- 中文名:杜建鑌
- 資歷:副教授
- 工作單位:清華大學航天航空學院
- 主要研究領域:結構和材料拓撲最佳化技術
1999-2001,博士後,密西根大學(Ann Arbor)航空工程系
2008- ,副教授,清華大學航院
1. *Zhou, Pingzhang; Du, Jianbin; Lv, Zhenhua, Topology optimization of freely vibrating continuum structures based on nonsmooth optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2017 (online published, doi:10.1007/s00158-017-1677-5, pp1-16).
2. *Zhou, Pingzhang; Du, Jianbin; Lv, Zhenhua, Interval analysis based robust truss optimization with continuous and discrete variables using mix-coded genetic algorithm, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2017 (online published, doi:10.1007/s00158-017-1668-6, pp1-18)..
3. Olhoff, Niels; *Du, Jianbin, Generalized incremental frequency method for topological design of continuum structures for minimum dynamic compliance subject to forced vibration at a prescribed low or high value of the excitation frequency, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (DOI 10.1007/s00158-016-1574-3), 54(5), pp 1113-1141, 2016/11.
4. *Du, Jianbin; Sun, Chuangchuang, Reliability-based vibro-acoustic microstructural topology optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (DOI:10.1007/s00158-016-1571-6), 55(4), pp 1195-1215, 2017/4.
5. Olhoff, Niels; *Du, Jianbin, (Keynote lecture)A Generalized Incremental Frequency Method for FrequencyResponse Topology Optimization of Vibro-acoustic Structures, Asian Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2016 (ACSMO2016), 2016/5/22-2016/5/26, Nagasaki, 2016/5/22, 特邀報告.
6. *杜建鑌, 結構動力學和聲學拓撲最佳化(“結構拓撲最佳化的理論與方法高級講習班”邀請報告), 中國,大連(NSFC高級講習班邀請報告), 2016/8/29.
7. *Du, Jianbin; Huang, Zhenting; Yang, Ruizhen, Optimization of the motion control mechanism of the hatch door of airliner, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, (online published, DOI: 10.1007/s00158-014-1191-y), 51(5), pp 1173-1186, 2015/05.
8. 梁軒;*杜建鑌, 基於準靜態實驗的減隔震支座非線性動力學分析, 北京力學會第21屆學術年會暨北京振動工程學會第22屆學術年會, p 11, 中國北京, 2015/1/11.
9. 梁軒;*杜建鑌, 採用減震榫橋樑非線性動力學分析計算方法, 工程力學, ( DOI:10.6052/j.issn.1000-4750.2014.09.0752), 33(4), pp 136-143, 2016/4.
10. 白會彥;杜建鑌, 某減速機構剛度分析及測試, 計算機輔助工程, 25(05), pp 7-11,2016/10/31 (DOI: 10.13340 /j.cae.2016.05.002)
11. Liang, Xuan; *Du, Jianbin, Integrated multi-scale vibro-acoustic topology optimization of structure and material, 11th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation (WCSMO-11), 2015/6/7-2015/6/12, Sydney, 2015/06/07, 口頭報告.
12. *Du, Jianbin; Sun, Chuangchuang, Reliability-Based Microstructural Topology Design with Respect to Vibro-Acoustic Criteria, 11th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation (WCSMO-11), 2015/6/7-2015/6/12, Sydney, 2015/06/07, 口頭報告.
13. *Du, Jianbin; Yang, Ruizhen, Vibro-acoustic design of plate using bi-material microstructural topology optimization, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 29(4), pp 1413-1419, 2015/04/01.
14. *杜建鑌, 結構最佳化及其在振動和聲學設計中的套用, 北京: 清華大學出版社, 2015/04/20.
15. *Du J.B.; Huang Z.T., Bi-level design optimization of the hatch door mechanism, 4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering, ADME 2014, Vol635-637, 2014/7/26-2014/7/27, pp 127-130, 2014.
16. *Du, Jianbin; Yang, Ruizhen, Vibro-acoustic design of bi-material plate using topology optimization at microscale, The Eighth China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems (CJK-OSM8), Gyeongju, Korea, 2014/05/25-2014/05/29, 2014/05/25, 口頭報告.
17. *杜建鑌, 基於減振降噪的空間站結構多目標多尺度拓撲最佳化技術, 第三屆載人航天學術大會, 2014/10/15-2014/10/17, pp 641-647, 成都, 2014/10/15, 口頭報告.
18. *Du, Jianbin; Yang, Ruizhen, Microscopic Layout Design of Metamaterial, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 633-634卷, pp 1273-1276, 2014/11/07.
19. Niels Olhoff; Jianbin Du, Introductory Notes on Topological Design Optimization of Vibrating Continuum Structures, in book (Chapter 10): Topology Optimization in Structural and Continuum Mechanics, Rozvany, George I. N.; Lewinski, Tomasz, Springer Vienna, pp 259-273, Springer Vienna, 2014.
20. Niels Olhoff; Jianbin Du, Structural Topology Optimization with Respect to Eigenfrequencies of Vibration, in book (Chapter 11): Topology Optimization in Structural and Continuum Mechanics, Rozvany, George I. N.; Lewinski, Tomasz, Springer Vienna, pp 275-297, Springer Vienna, 2014.
