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  • 中文名:李黎
  • 國籍中國


2006.9-2011.6 華中農業大學植物科學與技術學院微生物學博士;
2011.7-2012.1 華中農業大學植物科學與技術學院科研助理;
2012.2-2017.8 中科院武漢植物園獼猴桃種質資源與育種學科組助理研究員;
2015.2-2015.5 紐西蘭梅西大學前沿科學研究所訪問交流;
2016.2-2017.2 英國牛津大學植物科學系訪問學者;
2017.9-至今 中科院武漢植物園獼猴桃種質資源與育種學科組副研究員。




第一屆獼猴桃潰瘍病國際研討會 學術委員會成員
湖北省特色水果創新團隊 獼猴桃植物保護崗位科學家
浙江泰順束懷瑞院士工作站、雲南省鐘彩虹專家工作站 專家組成員




1 國家自然科學基金青年項目:獼猴桃應答果實軟腐病菌侵染的轉錄組研究及關鍵抗性基因挖掘,2018-2020,25萬
2 中國科學院項目:科技扶貧項目,高效安全省力化獼猴桃生產技術研發, 2021-2023, 100萬;植物基因組學國家重點實驗室開放課題, 獼猴桃潰瘍病抗性機理解析及抗性分子標記的開發, 2022, 5萬.
3 湖北省農業廳項目:特色水果生態高效栽培及采後處理創新體系獼猴桃植物保護崗位,2019-2021,60萬
4 湖北省科技廳項目:面上項目,獼猴桃應答軟腐病關鍵抗性基因的功能驗證,2018-2019,6萬;青年項目,中國獼猴桃潰瘍病菌的流行機制研究,2014-2015,6萬;省重點研發計畫項目, 基於物聯網設備和作物模型的獼猴桃數位化育種系統研發, 2022-2024, 100萬.
5 武漢市科技局套用基礎前沿項目:納米銀防治獼猴桃真菌性軟腐病的分子機理研究,2018-2020,50萬
6 橫向項目:湖北赤壁神山科技興農有限公司獼猴桃病害研究經費,2019-2024,35萬;長江獼猴桃產業技術研究中心研發課題 獼猴桃潰瘍病及軟腐病的發生規律及綠色防控技術研究,2021-2024,20萬


  1. Li Li, Hui Pan, Lei Deng, Guoliang Qian, Zupeng Wang, Wenyi Li, Caihong Zhong. The antifungal activity and mechanism of silver nanoparticles against four pathogens causing kiwifruit post-harvest rot. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022, 13: 988633.
  2. Bozhen Wang, Li Li, Yuheng Li, Danyu Shen, Xiaolong Shao, Caihong Zhong, Guoliang Qian. Targeted isolation of biocontrol agents from plants through phytopathogen co-culture and pathogen enrichment. Phytopathology Research. 2022, 4:19.
  3. Hui Pan, Caihong Zhong, Lungang Xia, Wenyi Li, Zupeng Wang, Lei Deng, Li Li, Chao-an Long. Antifungal activity of natamycin against kiwifruit soft rot caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea and potential mechanisms. Scientia Horticulturae. 2022, 305:111344.
  4. Hairong Zhang, Haoming Wu, Hai Xia, Caihong Zhong, Li Li, Chi Zeng. Genomic characterization of two nickie-like bacteriophages that infect the kiwifruit canker phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae.Archives of Virology.2022,167:1713-1715.
  5. Caihong Zhong, Wenjun Huang,Zupeng Wang, Li Li,Dawei Li, Qiong Zhang, Tingting Zhao,Peng Zhang. The breeding progress and development status of the kiwifruit industry in China.Acta Horticulturae.2022, 1332, 445-454.
  6. Li Li, Hui Pan, Lei Deng, Dandan Feng, Caihong Zhong. First report of bacterial leaf spot disease of Broussonetia papyrifera caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae in China. Plant Disease. 2021,105(3): 696.
  7. Dawei Li,Fei Han, Xiaoying Liu, Haiyan Lv, Li Li, Hua Tian, Caihong Zhong. Localized graft incompatibility in kiwifruit: analysis of homografts and heterografts with different rootstock & scion combinations. Scientia Horticulturae. 2021, 283, 110080.
