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李道亮,男,中國農業大學信息與電氣工程學院教授,博士生導師,長江學者特聘教授;兼任國際信息處理聯合會農業信息處理分會主席,國際雜誌information processing in agriculture主編,國家農村信息化指導組專家等職;承擔國家自然科學基金,國家863計畫項目,歐盟框架計畫和horizon2020計畫項目等40餘項,積極開展了養殖水質感測器、水產養殖最佳化調控模型、水產養殖智慧型裝備研究;第一完成人獲省部級科技一、二等獎7項,第一發明人獲授權國家發明專利27項,出版專著6部,發表SCI/EI論文200餘篇;獲教育部長江學者獎勵計畫,中組部國家萬人計畫科技創新領軍人才、科技部中青年科技領軍人才、農業部傑出科研人才、教育部新世紀人才、中國科協先進科技工作者,農業物聯網首席科普專家稱號等榮譽。


  • 中文名:李道亮 
  • 國籍:中國 
  • 民族:漢 
  • 出生地:山東墾利 
  • 出生日期:1971年2月 
  • 職業:教師 
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士/研究生 
  • 專業方向:農業信息先進感知與智慧型處理研究 
  • 職務:中歐農業信息技術研究中心主任 
  • 學術代表作:農業物聯網導論
  • 發表論文數目:269篇(截至2019年7月) 


2006.01– 至今 中國農業大學信息與電氣工程學院教授,從事農業信息智慧型感知與處理研究
2003.10 - 2005.12 中國農業大學工學院教授,從事農業信息智慧型處理研究
2001.10 - 2003.09 中國農業大學工學院副教授,從事農業智慧型信息處理研究
1999.07 - 2001.09 中國農業大學工學院講師,從事農業專家系統研究
2010.12 - 2011.03 德國Fraunhofer研究院合作研究,國家自然基金委和德國科學基金會資助,從事先進感測技術合作研究
2002.01 - 2003.09 英國貝德福德大學訪問學者,英國教育文化委員會資助,從事農業智慧型信息處理合作研究
1999.11 - 2001.07 英國哈珀亞當斯農業大學合作研究,英國教育文化委員會資助,從事農業專家系統合作研究
中歐農業信息技術研究中心、中國農業信息化評價中心、北京市農業物聯網工程技術研究中心主任,長江學者特聘教授,國際信息處理聯合會農業信息處理分會主席,國際雜誌information processing in agriculture主編,國家農村信息化指導組專家,中國漁業物聯網與大數據產業技術創新聯盟秘書長兼常務副理事長,中國農業工程學會常務理事,農業部十二五、十三五全國農業信息化規劃負責人。




自1999年參加工作以來,先後主持完成國家科技支撐計畫、國家863計畫、國家自然基金、國家社科基金、成果轉化基金、霍英東基金、歐盟Asia IT&C、國際合作重點等項目40多項。教授農業物聯網導論,農業信息學、農業物聯網與信息系統新進展及seminar等課程。自2003年以來培養博士研究生22名,碩士研究生60餘名。第一發明人獲授權國家發明專利27項,制定國家標準4項,行業標準7項,出版專著6部,發表SCI論文100餘篇。
針對上述三大科學問題,積極開展了養殖水質感測器、水產養殖最佳化調控模型、水產養殖智慧型裝備研究,已在本領域國內外期刊上發表學術論文 321 篇,其中SCI 論文104 篇,EI 論文221篇,Google Scholar 引用1542次,單篇最高引用135 次。近5 年,以第一或通訊作者發表SCI 論文38 篇,最高影響因子5.578,SCI 他引171 次,EI 論文52 篇。以第一發明人獲得水產養殖水體感測器、測控模型與方法、無線測控裝備等國家授權發明專利25 件,形成了一個完整的水產養殖實時測控技術體系;牽頭制訂水產養殖感測、感知數據、傳輸網路、控制裝備等技術國家標準4 項、行業標準5 項、地方標準1 項。參與了國際物聯網標準制定,特別是國際物聯網標準農業套用標準的制定工作。研發的產品分別在萊州明波、四川通威、天津海發等水產養殖龍頭企業得到大規模套用,在江蘇、天津、山東、廣東等23 省市累計推廣陸基工廠養殖630 萬平方米,池塘及近海養殖825 萬畝,涉及養殖品種31 個,新增經濟效益96億元,推進了我國水產養殖業轉型升級。
(5)積極倡導農業信息處理領域的國際合作,廣泛開展計算機農業套用學術交流。2007年創立國際計算機與計算技術農業套用研討會。2011年在國際信息處理聯合會創立農業信息處理分會(國家農業信息技術歐盟聯絡點)。2014年在Elsevier旗下創辦我國第一個農業信息技術領域國際期刊Information Processing in Agriculture。推薦人先後作為中方協調人完成或在研歐盟第六框架、第七框架,地平線2020計畫共6項,2008年起被歐盟委員會聘為歐盟第七框架計畫項目評審專家,先後10餘次參加歐盟項目評審與論證工作。
1 Zeng, LH (Zeng, Lihua); He, M (He, Mei); Yu, HH (Yu, Huihui); Li, DL (Li, Daoliang) 2016 An H2S Sensor Based on Electrochemistry for Chicken Coops SENSORS
2 Sun, M (Sun, Min); Hassan, SG (Hassan, Shahbaz G.); Li, DL (Li, Daoliang) 2016 Models for estimating feed intake in aquaculture: A review COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE
3 Wang, WC (Wang, Wencong); Li, ZB (Li, Zhenbo); Yue, J (Yue, Jun); Li, DL (Li, Daoliang) 2016 Image segmentation incorporating double-mask via graph cuts COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
4 Wang, Y (Wang, Yang) ; Kuckelkorn, JM (Kuckelkorn, Jens M.) ; Zhao, FY (Zhao, Fu-Yun); Mu, ML (Mu, Mulan); Li, DL (Li, Daoliang) 2016 Evaluation on energy performance in a low-energy building using new energy conservation index based on monitoring measurement system with sensor network ENERGY AND BUILDINGS
5 Yu, HH (Yu, Huihui); Chen, YY (Chen, Yingyi); Hassan, S (Hassan, ShahbazGul); Li, DL (Li, Daoliang) 2016 Dissolved oxygen content prediction in crab culture using a hybrid intelligent method SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
6 Yu, HH (Yu, Huihui); Chen, YY (Chen, Yingyi); Hassan, SG (Hassan, Shahbaz Gul); Li, DL (Li, Daoliang) 2016 Prediction of the temperature in a Chinese solar greenhouse based on LSSVM optimized by improved PSO COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE
7 Chen, YY (Chen, Yingyi); Xu, J (Xu, Jing); Yu, HH (Yu, Huihui); Zhen, ZM ; Li, DL 2016 Three-Dimensional Short-Term Prediction Model of Dissolved Oxygen Content Based on PSO-BPANN Algorithm Coupled with Kriging Interpolation MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING
8 Li, Z (Li, Zhen)[ 1,2,3,4 ] ; Wang, JX (Wang, Jinxing)[ 2 ] ; Li, DL (Li, Daoliang)[ Li, Z (Li, Zhen) ; Wang, JX (Wang, Jinxing) ; Li, DL (Li, Daoliang) 2016 Applications of Raman spectroscopy in detection of water quality APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY REVIEWS
9 Liu, SY; Xu, LQ; Li, DL 2016 Multi-scale prediction of water temperature using empirical mode decomposition with back-propagation neural networks COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
10 Li, FM ; Wei, YG; Chen, YY; Li, DL; Zhang, X 2015 An Intelligent Optical Dissolved Oxygen Measurement Method Based on a Fluorescent Quenching Mechanism SENSORS
11 Zhao, XH; Li, DL; Yang, B; Chen, HL; Yang, XB; Yu, CL; Liu, SY 2015 A two-stage feature selection method with its application COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
12 Duan, YN; Stien, LH; Thorsen, A; Karlsen, O; Sandlund, N; Li, DL; Fu, ZT; Meier, S 2015 An automatic counting system for transparent pelagic fish eggs based on computer vision AQUACULTURAL ENGINEERING
13 Zhao,YL. Zhao,DA. Li,DL. 2015 Electrochemical and Other Methods for Detection and Determination of Dissolved Nitrite: A Review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE
14 Zeng,LH. Li,DL. 2015 Development of In Situ Sensors for Chlorophyll Concentration Measurement JOURNAL OF SENSORS
15 Jiang, Y., Z. B. Li, J. J. Fang, J. Yue and D. L. Li -2014 Automatic video tracking of Chinese mitten crabs based on the particle filter algorithm using a biologically constrained probe and resampling Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
16 Zhang, H. and D. L. Li -2014 Applications of computer vision techniques to cotton foreign matter inspection: A review Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
17 Zhao, X. H., D. L. Li, B. Yang, C. Ma, Y. G. Zhu and H. L. Chen -2014 Feature selection based on improved ant colony optimization for online detection of foreign fiber in cotton Applied Soft Computing
18 Liu, S. Y., L. Q. Xu, Y. Jiang, D. L. Li, Y. Y. Chen and Z. B. Li -2014 A hybrid WA-CPSO-LSSVR model for dissolved oxygen content prediction in crab culture Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
19 Ding, Q. S., D. K. Ma, D. L. Li, Y. G. Wei and N. N. Wen -2013 A Wireless Control Node for Dissolved Oxygen in Aquaculture Sensor Letters
20 Gao, G. L., H. F. Zhao, D. L. Li, B. L. Hu and G. J. Wang -2013 A New Approach for Evaluating Cotton Flow Velocity in Rectangular Pipeline Sensor Letters
21 Hu, J., D. L. Li, Q. L. Duan, G. F. Chen and Y. Q. Han -2013 Texture Extraction and Analysis by Statistical Methods for Fish Species Classification Sensor Letters
22 Ji, R. H., D. L. Li, W. L. Gao and X. Li -2013 The Spectral Reflection Analysis of Several Typical Foreign Fibers in Different Thick Cotton Layers Sensor Letters
23 Liu, S. Y., L. Q. Xu and D. L. Li -2013 Prediction of Aquaculture Water Quality Based on Combining Principal Component Analysis and Least Square Support Vector Regression Sensor Letters
24 Ma, D. K., D. L. Li, Q. S. Ding and C. Wang -2013 A Combined Sensor for Simultaneous Measurements of Soil Moisture and Electrical Conductivity Sensor Letters
25 Sun, L. Q., B. X. Sun, D. L. Li, Z. Y. Li and L. H. Zheng -2013 Cotton Comprehensive Equilibrium Transport Model and the Algorithm Analysis Sensor Letters
26 Sun, Y. N., D. L. Li, S. F. Du, Y. G. Wei, D. K. Ma and Q. S. Ding -2013 WSN-Based Intelligent Detection and Control of Dissolved Oxygen in Crab Culture Sensor Letters
27 Tai, H. J., Q. S. Ding, L. H. Zeng, S. Y. Liu and D. L. Li -2013 An Intelligent Ammonia Sensor Based on Multi-Parameter for Aquaculture Sensor Letters
28 Yang, W. Z., S. L. Wang, S. K. Lu, J. W. Yang and D. L. Li -2013 Stripe Noise Removal from Line. Scan Images of Foreign Fibers Sensor Letters
29 Zhang, L. X., Y. Li, D. L. Li, X. X. Li and Z. T. Fu -2013 Call-Center-Oriented Method of Chinese Words Automatic Segmentation for Cotton Knowledge Sensor Letters
30 Fang, J. J., Y. Jiang, J. Yue, Z. C. Wang, D. L. Li and Z. B. Li -2013 A hybrid approach for efficient detection of plastic mulching films in cotton Mathematical and Computer Modelling
31 Jiang, Y., J. J. Fang, Z. B. Li, J. Yue, Z. C. Wang and D. L. Li -2013 Automatic tracking of swimming koi using a particle filter with a center-surrounding cue Mathematical and Computer Modelling
32 Li, D. Y., L. Kang, X. R. Cheng, D. L. Li, L. Q. Ji, K. Y. Wang and Y. Y. Chen -2013 An ontology-based knowledge representation and implement method for crop cultivation standard Mathematical and Computer Modelling
33 Liu, S. Y., H. J. Tai, Q. S. Ding, D. L. Li, L. Q. Xu and Y. G. Wei 2013 A hybrid approach of support vector regression with genetic algorithm optimization for aquaculture water quality prediction Mathematical and Computer Modelling
34 Yang, W. Z., D. L. Li, S. L. Wang, S. K. Lu and J. W. Yang -2013 Saliency-based color image segmentation in foreign fiber detection Mathematical and Computer Modelling
35 Yao, H., Q. L. Duan, D. L. Li and J. P. Wang -2013 An improved K-means clustering algorithm for fish image segmentation Mathematical and Computer Modelling
36 Yue, J., L. Liu, Z. B. Li, D. L. Li and Z. T. Fu -2013 Improved quality analytical models for aquatic products at the transportation in the cold chain Mathematical and Computer Modelling
37 Zhang, L. X., X. Liu, D. L. Li and Z. T. Fu -2013 Evaluation of the rural informatization level in four Chinese regions: A methodology based on catastrophe theory Mathematical and Computer Modelling
38 Liu, S. Y., L. Q. Xu, D. L. Li, Q. C. Li, Y. Jiang, H. J. Tai and L. H. Zeng -2013 Prediction of dissolved oxygen content in river crab culture based on least squares support vector regression optimized by improved particle swarm optimization Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
39 Wang, J. L., J. L. He, Y. Han, C. Q. Ouyang and D. L. Li -2013 An Adaptive Thresholding algorithm of field leaf image Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
40 Chen, G. F., J. Hu, D. L. Li and X. L. Si -2012 Image Recognition of Maize Diseases Based on Fuzzy Clustering and Support Vector Machine Algorithm Sensor Letters
41 Hu, J., D. L. Li, Q. L. Duan, Y. Q. Han and G. F. Chen -2012 A Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Based Algorithm to Automatically Segment Fish Disease Visual Symptoms Sensor Letters
42 Li, L., Y. Y. Chen, H. J. Gao and D. L. Li -2012 Automatic Recognition of Village in Remote Sensing Images by Support Vector Machine Using Co-Occurrence Matrices Sensor Letters
43 Li, Z. B., J. Yue, L. Hu, D. L. Li and Z. T. Fu -2012 Weighted Least Square Fitting Based Abnormal Aquaculture Water Quality Perception Data Elimination Sensor Letters
44 Li, Z. B., J. Yue, H. Li, D. L. Li and Z. T. Fu -2012 Individual Identification from 3D Captured Movement Data Sensor Letters
45 Li, Z. B., J. Yue, L. F. Zhang, D. L. Li and Z. T. Fu -2012 Design and Implementation of Real-Time Monitoring and Intelligent Management System for Intensive Aquaculture Sensor Letters
46 Tai, H. J., S. Y. Liu, D. L. Li, Q. S. Ding and D. K. Ma -2012 A Multi-Environmental Factor Monitoring System for Aquiculture Based on Wireless Sensor Networks Sensor Letters
47 Yue, J., Z. B. Li, L. Liu, D. L. Li and Z. T. Fu -2012 An Improved Ant Colony Algorithm for Agricultural Knowledge Storage Scheduling Under Grid Environment Sensor Letters
48 Zhang, L. Z., Q. L. Duan and D. L. Li -2012 A Methodology for Diagnostic Reasoning of Herring's Disease Based on Ontology Construction Sensor Letters
49 Tai, H. J., D. L. Li, C. Wang, Q. S. Ding, C. W. Wang and S. Y. Liu -2012 Design and characterization of a smart turbidity transducer for distributed measurement system Sensors and Actuators a-Physical
51 Li, Z. B., Y. Jiang, J. Yue, L. F. Zhang and D. L. Li -2012 AN IMPROVED GRAY MODEL FOR AQUACULTURE WATER QUALITY PREDICTION Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
52 Ma, D. K., Q. S. