
《材料工程專業英語》是2014年冶金工業出版社出版,王曉麗,朱燕玉,胡小龍 編。


  • 中文名:材料工程專業英語
  • 作者:王曉麗,朱燕玉,胡小龍 編
  • 出版社:冶金工業出版社 
  • 出版時間:2014年1月1日
  • 頁數:184 頁
  • 定價:28.00 元
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787502464509




0 The Steelmaking Process
PART I Introduction to Iron and Steel
I The Application of Steel
Text 1 The Versatility of Steel
Text 2 The Development of New Steel Grades
Text 3 Materials for High-performance Products
Text 4 A Wide Variety of Processing Properties
Text 5 Problem-free Recycling
Key Words and Expressions
Difficult Sentences Analyses
2 Steel this Innovative Material
Text 1 The Degree of Steel
Text 2 The Development of Steel
Text 3 Fundamentals of Steel
Text 4 The Various Grades of Steel
Text 5 Manufacturing Process for Iron and Steel
Key Words and Expressions
Difficult Sentences Analyses
Skills and Training I
PART II Iron Making and Steel Making
3 Raw Materials for the Production of Iron and Steel
Text 1 The Iron Ores
Text 2 Scrap
Text 3 Fuels and Reducing Agents
Text 4 Fluxes
Text 5 Refractories
Key Words and Expressions
Difficult Sentences Analyses
4 From Ore to Steel
Text 1 Reducing Iron Ore
Text 2 Blast Furnace——-Converter
Text 3 The Electric Arc Furnace
Text 4 Secondary Metallurgy
Text 5 Special Developments
Key Words and Expressions
Difficult Sentences Analyses
5 Reduction of Iron Ores
Text 1 Ironmaking
Text 2 The Blast Furnace Process
Text 3 Reactions in the Blast Furnace
Text 4 The Blast Furnace Products
Text 5 Hot Metal Pretreatment
Key Words and Expressions
Difficult Sentences Analyses
6 Steelmaking
Text 1 Charge Materials
Text 2 Refining
Text 3 Oxygen Metallurgy
Text 4 Electric Steelmaking
Text 5 Secondary Metallurgy (Post-treatment of Steel)
Key Words and Expressions
Difficult Sentences Analyses
Skills and Training II
PART III Iron and Steel Casting
7 Steel Casting in the Metallurgical Plant
Text 1 Casting
Text 2 Ingot Casting
Text 3 The Production Stages in Continuous Casting
Text 4 The Primary Features of Continuous Casting
Text 5 Types of Continuous Casting Plants
Key Words and Expressions
Difficult Sentences Analyses
8 Iron and Steel as Casting Alloys
Text 1 Cast Iron
Text 2 Lamellar Graphite Cast Iron
Text 3 Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron
Text 4 Malleable Cast Iron
Text 5 Cast Steel
Key Words and Expressions
Difficult Sentences Analyses
Skills and Training III
PART IV Steel Rolling
9 The Forming of Steel
Text 1 The Forming of Steel
Text 2 Rolling
Text 3 Rolled Steel Products
Text 4 Other Hot-forming Processes
Text 5 Heat Treatment of Steel
Key Words and Expressions
Difficult Sentences Analyses
10 Rolling Mill Installations
Text 1 Roll Stands
Text 2 Roll Stand Types
Text 3 Rolling-mill Rolls
Text 4 Rolling-mill Furnaces
Text 5 Structural Parts of Walking Beam Furnace
Key Words and Expressions
Difficult Sentences Analyses
Skills and Training IV
PART V Assurance
11 Materials Testing and Quality Assurance
Text 1 The Fundamentals
Text 2 Materials Testing
Text 3 Quality Assurance
Key Words and Expressions
Difficult Sentences Analyses
12 Operation and Maintenance Manual
Text 1 Operating and Safety Instructions
Text 2 Meaning of Symbols
Text 3 General Safety Regulations
Text 4 General Operation Regulations
Text 5 Safety Equipment and Danger Areas
Key Words and Expressions
Difficult Sentences Analyses
Skills and Training V
New Words and Expressions


