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  • 中文名:杜明偉
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校中國農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學











[1] Xiangru Wang, Yuru Hou, Mingwei Du, Dongyong Xu, Huaiyu Lu, Xiaoli Tian, Zhaohu Li. Effect of planting date and plant density on cotton traits as relating to mechanical harvesting in the Yellow River valley region of China. Field Crops Research. 2016, 198 (2016):112–121.
[2] Fuqiang Yang, Mingwei Du, Xiaoli Tian, A. Egrinya Eneji, Zhaohu Li. Cotton yield and potassium use efficiency as affected by potassium fertilizer management with stalks returned to field. Crop Science. 2016, 56(2): 740-746.
[3] Mingwei Du, Yi Li, Xiaoli Tian, Liusheng Duan, Mingcai Zhang, Weiming Tan, Dongyong Xu, Zhaohu Li. The phytotoxin coronatine induces abscission-related gene expression and boll ripening during defoliation of cotton. PLOS ONE. 2014, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097652.
[4] Mingwei Du, Xiaoming Ren, Xiaoli Tian, Liusheng Duan, Mingcai Zhang, Weiming Tan, Zhaohu Li. Evaluation of harvest aid chemicals for the cotton-winter wheat double cropping system. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2013, 12(2): 273-282.
[5] Wang Li, Mu Chun, Du Mingwei, Chen Yin, Tian Xiaoli, Zhang Mingcai, Li Zhaohu. The effect of mepiquat chloride on elongation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) internode is associated with low concentration of gibberellic acid. Plant Science. 2014, 225:15-23.
[6] Xiaoming Ren, Lizhen Zhang, Mingwei Du, Jochem B. Evers, Wopke van der Werf, Xiaoli Tian, Zhaohu Li. Managing mepiquat chloride and plant density for optimal yield and quality of cotton. Field Crops Research. 2013, 149:1-10.
[7] Ye Wang, Bo Li, Mingwei Du, A Egrinya Eneji, Baomin Wang, Liusheng Duan, Zhaohu Li, Xiaoli Tian. Mechanism of phytohormone involvement in feedback regulation of cotton leaf senescence induced by potassium deficiency. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2012, 63(16): 5887-5901.
[8] Yali Zhang, Hongzhi Zhang, Mingwei Du, Wei Li, Honghai Luo, Wah Soon Chow, Wangfeng Zhang. Leaf wilting movement can protect water-stressed cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants against photoinhibition of photosynthesis and maintain carbon assimilation in the field. Journal of Plant Biology. 2010, 53(1): 52-60.
[9] 黎芳,王希,王香茹,杜明偉,周春江,尹曉芳,徐東永,盧懷玉,田曉莉,李召虎. 黃河流域北部棉區棉花縮節胺化學封頂技術.中國農業科學. 2016,49(13): 2497-2510.
[10] 蔣建勛,杜明偉,田曉莉,張善,郭保全,李召虎. 影響黃河流域常規除草棉田機械採收的惡性雜草調查. 中國棉花. 2015.06: 8-11+3.
[11] 王希,杜明偉,田曉莉,譚偉明,徐東永,尹曉芳,王勇,段留生,李召虎. 黃河流域棉區棉花脫葉催熟劑的篩選研究. 中國棉花. 2015.05: 15-21.
[12] 賀崑崙,杜明偉,田曉莉,徐東永,尹曉芳,李召虎. 棉花種植密度對LAI-2200植物冠層分析儀測定葉面積指數的影響. 作物雜誌. 2015.05: 123-127.
[13] 王麗, 張明才, 杜明偉, 田曉莉, 李召虎. 赤黴素生物合成酶基因GhCPS和GhKS參與甲哌鎓對棉花幼苗葉片生長的控制. 作物學報. 2014, 40(8): 1350-1355.
[14] 段鵬飛, 杜明偉, 徐東永, 李召虎, 田曉莉. 密度和日照對冀中地區棉花產量和纖維品質的影響. 河北農業大學學報. 2013, 36(4): 1-6.
[15] 謝志霞, 杜明偉, 李茂營, 李召虎, 田曉莉, 段留生. 冠菌素對鹽脅迫下棉花幼苗中滲透調節物質和激素水平的調控. 農藥學學報. 2012, 14(03): 267-276.
[16] 謝志霞, 李茂營, 杜明偉, 李召虎, 田曉莉, 段留生. 冠菌素對棉花幼苗鹽害的緩解效應. 棉花學報. 2012, 24(6): 511-517.
[17] 杜明偉, 楊富強, 吳寧, 段留生, 李召虎, 郭志雄, 徐東永, 王優旭, 田曉莉. 長江中下游棉花產量相關性狀研究及棉太金的調控作用. 中國棉花. 2012, 39(6): 15-19.
[18] 杜明偉, 馮國藝, 姚炎帝, 羅宏海, 張亞黎, 夏東利, 張旺鋒. 雜交棉標雜A1和石雜2號超高產冠層特性及其與群體光合生產的關係. 作物學報. 2009, 35(6): 1068-1077.
[19] 杜明偉, 羅宏海, 張亞黎, 姚炎帝, 張旺鋒, 夏東利, 馬麗, 朱波. 新疆超高產雜交棉的光合生產特徵研究. 中國農業科學. 2009, 42(6): 1952-1962.
[4] Mingwei Du, Xiaoming Ren, Xiaoli Tian, Liusheng Duan, Mingcai Zhang, Weiming Tan, Zhaohu Li. Evaluation of harvest aid chemicals for the cotton-winter wheat double cropping system. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2013, 12(2): 273-282.
[5] Wang Li, Mu Chun, Du Mingwei, Chen Yin, Tian Xiaoli, Zhang Mingcai, Li Zhaohu. The effect of mepiquat chloride on elongation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) internode is associated with low concentration of gibberellic acid. Plant Science. 2014, 225:15-23.
[6] Xiaoming Ren, Lizhen Zhang, Mingwei Du, Jochem B. Evers, Wopke van der Werf, Xiaoli Tian, Zhaohu Li. Managing mepiquat chloride and plant density for optimal yield and quality of cotton. Field Crops Research. 2013, 149:1-10.
[7] Ye Wang, Bo Li, Mingwei Du, A Egrinya Eneji, Baomin Wang, Liusheng Duan, Zhaohu Li, Xiaoli Tian. Mechanism of phytohormone involvement in feedback regulation of cotton leaf senescence induced by potassium deficiency. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2012, 63(16): 5887-5901.
[8] Yali Zhang, Hongzhi Zhang, Mingwei Du, Wei Li, Honghai Luo, Wah Soon Chow, Wangfeng Zhang. Leaf wilting movement can protect water-stressed cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants against photoinhibition of photosynthesis and maintain carbon assimilation in the field. Journal of Plant Biology. 2010, 53(1): 52-60.
[9] 黎芳,王希,王香茹,杜明偉,周春江,尹曉芳,徐東永,盧懷玉,田曉莉,李召虎. 黃河流域北部棉區棉花縮節胺化學封頂技術.中國農業科學. 2016,49(13): 2497-2510.
[10] 蔣建勛,杜明偉,田曉莉,張善,郭保全,李召虎. 影響黃河流域常規除草棉田機械採收的惡性雜草調查. 中國棉花. 2015.06: 8-11+3.
[11] 王希,杜明偉,田曉莉,譚偉明,徐東永,尹曉芳,王勇,段留生,李召虎. 黃河流域棉區棉花脫葉催熟劑的篩選研究. 中國棉花. 2015.05: 15-21.
[12] 賀崑崙,杜明偉,田曉莉,徐東永,尹曉芳,李召虎. 棉花種植密度對LAI-2200植物冠層分析儀測定葉面積指數的影響. 作物雜誌. 2015.05: 123-127.
[13] 王麗, 張明才, 杜明偉, 田曉莉, 李召虎. 赤黴素生物合成酶基因GhCPS和GhKS參與甲哌鎓對棉花幼苗葉片生長的控制. 作物學報. 2014, 40(8): 1350-1355.
[14] 段鵬飛, 杜明偉, 徐東永, 李召虎, 田曉莉. 密度和日照對冀中地區棉花產量和纖維品質的影響. 河北農業大學學報. 2013, 36(4): 1-6.
[15] 謝志霞, 杜明偉, 李茂營, 李召虎, 田曉莉, 段留生. 冠菌素對鹽脅迫下棉花幼苗中滲透調節物質和激素水平的調控. 農藥學學報. 2012, 14(03): 267-276.
[16] 謝志霞, 李茂營, 杜明偉, 李召虎, 田曉莉, 段留生. 冠菌素對棉花幼苗鹽害的緩解效應. 棉花學報. 2012, 24(6): 511-517.
[17] 杜明偉, 楊富強, 吳寧, 段留生, 李召虎, 郭志雄, 徐東永, 王優旭, 田曉莉. 長江中下游棉花產量相關性狀研究及棉太金的調控作用. 中國棉花. 2012, 39(6): 15-19.
[18] 杜明偉, 馮國藝, 姚炎帝, 羅宏海, 張亞黎, 夏東利, 張旺鋒. 雜交棉標雜A1和石雜2號超高產冠層特性及其與群體光合生產的關係. 作物學報. 2009, 35(6): 1068-1077.
[19] 杜明偉, 羅宏海, 張亞黎, 姚炎帝, 張旺鋒, 夏東利, 馬麗, 朱波. 新疆超高產雜交棉的光合生產特徵研究. 中國農業科學. 2009, 42(6): 1952-1962.