  8. ZupengWang, Xiaoying Liu, Xiaodong Xie, Lei Deng, HaoZheng, Hui Pan, Dawei Li, Li Li, Caihong Zhong. ABE8e with polycistronic tRNA-gRNA expression cassette significantly improves adenine base editing efficiency in Nicotiana benthamiana. International journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021, 22, 5663.
  9. Hui Pan, Lei Deng, Yinghua Zhang, Dandan Feng, Caihong Zhong, Li Li. First report of anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on Akebia trifoliata in China. Plant Disease. 2020. 105(2): 499.
  10. Rachel M. Wheatley, Brandon L. Ford#, Li Li, Samuel T.N. Aroney, Hayley E. Knights, Raphael Ledermann, Alison K. East, Vinoy K.Ramachandran, Philip S. Poole. Lifestyle adaptations of Rhizobium from rhizosphere to symbiosis. PNAS. 2020,117 (38):23823-23834.
  11. Li Li, Hui Pan, Lei Deng, Zupeng Wang, Dawei Li, Qiong Zhang, Meiyan Chen,Caihong Zhong.First Report of Alternaria tenuissima causing brown spot disease of kiwifruit foliage in China. Plant Disease. 2019,3:582.
  12. Christina Straub, Elena Colombi, Li Li, Hongwen Huang, Matthew D. Templeton, Honour C. McCann, Paul B. Rainey. The ecological genetics of Pseudomonas syringae from kiwifruit leaves. Environmental microbiology, 2018, 20(6): 2066-2084.
  13. Li Li, Hui Pan, Meiyan Chen, Shengju Zhang, Caihong Zhong. First report of Nigrospora oryzae causing brown/black spot disease of kiwifruit in China. Plant Disease. 2018, 1:243.
  14. Zupeng Wang, Shuaibin Wang, Dawei Li, Qiong Zhang, Li Li, Caihong Zhong , Yifei Liu, Hongwen Huang. Optimized paired-sgRNA/Cas9 cloning and expression cassette triggers high-efficiency multiplex genome editing in kiwifruit. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2018, 16:1424-1433.
  15. Li Li, Hui Pan, Wei Liu, Meiyan Chen, Caihong Zhong. First report of Diaporthe actinidiae causing stem-end rot of kiwifruit in Hunan and Hubei provinces, China. Plant Disease. 2017, 6:1054.
  16. Honour C. McCann, Li Li, Yifei Liu, Dawei Li, Hui Pan, Caihong Zhong, Erik H.A. Rikkerink, Matthew D. Templeton, Christina Straub, Elena Colombi, Paul B. Rainey, Hongwen Huang. Origin and evolution of the kiwifruit canker pandemic. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2017, 9: 932-944.
  17. Li Li, Hui Pan, Meiyan Chen, Shengju Zhang, Caihong Zhong. Isolation and identification of pathogenic fungi causing post-harvest fruit rot of kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis) in China. Journal of Phytopathology. 2017, 11-12: 782-790.
  18. Zupeng Wang, Yifei Liu, Li Li, Dawei Li, Qiong Zhang, Yangtao Guo, Shuaibin Wang, Caihong Zhong, Hongwen Huang.Whole transcriptome sequencing of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae-infected kiwifruit plants reveals species-specific interaction between expression of long non-coding RNA and coding genes. Scientific Reports.2017, 7(1): 4910.
  19. Zupeng Wang, Yifei Liu, Dawei Li, Li Li, Qiong Zhang, Yangtao Guo, Shuaibin Wang, Hongwen Huang.Identification of circular RNAs in kiwifruit and species-specific response to bacterial canker pathogen invasion.Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017, 8: 413.
  20. Yifei Liu, Dawei Li, Qiong Zhang, Chi Song, Caihong Zhong… ..Li Li… ..et al. Rapid radiations of both kiwifruit hybrid lineages and their parents shed light on a two-layer mode of species diversification. New Phytologist. 2017, 215:877-890.
  21. 李黎, 潘慧, 李文藝, 鄧蕾, 陳美艷, 鐘彩虹. 13種獼猴桃潰瘍病防治藥劑的藥效評價及復配藥劑開發.中國果樹, 2022, 7:57-61.
