


  • 中文名:杜俊波
  • 國籍:中國
杜俊波博士研究生,四川農業大學農學院 副教授
2001.09-2005.06:西華師範大學生命科學學院 環境科學 本科
2005.09-2007.09:四川大學生命科學學院 植物學 碩士
2007.09-2011.06:四川大學生命科學學院 植物學 博士
2008.09-2010.06:美國俄克拉荷馬大學植物與微生物學系 聯合培養博士
2011.09-2013.07:蘭州大學生命科學學院 博士後
2013.09-2014.01:四川農業大學農學院 講師
2014.01-今:四川農業大學農學院 副教授
1. 大豆類受體激酶感知和調控非生物脅迫的分子機制
植物類受體激酶是位於細胞膜上的單次跨膜蛋白,在細胞與細胞間、細胞與內外環境的早期感知過程中起著至關重要的作用,一般處於信號轉導的最上游。生物信息學分析表明,模式植物擬南芥中至少含有610 多個類受體激酶,大豆中至少含有1412 個類受體激酶編碼基因,它們作用於植物生長發育及環境應答等多個生物學過程。當植物受到環境脅迫等刺激時,細胞質膜表面的受體激酶通常作為信號刺激的原初感受器,一般以受體-共受體的形式相互磷酸化,將胞外信號傳遞到胞內並級聯放大,調控下游基因表達,使植物細胞作出應答。目前僅有少數類受體激酶被發現參與調控非生物脅迫的應答過程。我們主要以大豆幼苗為研究材料,運用遺傳學、蛋白組學、磷酸化組學等方法篩選大豆中調控蔭蔽反應、高溫、乾旱等非生物脅迫的關鍵類受體激酶,並綜合運用生理學、遺傳學、分子生物學和生物化學的方法,將這些受體激酶編碼基因轉化入大豆或模式植物擬南芥,研究其生物學功能,揭示它們介導的非生物脅迫的早期應答機制。
2. 大豆中重要基因資源的開發與利用
1. Junbo Du, Shu Yuan , Yanger Chen , Xin Sun , Zhongwei Zhang, Fei Xu, Ming Yuan, Jing Shang and Honghui Lin. Comparative expression analysis of dehydrins between wild barley and Tibetan hulless barley associated with different stress resistance. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 33: 567-574, 2011.
2. Junbo Du, Hongju Yin, Shasha Zhang, Zhuoyun Wei, Baolin Zhao, Jinghua Zhang, Xiaoping Gou, Honghui Lin and Jia Li. Somatic embryogenesis receptor kinases control root development mainly via brassinosteroid-independent actions in Arabidopsis thaliana.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 54 (6): 388–399, 2012.
3. Xiaoping Gou, Hongju Yin, Kai He, Junbo Du, Jing Yi, Shengbao Xu, Honghui Lin, Steven D. Clouse and Jia Li. Genetic evidence for an indispensable role of somatic embryogenesis receptor kinases in brassinosteroid signaling. PLoS Genetics, 8 (1): e1002452, 2012.
4. Fei Xu, Dawei Zhang, Jianhui Wang, Zhongwei Zhang, Lin Wen, Junbo Du, Jing Shang, Ming Yuan, Shu Yuan and Honghui Lin. n-propyl gallate is an inhibitor to tomato fruit ripening. Journal of Food Biochemistry.doi:10.1111/j.1745-4514.2011.00580.x, 2012.
5. Jia Li, Junbo Du, Kai He and Xiaoping Gou. Cell-death control by receptor kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana. RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASES IN PLANTS: From Development to Defense. Springer, 5000字, 2012. (英文專著章節)
6. Liwei Xue, Junbo Du, Hui Yang, Fei Xu, Shu Yuan, Honghui Lin (2009). Brassinosteroids counteract abscisic acid in germination and growth of Arabidopsis. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 64c: 225-230.
7. Yanger Cheng, Shu Yuan, Junbo Du, Moyun Xu, Zhongwei Zhang, Honghui Lin (2009). Phosphorylation of photosynthetic antenna protein CP29 and photosystem II structure changes in monocotyledonous plants under environmental stresses. Biochemistry, 48: 9757-9763.
8. Xin Sun, Dehui Xi, Hong Feng, Junbo Du, Tao Lei, Houguo Liang, Honghui Lin (2009). The dual effects of salicylic acid on dehydrin accumulation in water stressed barley. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 56: 348-354.
9. Yang Cao, Zhongwei Zhang, Liwei Xue, Junbo Du, Jing Shang, Fei Xu, Shu Yuan, Honghui Lin (2009). Lack of salicylic acid in Arabidopsis protects plants against moderate salt stress. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung,64c: 231-238.
10. Wenjuan Liu, Yanger Cheng, Wenjuan Tian, Junbo Du, Zhongwei Zhang, Fei Xu, Fan Zhang, Shu Yuan, Honghui Lin (2009). Dephosphorylation of photosystem II proteins and phosphorylation of CP29 inbarley photosynthetic membranes as a response to water stress. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta– Bioenergetics, 1787: 1238-1245.
11. Ming Yuan, Shu Yuan, Yanger Cheng, Junbo Du, Fei Xu, Zhongwei Zhang, Zichan Guo, Zhongyi Zhao, Honghui Lin (2010) . Light regulation to chlorophyll synthesis and plastid development of the chlorophyll-less golden-leaf privet. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52 (9): 809-16.
12. Minghua Luo, Shu Yuan, Yanger Cheng, Wenjuan Liu, Junbo Du, Tao Lei, Mabin Wang, Honghui Lin (2009). Effects of salicylic acid on the photosystem II of barley seedlings under osmotic stress. Biologia Plantarum, 53: 663-669.
13. Hui Yang, Xiaoping Gou, Kai He, Dehui Xi, Junbo Du, Honghui Lin, Jia Li (2010). BAK1 and BKK1 inArabidopsis thaliana confer reduced susceptibility to turnip crinkle virus. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 127: 149-156.
14. Ming Yuan, Shu Yuan, Zhongwei Zhang, Fei Xu, Yanger Cheng, Junbo Du, Honghui Lin (2010). Putative mutation mechanism and light-responses of a protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase-less barley mutant NYB. Plant & Cell Physiology, 51 (8): 1361-71.
15. Dawei Zhang, Fei Xu, Zhongwei Zhang, Yanger Cheng, Junbo Du, Shudan Jia, Shu Yuan, Honghui Lin (2010). Effect of light on cyanide-resistant respiration and alternative oxidase function in Arabidopsis seedlings.PlantCell&Environment, 33: 2121-2131.