21. Niels Olhoff; Jianbin Du, Topological Design for Minimum Dynamic Compliance of Structures under Forced Vibration, in book (Chapter 13): Topology Optimization in Structural and Continuum Mechanics, Rozvany, George I. N.; Lewinski, Tomasz, Springer Vienna, pp 325-339, Springer Vienna, 2014.
22. Niels Olhoff; Jianbin Du, Topological Design for Minimum Sound Emission from Structures under Forced Vibration, in book (Chapter 14): Topology Optimization in Structural and Continuum Mechanics, Rozvany, George I. N.; Lewinski, Tomasz, Springer Vienna, pp 341-357, Springer Vienna, 2014.
23. Yang Ruizhen, *Du Jianbin, 2013, Microstructural topology optimization with respect to sound power radiationStructural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 47(2), pp 191-206, 2013/2.
24. *Du, Jianbin, Olhoff, Niels, 2010, Topological design of vibrating structures with respect to optimum sound pressure characteristics in a surrounding acoustic mediumStructural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 42(1), pp 43-54, 2010/7.
25. Du, Jianbin, Olhoff, Niels, 2007, Topological design of freely vibrating continuum structures for maximum values of simple and multiple eigenfrequencies and frequency gapsStructural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 34(2), pp 91-110, 2007/8.
26. Du, Jianbin, Olhoff, Niels, 2007, Minimization of sound radiation from vibrating bi-material structures using topology optimizationStructural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 33(4-5), pp 305-321, 2007/4.
27. Du, J, Olhoff, N, 2004, Topological optimization of continuum structures with design-dependent surface loading - Part I: new computational approach for 2D problemsStructural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 27(3), pp 151-165, 2004/5.
28. Du, J, Olhoff, N, 2004, Topological optimization of continuum structures with design-dependent surface loading - Part II: algorithm and examples for 3D problemsStructural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 27(3), pp 166-177, 2004/5.
29. *Du, J, Taylor, JE, 2002, Application of an energy-based model for the optimal design of structural materials and topologyStructural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 24(4), pp 277-292, 2002/10.
30. Niels Olhoff, Jianbin Du, On Topological Design Optimization of Structures Against Vibration and Noise Emission, Computational Aspects of Structural Acoustics and Vibration, G?ran Sandberg and Roger Ohayon, Springer Vienna, pp 217-276, 奧地利, 2009/6/18.
31. *杜建鑌, 宋先凱, 董立立, 基於拓撲最佳化的聲學結構材料分布設計, 力學學報, 43(02), pp 306-315, 2011.
32. 宋先凱, *杜建鑌, 基於最佳化模型的結構聲學耦合界面載荷傳遞算法, 計算力學學報, 29(1), pp 6-12, 2012/2.
33. 侯政, *杜建鑌, 基於APDL的結構拓撲最佳化程式開發及在C919客機艙門鉸鏈臂設計中的套用, 計算機輔助工程, 22(1), pp 10-15, 2013/2.
34. Yang, Ruizhen, *Du, Jianbin, VIBRO-ACOUSTIC DESIGN BASED ON MICROSTRUCTURE TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION, The Seventh China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems (CJK-OSM7), 2012/6/18-2012/6/21, Huangshan, 2012/6/18, 口頭報告.
35. *Du, Jianbin, Song, Xiankai, Olhoff Niels, Topological Design of Acoustic Structure based on the BEM-FEM Format and the Mixed Formulation, WCSMO9 - 9th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2011/6/13-2011/6/17, Shizuoka, 2011/6/13, 口頭報告.
36. Huang, Zhenting, Yang, Ruizhen, *Du, Jianbin, Liu, Ruosi, Li, Zhen, Parameter Optimization of the Hatch Mechanism of ARJ21, 9th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO9), 2011/6/13-2011/6/17, Shizuoka, 2011/6/13, 口頭報告.
37. *Du, Jianbin, Song, Xiankai, FEM-BEM based structural-acoustic topology optimization using the mixed formulation, The 6th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems (CJK-OSM6), 2010/6/22-2010/6/25, Kyoto, 2010/6/22, 口頭報告.
38. *杜建鑌,宋先凱, 基於聲學準則的阻尼材料分布最佳化設計, 第一屆結構及多學科最佳化工程套用與理論研討會(CSMO-2009), 2009/9/3-2009/9/4, 大連, 2009/9/3, 口頭報告.
39. *Jianbin Du, Niels Olhoff, Minimization of Sound Pressure in the Acoustic Field Generated by Vibrating Structures using Topology Optimization, The 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO8), 2009/6/1-2009/6/5, Lisbon, 2009/6/1, 口頭報告.
40. Olhoff, Niels, Du, Jianbin, Topology Optimization of Structures Against Vibration and Noise, 12th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV12), 2005/7/11-2005/7/14, Lisbon, 2005/7/11, 特邀報告.
41. *Du, Jianbin; Yang, Ruizhen, TOPOLOGICAL DESIGN OF ACOUSTIC MICROSTRUCTURE, XXIII ICTAM2012, 2012/8/19-2012/8/24, Beijing, 2012/8/19, Oral presentation.