  22. 馮丹丹, 鄧蕾, 蘇琦雅, 劉德江, 鐘彩虹, 李黎.間座殼菌Diaporthe actinidiae的綠色螢光蛋白基因標記及侵染過程研究. 菌物學報,2022,41(3):450-458.
  23. 李黎, 馮丹丹, 潘慧, 李文藝, 鄧蕾, 汪祖鵬,鐘彩虹. 獼猴桃花粉13種滅菌方法比較及其對果實品質影響分析.園藝學報,2022,49(4):784-792.
  24. 鄧蕾,馮丹丹,汪祖鵬,潘慧,鐘彩虹,李黎.農桿菌介導的小孢擬盤多毛孢遺傳轉化及突變體篩選.菌物學報,2021,40(9): 2355-2363.
  25. 馮丹丹,鄧蕾,汪祖鵬,潘慧,李文藝,鐘彩虹,李黎.寄主誘導的基因沉默在增強植物真菌病害抗性方面的研究進展. 植物科學學報, 2021, 39(3):316-323.
  26. 李文藝, 李潔維, 王發明, 張晉, 鐘彩虹, 李黎. 廣西獼猴桃春季病害鑑定. 湖北民族大學學報(自然科學版),2021, 39(4): 361-365.
  27. 李黎, 潘慧, 鄧蕾, 張瑩華, 馮丹丹,鐘彩虹.獼猴桃真菌性軟腐病的發生規律及綜合防治技術.中國果樹, 2020(6): 1-5.
  28. 鐘彩虹,李黎, 潘慧, 鄧蕾, 陳美艷.獼猴桃細菌性潰瘍病的發生規律及綜合防治技術. 中國果樹, 2020(1):9-13,18.
  29. 鄧蕾, 潘慧, 張瑩華,鐘彩虹,胡秋舲, 謝義福, 周鵬, 雷靖, 李黎. 獼猴桃果實腐爛病高效防治藥劑的田間驗證.中國南方果樹, 2020,49(4):19-22.
  30. 李黎,潘慧,鄧蕾,陳美艷,鐘彩虹.獼猴桃果實腐爛病最佳防治藥劑的室內篩選.中國南方果樹,2019, 48(4):83-86.
  31. 潘慧, 鄧蕾, 陳美艷, 張勝菊, 劉康猛, 張慶朝, 莊期海,李黎, 鐘彩虹. 浙江省泰順縣獼猴桃周年病害調查及病原菌鑑定, 江蘇農業科學, 2019,47(14) : 104-111.
  32. 潘慧, 胡秋舲, 張勝菊, 祖達, 李黎, 鐘彩虹. 六盤水市獼猴桃周年主要病害調查及病原鑑定, 植物保護, 2018,44(4):125-131.
  1. 中國獼猴桃種質資源 中國林業出版社 2013
  2. Kiwifruit: The Genus ACTINIDIA, ELSEVIER 2016
  3. 獼猴桃研究進展VII-VIIII 科學出版社 2014,2018,2019
  4. 獼猴桃栽培理論與生產技術,2020
  5. 獼猴桃生產精細管理十二個月,2020
  1. 一種擬莖點黴菌的快速誘導產孢方法及其套用, 2015.12.23, 中國, 授權編號: ZL 201510733574.4.
  2. 一種獼猴桃抗潰瘍病雙向脫毒大苗生產方法, 2017.11.16,中國,授權編號:ZL 201711163410.8.
  3. 一種用於獼猴桃花粉潰瘍病滅菌的臭氧處理方法. 專利申請號:202010999647.5.
  4. 一種用於帶潰瘍病菌獼猴桃花粉的鈷輻射滅菌方法. 專利申請號:202010999646.0.
  1. 獼猴桃苗木質量標準,六盤水市地方標準 DB 5202/T 003-2018
  2. 獼猴桃病蟲害控制技術標準,六盤水市地方標準 DB 5202/T 007-2018
  3. 昭通獼猴桃優質苗木繁育技術規程,昭通市地方標準 DB 5306/T55-2020
  4. 昭通獼猴桃肥水管理技術規程,昭通市地方標準 DB 5306/T59-2020昭通獼猴桃主要病蟲害控制技術標準,昭通市地方標準 DB 5306/T63-2020
  1. RC197,綠珠,中科綠獼1、3、4、5、6、9、10、11、12號等。


