



  • 書名:材料的切口強度與切口敏感性:切口件的失效準則
  • 頁數:360頁
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 裝幀:精裝


; 第1版 (2008年3月1日)
叢書名: 新材料科學與工程
正文語種: 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787030201614
條形碼: 9787030201614
尺寸: 24 x 17 x 2.4 cm
重量: 721 g


鄭修麟,1933年2月12日出生於南京。材料疲勞斷裂專家,第七屆、第八屆全國人民代表大會代表,航空工業部有突出貢獻專家。畢業於原華東航空學院飛機系,任教原華東航空學院、西北工業大學。發表論文300餘篇,出版論著及教材有《金屬疲勞的定量理論》、《切口件的斷裂力學》、《材料的力學性能》、《金屬材料的疲勞》、 《工程材料的力學行為》等。獲教育部優秀教材獎一項,八次分別獲國家教委、航空工業部、鐵道部、航空工業總公司、陝西省科技進步獎。




Chapter 1 General Introduction
1.1 Purpose and Importance of Failure Research
1.2 Main Considerations in Failure Research
1.3 Research on Notch Strength of Materials
1.4 Outline of the Present Book
1.5 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 2 Fracture Mechanics of Notched Elements
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Notch Stress and Strain Analysis
2.3 Criterion for Crack Initiation
2.4 Fracture Criteria of Notched Elements
2.5 Quantitative Evaluation of Notch Sensitivity of Materials
2.6 Notch Strength and Fracture Toughness
2.7 Notch Strength Diagram of Materials
2.8 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 3 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Steels
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Test Procedures of Notch Strength
3.3 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of High Strength Seels
3.4 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Medium Carbon Steel
3.5 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Stainless Steel
3.6 Factors Affecting Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity
3.7 Prediction of Fracture Toughness of Steels
3.8 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 4 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Cast Irons
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Gray Cast Iron under Tension and Bending
4.3 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Gray Cast Iron under Torsion
4.4 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Nodular Cast Iron under Tension
4.5 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Nodular Cast Iron under Torsion
4.6 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 5 Tensile Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Nonferrous Alloys
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Aluminum Alloys
5.3 Fracture Toughness of Aluminum Alloys
5.4 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of AI-Li Alloys
5.5 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Titanium Alloys
5.6 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Magnesium Alloys
5.7 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Nickel-Base Super alloys
5.8 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Cobalt-Base Super-alloys
5.9 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of Commercial Tungsten
Chapter 6 Notch Strength of Ceramics under Bending
Chapter 7 Notch Strength of Ceramics under Tension
Chapter 8 Notch Strength of Brittle Materials under Torsion
Chapter 9 Notch Strength of Ceramic under Compression
Chapter 10 Fracture Criterion for Ceramic Notched Elements under Combined Tension/Torsion
Chapter 11 Notch Strength of Ceramics at High Loading Speeds
Chapter 12 Notch Strength of Ceramics at Elevated Temperatures
Chapter 13 Notch Strength and Notch Sensitivity of PMMA Glasses
Chapter 14 Fracture and Strength of Notched Elements of Composites


