

杜學森,男,博士,重慶大學能源與動力工程學院副教授,博士生導師。本科畢業於浙江大學,2008年進入浙江大學能源清潔利用國家重點實驗室攻博,2012-2013年受國家公派赴美國University of Notre Dame聯合培養,2014年獲得博士學位。2014年6月進入重慶大學工作。曾參與美國能源部(DOE)研究項目、國家863課題、國家重大支撐項目等重大項目10餘項。現承擔國家自然科學基金、重慶市科委項目、企業橫向項目等多項課題。近年來在國際高水平期刊上發表SCI檢索論文30餘篇,論文被引用超過540次(Google Scholar),H-index為13。曾受邀在環境催化及燃燒領域重要國際會議上做報告3次,國內會議報告4次。

受邀擔任國內外期刊Fuel、Energy & Fuel、Journal of physical chemistry審稿人,受重慶市環保局邀請擔任重慶市大氣污染排放標準評審人。曾獲教育部博士研究生學術新人獎、高廷耀環保基金會全國優秀青年博士獎、重慶市科技進步三等獎、南方電網科技進步二等獎等。


  • 中文名:杜學森
  • 畢業院校:University of Notre Dame
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:化學工程
  • 職務:重慶大學能源與動力工程學院博士生導師
  • 職稱:副教授




(1)2012.8–2013.8, University of Notre Dame,化學工程,聯合培養博士


(1)霧霾前驅體(NO、VOCs)的高效脫除技術(NOx removal,VOCs oxidation);
(2)新型水煤氣反應制氫及催化過程研究(Water Gas Shift,catalysis);
(3)新型脫硝催化劑設計及中毒研究(catalyst design,catalyst poisoning);
(4)揮發性有機污染物(VOCs)的吸附及控制(VOCs adsorption and control);







