現為國際低平地協會(IALT)秘書長,國際土力學與岩土工程學會會員,中國岩石力學與工 程學會安全與防護工程理事,中國土木工程學會土力學與岩土工程分會會員。 現為國際學術期刊【The Open Journal of Waste Management】【The Open Journal of Ocean Engineering】編委。曾擔任過國際學術期刊【Lowland Technology International】 副主編(Associate Editor),擔任過國際期刊【ASCE Journal of Geotech. & Geoenviron. Engrg.】、【Canadian Geotech. Journal】、【Waste Management】、【Journal of Hazardous Materials】、【Environmental Geology】
40. M.Azizul Moqsud, M. Habibur Rahman, Shigenori Hayashi, Y.J. Du (2008). An assessment of
modified composting barrel for sustainable organic waste management in Bangladesh. Journal of Solid
Waste Technology and Management 34(1): 35-46 (EI).
International Conference
1. Du Y.J. Hayashi S., Suetsugu D., MD. Azizul Moqsud (2007). Laboratory Investigation of Deterioration and Natural Remediation of the Ariake Sea Tidal Flat Mud Caused by the Sea Laver Treatment Practice and Upward Seawater Seepage. ISOPE 2007,
2. M.Azizul Moqsud, Shigenori Hayashi, Y.J. Du and Daisuke Suetsugu (2007). Assessment of Temperature Profile in Contaminated Tidal Flat in the Ariake Sea, Japan. Proceedings of the seventeenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering conference, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 564-567.
3. M.Azizul Moqsud, Shigenori Hayashi, Y.J. Du and Daisuke Suetsugu, S.Tanaka, Y. Shimoda (2007) . An exploration of Geoenvironmental condition of the Ariake Sea, Japan. Proceedings of the seventeenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering conference, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 568-571.
4. Du, Y.J., Hayashi S., Suetsugu D., M.Azizul Moqsud, Ushihara U. (2007). Experimental Study on Deterioration and Natural Remediation of the Ariake Sea Tidal Mud Caused by the Sea Laver Treatment Practice and the Upward Seawater Seepage Respectively. Proc. 6th Conference on EnvironmentalGeotechnical Engineering, Fukuoka, Japan, 73-78.
5. Tri Harianto, Shigenori Hayashi, Yan-Jun Du, Daisuke Suetsugu, Tomoaki (2007). Kumagai,Tetsuaki Shimazoe. Effects of Fiber Admixtures on the Desiccation Crack Behavior of the Compacted Akaboku Soil Potentially Used as A Landfill Cover Barrier Material. Proc. 6th Conference on Environmental Geotechnical Engineering, Fukuoka, Japan, 73-78.223-226.
6. Tri Harianto, Shigenori Hayashi, Yan-Jun Du, Daisuke Suetsugu (2007). An Evaluation of Fiber Admixtures on the Desiccation Crack Behavior of the Compacted Akaboku Soil Potentially Used as A Landfill Cover Barrier Material. Proc. 60th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 8th Joint CGS/IAH- CNC Groundwater Conference, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 1377-1382.
7. P. Poungchompu, S. Hayashi, Y.J. Du and D. Suetsugu, and Bergado D.T. (2007). Laboratoy studies on timber Raft & Pile foundation on soft ground. Proc. 60th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 8th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 1809-1815.
8. Du Y. J., Hayashi S., Bergado, D. T. and Liu S.Y. (2007). Operation and management consideration of a proposed landfill barrier system and its performance evaluation. Proc. 60th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 8th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Ottawa, Canada, pp.1369-1376.
9. Du Y.J. Hayashi S., and Shen S.L. (2007). Evaluation of performance of two standard municipal solid waste landfill liner systems. International Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering, Ground Improvement and Geosynthetics for Human Security and Environmental Preservation, AIT (in press)
10. Du Y.J. Hayashi S., Suetsugu D., Moqsud, M.A., and Ushihara Y. (2007). Laboratory study on impacts of sea laver treatment practice on inhabitation conditions of Agemaki shell living in the Ariake Sea tidal areas. 第6回海環境と生物及び沿岸環境修復技術に関するシンポジウム、福岡、pp. 77-82.
11. Zha F.S.,Liu S.Y.,Du Y.J.,Zhu Z.D.(2006). Experimental study on improvement of expansive clays with fly ash. Proceedings of International Symposium on Lowland Technology, 137-143.
12. Du Y.J. Hayashi S. Liu S.Y. (2006). Study of sorption of two heavy metals on Ariake clay for evaluating its use as landfill barrier. Proceedings of International Symposium on Lowland Technology,
13. Du Y.J. Liu S.Y. Hayashi S. (2006). An Assessment of Ariake Clay for its potential use an a landfill barrier. Proceeding of 5th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Vol. 1, 430-437.
