q1; IF: 3.087).
3、Du, H., Chen, A., Chi, P., & King, R.B. (2019). Person-culture fit boosts national pride: A cross-cultural study among 78 countries. Journal of Research in Personality. 81, 108-117. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2019.05.008. (SSCI Q1; IF: 2.85).
4、Chi, P., Zhao, S., Zhang, C., Li, X., Guo, Y., Lin, X., & Du, H. (in press). Effects of psychosocial interventions on children affected by parental HIV/AIDS: a meta-analysis on depression and anxiety. BMC Public Health. (SSCI Q2; IF: 2.567).
5、You, J., Zhu, Y., Liu, S., Wang, C., Wang, P., & Du, H. (in press). Socioeconomic disparities in psychological health: Testing the Reserve Capacity Model in a population-based sample of Chinese migrants. Journal of Health Psychology. doi: 10.1177/1359105319882763 (SSCI Q2; IF: 2.256).
6、Lin, X., Li, Y., Xu, S., Ding, W., Zhou, Q., Du, H., & Chi, P. (in press). Family Risk Factors Associated with Oppositional Defiant Disorder Symptoms, Depressive Symptoms, and Aggressive Behaviors among Chinese Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02062 (SSCI Q2; IF: 2.129).
7、Zeng, C., Li, X., Du, H., & Lin, D. (in press). Experiences of Stigma and Suicidal Behaviors among Rural-to-urban Migrants: The Mechanistic Roles of Depression and Substance Use. Psychology, Health & Medicine. doi: 10.1080/13548506.2019.1687921 (SSCI Q3; IF: 1.603).
8、Zeng, C., Li, X., Du, H., & Lin, D. (in press). Experiences of Stigma and Health-seeking Behavior among Rural-to-urban Migrants in China: The Mediation Role of Social Capita. Vulnerable Children & Youth Studies. (ESCI).
9、Zeng, C., Li, X., Du, H., & Lin, D. (in press). The Mechanism of Theory-based HIV Behavioral Intervention on Condom Use among Rural-to-urban Migrants in China: The Mediating Roles of HIV Knowledge and Self-efficacy. Health Behavior Research.
10、Li, Q., Chi, P., Hall, B., Wu, Q., & Du, H. (2019). Job stress and depressive symptoms among migrant workers in Macau: A moderated mediation model of perceived social support and self-esteem. Psych Journal. (SSCI Q3; IF: 1.216).
11、Cao, H., Li, X., Chi, P., Du, H., Wu, Q., Liang, Y., Zhou, N., & Fine, M. (2019). Within-couple configuration of gender-related attitudes and its association with marital satisfaction in Chinese marriage: A dyadic, pattern-analytic approach. Journal of Personality. (SSCI, Q1; IF: 3.483)
12、Chi, P., Du, H., King, R.B., Zhou, N., Cao, H., & Lin, X. (2019). Well-being contagion in the family: Transmission of happiness and distress between parents and children. Child Indicators Research. 12, 2189-2202. doi:10.1007/s12187-019-09636-4 (SSCI, Q1; IF: 1.858)
13、Chai, X., Du, H., Li, X., Su, S., & Lin, D. (2019). What Really matters for Loneliness among Left-behind Children in Rural China: A Meta-Analytic Review. Frontiers in Psychology. (SSCI, Q2; IF: 2.129)
14、Du, H., Li, X., Chi, P., Zhao, S., & Zhao, J. (2018). Loneliness and self-esteem in children affected by parental HIV: A 3-year longitudinal study. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. 11. 3-19. doi: 10.1111/aphw.12139 (SSCI, Q2; IF: 2.351)
15、Zhou, N., Geng, X., Du, H., Wu, L., Xu, J., Ma, S., . . . Meng, J. (2018). Personality and Problematic Internet Use Among Chinese College Students: The Mediating Role of Maladaptive Cognitions Over Internet Use. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. doi:10.1089/cyber.2018.0279 (SSCI, Q1; IF: 2.689)