1.Xuesen Du*; Jingyu Xue; Xiangmin Wang; Yanrong Chen; Jingyu Ran; Li Zhang, Oxidation of Sulfur Dioxide over V2O5/TiO2 Catalyst with Low VanadiumLoading: A Theoretical Study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122(8), 4517-4523. (SCI/EI, IF=4.5)
2.Wang, X.; Du, X. *; Zhang, L.; Yang, G.; Chen, Y.; Ran, J., Simultaneous Fast Decomposition of NH4HSO4 and Efficient NOx Removal by NO2 Addition: An Option for NOx Removal in H2O/SO2-Contained Flue Gas at a Low Temperature. Energy & Fuels 2018, 32 (6), 6990-6994.
3.Wang, X.; Du, X.*; Zhang, L.; Chen, Y.; Yang, G.; Ran, J., Promotion of NH4HSO4 decomposition in NO/NO2 contained atmosphere at low temperature over V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst for NO reduction.Applied Catalysis A: General2018,559, 112-121.
4.Guangpeng Yang ; Jingyu Ran;Xuesen Du(*); Xiangmin Wang; Yanrong Chen; Li Zhang, Different copper species as active sites for NH3-SCR reaction over Cu-SAPO-34 catalyst and reaction pathways: A periodic DFT study , Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2018, 266, 223-231.
5.Du, X. *; Yang, G.; Chen, Y.; Ran, J.; Zhang, L., The different poisoning behaviors of various alkali metal containing compounds on SCR catalyst.Applied Surface Science2017,392, 162-168.(SCI/EI, IF=3.4)
6.Du, X.*; Tang, J.; Chen, Y.; Yang, X.; Ran, J.; Zhang, L. Adsorption of As4O6 from flue gas by zeolites: Influence of pore structure and Al substitution.Micropor Mesopor Mater2017,243, 22-27.(SCI/EI, IF=3.6)
7.Du, X.*; Wang, X.; Chen, Y.; Gao, X.; Zhang, L., Supported metal sulfates on Ce–TiOx as catalysts for NH3–SCR of NO: High resistances to SO2 and potassium.Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2016, 36, 271-278.(SCI/EI, IF=3.7)
8.Du, X. S. *; Tang, J. Y.; Gao, X.; Chen, Y. R.; Ran, J. Y.; Zhang, L., Molecular Transformations of Arsenic Species in the Flue Gas of Typical Power Plants: A Density Functional Theory Study.Eneryg & Fuels2016,30(5), 4209-4214.(SCI/EI, IF=2.8)
9.Niu, J.;Du, X.*;Ran, J.; Wang, R., Dry (CO2) reforming of methane over Pt catalysts studied by DFT and kinetic modeling. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 376, 79-90.(SCI/EI, IF=3.4)
10.Ji, P. D.; Gao, X.;Du, X. S.; Zheng, C. H.; Luo, Z. Y.; Cen, K. F., Relationship between the molecular structure of V2O5/TiO2 catalysts and the reactivity of SO2 oxidation.Catalysis Science & Technology2016, 6 (4), 1187-1194.(SCI/EI, IF=6.9)
11.Niu, J. T.; Ran, J. Y.; Li, L. Y.;Du, X. S.; Wang, R. R.; Ran, M. C., Effects of trapezoidal bluff bodies on blow out limit of methane/air combustion in a micro-channel.Applied Thermal Engineering2016,95, 454-461.(SCI/EI, IF=3.4)
12.Du Xuesen,Gao Xiang,Qiu Kunzan,Luo Zhongyang,Cen Kefa,The reaction of poisonous alkali oxides with vanadia SCR catalyst and the afterward influence: A DFT and experimental study,Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2015,119(4):1905-1912.(SCI/EI, IF=4.5)
13.Du, Xuesen,Gao, Xiang,Hu, Wenshuo,Yu, Jinpin,Luo, Zhongyang,Cen, Kefa,Catalyst Design Based on DFT Calculations: Metal Oxide Catalysts for Gas Phase NO Reduction,Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2014,118(25):13617-13622.(SCI/EI, IF=4.5)
14.Du, Xuesen,Gao, Xiang,Cui, Liwen,Zheng, Zhizhan,Ji, Peidong,Luo, Zhongyang,Cen, Ke-fa,Experimental and theoretical studies on the influence of water vapor on the performance of a Ce-Cu-Ti oxide SCR catalyst,Applied Surface Science,2013,270:370-376.(SCI/EI, IF=3.7)
15.Du, Xue-sen,Gao, Xiang,Cui, Li-wen,Fu, Yin-cheng,Luo, Zhong-yang,Cen, Ke-fa,Investigation of the effect of Cu addition on the SO2-resistance of a Ce-Ti oxide catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3,Fuel,2012,92(1):49-55.(SCI/EI, IF=4.6)
16.Du, Xuesen,Gao, Xiang,Qu, Ruiyang,Ji, Peidong,Luo, Zhongyang,Cen, Ke-fa,The Influence of Alkali Metals on the Ce-Ti Mixed Oxide Catalyst for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx,ChemCatChem,2012,4(12):2075-2081.(SCI/EI, IF=4.8)
17.Du, Xuesen,Gao, Xiang,Fu, Yincheng,Gao, Feng,Luo, Zhongyang,Cen, Kefa,The co-effect of Sb and Nb on the SCR performance of the V2O5/TiO2 catalyst,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2012,368:406-412.(SCI/EI, IF=4.2)
18.Gao, Xiang,Du, Xue-sen,Fu, Yin-cheng,Mao, Jian-hong,Luo, Zhong-yang,Ni, Ming-jiang,Cen, Ke-fa,Theoretical and experimental study on the deactivation of V2O5 based catalyst by lead for selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxides,Catalysis Today,2011,175(1):625-630.(SCI/EI, IF=4.6)
19.Gao, Xiang,Du, Xue-sen,Cui, Li-wen,Fu, Yin-cheng,Luo, Zhong-yang,Cen, Ke-fa,A Ce-Cu-Ti oxide catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3,Catalysis Communications,2010,12(4):255-258.(SCI/EI, IF=3.3)
20.Gao, Xiang,Du, Xue-sen,Jiang, Ye,Zhang, Yang,Luo, Zhong-yang,Cen, Ke-fa,A DFT study on the behavior of NO2 in the selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxides with ammonia on a V2O5 catalyst surface,Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical,2010,317(1-2):46-53.(SCI/EI, IF=3.8)
21.Qi, W. J.; Ran, J. Y.; Wang, R. R.; Du, X. S.; Shi, J.; Ran, M. C. Kinetic mechanism of effects of hydrogen addition on methane catalytic combustion over Pt(111) surface: A DFT study with cluster modeling.Comp Mater Sci2016,111, 430-442.(SCI/EI, IF=4.6)
22.Gao, Xiang,Liu, Shaojun,Zhang, Yang,Du, Xuesen,Luo, Zhongyang,Cen, Kefa,Low temperature selective catalytic reduction of NO and NO2 with NH3 over activated carbon-supported vanadium oxide catalyst,Catalysis Today,2011,175(1):164-170.(SCI/EI, IF=4.6)


(1)杜學森,基金進展交流報告-基於多尺度分子模擬的脫硝催化劑抗中毒機理研究,2017年中國工程熱物理學會燃燒學學術會議暨基金燃燒項目進展交流會,鐘山賓館, 2017.10.13-2017.10.15
(2)Xuesen Du ; Xiang Gao ,An atomic determination on the alkali metals poisoning of a V2O5 /TiO2 catalyst for SCR of NOx, 7th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis, 2012.09.02-2012.09.06


(1)杜學森;王向民;陳艷容;楊廣鵬;楊仲卿;冉景煜;張力,一種基於Fast SCR反應的中低溫含硫煙氣高效脫硝裝置及方法, 2017.6.21,中國, CN201710475256.1
(2)杜學森;王向民;陳艷容;向勁瑤;楊仲卿;蒲舸;冉景煜;張力,一種硫中毒SCR脫硝催化劑原位再生方法及裝置, 2017.7.6,中國, CN201710545601.4
(3)杜學森;楊政;陳艷容;楊仲卿;蒲舸;冉景煜;張力,一種具有高抗鹼金屬中毒的SCR脫硝催化劑及製備方法, 2016.6.17,中國, CN201610437405.0
(4)杜學森;楊鑫;資棟樑;歐金樹;陳艷容;楊仲卿;冉景煜;蒲舸,一種基於低溫電漿技術的廚房油煙淨化裝置及系統, 2017.1.13,中國, CN201710026037.5