14. Du, Y. J. and Hayashi, S. (2005). Assessment on potential utilization of Ariake clay as soil barrier material. 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Osaka, Japan.
15. Chai, X. J., Hayashi, S. and Du, Y. J. (2004). Contribution of Dilatancy to pollout capacity of nails in sand clay. Int. Conf. on Soil Nailing and Stability of Soil and Rock Engrg., Oct., Nanjing, China (accepted).
16. Du, Y. J. and Hayashi, S. (2004). Investigation on factors influencing sorption of two heavy metals on Ariake clay. Vietnam-Japan Joint Seminar on Geotechnics and Geoengineering in Hanoi (accepted)
17. Du, Y. J. and Hayashi, S. (2004). Evaluation on performance of proposed new barrier system. Proc. International Symposium on Lowland Technology (ISLT2004), Bangkok, pp.207-212.
18. Chai, X. J., Hayashi, S. and Du, Y. J. (2004). Proc. International Symposium on Lowland Technology (ISLT2004), Bangkok, pp.217-222.
19. Hayashi, S. Du,Y. J., (2003). Investigation on the effect of acid treatment agents of sea laver on the geoenvironmental properties of tidal flat muds in Ariake gulf. International Symposium 2003 on Soil/Ground Improvement and Geosynthetics in Waste Contaminant and Erosion Control Applications, AIT, Bangkok, pp.85-95 (Invited Lecture).
20. Du, Y. J., Hayashi, S. (2003). Evaluation on the performance of a proposed soil barrier system in waste disposal site. Geotechnical Engineering in Urban Construction (Ed. Yu, Y. Z. and Akagi, H.). Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China: pp. 252-259.
21. Hayashi, S., Du, Y. J. (2003). Investigation on effect of acid treatment agent on the change in geoenvironmental properties of sediment in the Ariake Sea. Geotechnical Engineering in Urban Construction (Ed. Yu, Y. Z. and Akagi, H.). Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China: pp. 264-271.
22. Du, Y. J., Hayashi, S. (2003). Experimental study on migration of K+ in clay underlain by saturated sand. 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, August 4- 8, Singapore: pp. 369-373 (ISTP).
23. Du, Y. J., Hayashi, S. (2002). Assessment on the potential application of Ariake clay as soil barrier
material. International Seminar on Advances and Practice of Geotechnical Engineering, Shanghai,
December 7-8: pp. 157-174.
24. Hayashi, S., Du, Y. J. (2002). Application of foundation information database and GIS to regional disaster prevention planning – A case study about Saga plain. International Seminar on Advances and Practice of Geotechnical Engineering, Shanghai, December 7-8: 84-102.
25. Du, Y. J., and Hayashi, S. (2002). Study on migration of K+ in Ariake clay underlain by saturated sand. Geoenvironmental Engineering: Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sites. Bangkok, AIT, pp. 57-210.
26. Du, Y. J., and Hayashi, S. (2002) Advective-diffusive migration of contaminant through a multi-layer soil system. Computing in Geotechnique 2002 Conference, Canada, pp.90-95.
27. Hayashi, S., and Du, Y. J. (2002). Selected factors controlling the diffusive transport through clayey soil. 6th International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development, Korea, pp.347- 355.
28. Du, Y. J., Hayashi, S., Liu, S. Y., and Sasaki, A. (2001). Influence of leachate composition on adsorption and diffusion properties of clay soil. Submitted to Sardinia 2001-Eighth International Waste Management and Landfill
Symposium, October, Italy. Vol. 3, pp. 265-272.
29. Du, Y. J., Hayashi, S., Hino, T., and Tanaka, K. (2000). Approach to the contaminant absorption properties of the Kyushu regional soils Proceedings of Geo2000 Conference, paper No. Eg 0550, Melbourne, Australia, full paper in CD collections, and Extended Abstracts in Volume 2, pp.242.
30. Du, Y. J., and Hayashi, S. (2000). Study on the swell properties and soil improvement of compacted expansive soil. In Unsaturated Soils for Asia, Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils Rahardjo, H., Toll, D. G., and Leong, E. C. Ed., A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp . 639-644.
31. Hayashi, S., Du, Y. J. (2002). Geotechnical investigation on construction techniques of historical remains. Indian Geotechnical Conference, Allahad, December 22-23: Vol. 2, pp.747 (Invited Lecture).
32. Du, Y. J., and Hayashi, S. (2002). Study on migration of K+ in Ariake clay underlain by saturated sand. Geoenvironmental Engineering: Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sites. Bangkok, AIT, pp. 57-210 (Invited Lecture).
33. Du, Y. J., and Hayashi, S. (2002) Advective-diffusive migration of contaminant through a muli-layer soil system. Computing in Geotechnique 2002 Conference, Canada, pp.90-95.
34. Hayashi, S., and Du, Y. J. (2002). Selected factors controlling the diffusive transport through clayey soil. 6th International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development, Korea, pp.347- 355.