16、Tam, C.C., Benotsch, E.G., Wang, X., Lin, D., Du, H., & P Chi. (2018). Non-medical use of prescription drugs and cultural orientation among college students in China. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.08.012 (SSCI, Q1; IF: 3.322)
17、Wu, Q., Chi, P., Zeng, X., Lin, X., & Du, H. (2018). Roles of anger and rumination in the relationship between self-compassion and forgiveness. Mindfulness. doi:10.1007/s12671-018-0971-7 (SSCI, Q1; IF: 3.024)
18、Du, H., Chi, P. & Li, X. (2018). High HIV prevalence predicts less HIV stigma: A cross-national investigation. AIDS Care. 30, 714-721. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2017.1401039 (SSCI, Q2; IF: 1.994)
19、Du, H., Li, X., Chi, P., Zhao, J., & Zhao, G. (2018). Psychometric properties of the Relational Self-Esteem Scale in a community-based sample in China. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 34, 154-161. doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000320 (SSCI, Q2; IF: 2.328)
20、Wu, Q., Chi, P., Lin, X., & Du, H. (2018). Child maltreatment and adult depressive symptoms: Roles of self-compassion and gratitude. Child Abuse & Neglect. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2018.03.013 (SSCI, Q1; IF: 2.899)
21、Du, H., King, R.B. & Chi, P. (2017). Self-esteem and subjective well-being revisited: The roles of personal, relational, and collective self-esteem. PLOS ONE. 12,e0183958. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0183958 (SSCI, Q1; IF: 2.806)
22、Du, H., Li, X., Chi, P., Zhao, J., & Zhao, G. (2017). Meaning in life, resilience, and psychological well-being among children affected by parental HIV. AIDS Care. 29. 1410-1416. doi:10.1080/09540121.2017.1307923 (SSCI, Q2; IF: 1.824)
23、Li, L., Lin, X., Hinshaw, S.P., Du, H., Qin, S. & Fang, X. (2017). Longitudinal associations between Oppositional Defiant Symptoms and interpersonal relationships among Chinese children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. (SSCI, Q2; IF: 1.824)
24、Lin, X., Liu, X., Xu, S., Olson, S., Li, Y., & Du, H. (2017). Depressive Symptoms among Children with ODD: Contributions of Parent and Child Risk Factors in a Chinese Sample. Journal of Child and Family Studies. (SSCI, Q3; IF: 1.386)
25、Guo, Y., Du, H., Xie, B., & Mo, L. (2017). Work engagement and job performance: the moderatingroleof perceived organizational support. Annals of Psychology. 33, 708-713.
26、Xue, Y., Xue, Z-Y, Zaroff, C., Chi, P., Du, H., Ungvari, G.S., Chiu, H.F.K., Yang, Y-P, & Xiang, Y-T. (2016). Associations of differentiation of self and adult attachment in individuals with anxiety-related disorders. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. doi: 10.1111/ppc.12200 (SSCI, Q3; IF: 1.130)
27、Du, H., & Chi, P. (2016). War, worries, and religiousness. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 7, 444-451. doi:10.1177/1948550616644296. (SSCI, Q1; IF: 2.325)
28、Du, H., King, R.B., & Chu, S.K.W. (2016). Hope, social support, and depression among Hong Kong youth: Personal and relational self-esteem as mediators. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 21. 926-931. doi:10.1080/13548506.2015.1127397 (SSCI, Q3; IF: 1.500)
29、Du, H., Fritsche, I., Talati, Z., Castano E., & Jonas, E. (2016). The possibility of self-determined death eliminates mortality salience effects on cultural worldview defense: Cross-cultural replications. Psychology. 7, 1004-1014. (Special Issue: Cultural/Cross-Cultural Psychology). doi: 10.4236/psych.2016.77101.
30、Chi, P., Li, X., Du, H., Tam, C.C., Zhao, J., & Zhao, G. (2016). Does Stigmatization Wear Down Resilience? A Longitudinal Study Among Children Affected by Parental HIV. Personality and Individual Differences. 96, 159–163. (SSCI, Q2; IF: 2.005)
31、Du, H., Li, X., Lin, D., & Tam, C.C. (2016). Cultural orientation and social capital as predictors of condom use among internal migrants in China. Health Education Journal. 75, 61-71. doi: 10.1177/0017896914563321. (SSCI, Q2; IF: 0.845)
32、Li, L., Lin, X., Chi, P., Heath, M.A., Fang, X., Du, H., & Wang, Z. (2016). Maltreatment and emotional and behavioral problems in Chinese children with and without oppositional defiant disorder: The mediating role of the parent-child relationship. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 31, 2915-2939. doi:10.1177/0886260515624234 (SSCI, Q2; IF: 1.547)
33、Lin, X., Li, L., Chi, P., Wang, Z., Heath, A.M., Du, H., & Fang, X. (2016). Child maltreatment and interpersonal relationship among Chinese children with oppositional defiant disorder. Child Abuse & Neglect. 51, 192-202. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.10.013 (SSCI, Q1; IF: 2.293)
34、Du, H., Bernardo, A. B. I., & Yeung, S. (2015). Locus-of-hope and life satisfaction: The mediating roles of personal self-esteem and relational self-esteem. Personality and Individual Differences, 83, 228-233. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2015.04.026 (SSCI, Q2; IF: 1.946)
35、Du, H., & Jonas, E. (2015). Being modest makes you feel bad: Effects of the modesty norm and mortality salience on self-esteem in a collectivistic culture. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 56, 86-98. doi: 10.1111/sjop.12175 (SSCI, Q2; IF: 1.364)
36、Du, H., Li, X., Weinstein, T. L., Chi, P., Zhao, J., & Zhao, G. (2015). Links between teacher assessment and child self - assessment of mental health and behavior among children affected by HIV/AIDS. AIDS Care, 27(7), 1-9. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2015.1009360 (SSCI, Q2; IF: 1.902)
37、Du, H., & Li, X. (2015). Acculturation and HIV-related sexual behaviours among international migrants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Psychology Review. 9, 103-122. doi: 10.1080/17437199.2013.840952. (SSCI, Q1; IF: 8.976)
38、Du, H., Li, X., Lin, D., & Tam, C.C. (2015). Collectivistic orientation, acculturative stress, cultural self-efficacy, and depression: A longitudinal study among Chinese internal migrants. Community Mental Health Journal, 51, 2, 239-248. doi: 10.1007/s10597-014-9785-9. (SSCI, Q3; IF: 1.154)
39、Du, H., Li, X., & Lin, D. (2015). Individualism and sociocultural adaptation: Discrimination and social capital as moderators among rural-to-urban migrants in China. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 18, 176–181. doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12085 (SSCI, Q3; IF: 1.261)
40、Du, H., Li, X., Chi, P., Zhao, J., & Zhao, G. (2015). Relational self-esteem, psychological well-being, and social support in children affected by HIV. Journal of Health Psychology. 20. 1568-1578. doi: 10.1177/1359105313517276 (SSCI, Q2; IF: 2.010)
41、Pfundmair, M., Aydin, N., Du, H., Yeung, S., Frey, D., & Graupmann, V. (2015). Exclude me if you can – Cultural effects on the outcomes of social exclusion. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 46. 579–596. doi: 10.1177/0022022115571203 (SSCI, Q2; IF: 1.795)
42、Chi, P., Li, X., Tam, C. C., Du, H., Zhao, G., & Zhao, J. (2015). Parenting practices mediates the impact of caregivers' distress on children’s well-being in families affected by HIV/AIDS. AIDS and Behavior, 19, 2130-2139. doi: 10.1007/s10461-015-1104-0 (SSCI, Q1; IF: 3.063)
43、Pfundmair, M., Graupmann, V., Du, H., Frey, D., & Aydin, N. (2014). Suddenly included: Cultural differences in experiencing re-inclusion. International Journal of Psychology. doi: 10.1002/ijop.12082 (SSCI, Q2; IF: 1.198)
44、Du, H., Li, X., Lin, D., & Tam, C. C. (2014). Hopelessness, individualism, collectivism, and substance use among young rural-to-urban migrants in China. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 2, 211-220. (ESCI)
45、Li, X., Lin, D., Wang, B., Du, H., Tam, C.C. & Stanton, B. (2014). Efficacy of theory-based HIV behavioral prevention among rural-to-urban migrants in China: A randomized controlled trial. AIDS Education and Prevention, 26, 296-316. (SSCI, Q1; IF: 1.881)
46、Du, H., Jonas, E., Klackl, J., Agroskin, D., Hui, E. K. P., & Ma, L. (2013). Cultural influences on terror management: Independent and interdependent self-esteem as anxiety buffers. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 1002-1011. (SSCI, Q1; IF: 2.285)
47、Du, H., & King, R.B. (2013). Placing hope in self and others: Exploring the relationships among self-construals, locus of hope, and adjustment. Personality and Individual Differences. 54, 332–337. (SSCI, Q2; IF: 1.861)
48、Du, H., King, R. B., & Chi, P. (2012). The development and validation of the Relational Self-esteem Scale. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 53, 258-264. (SSCI, Q2; IF: 1.147)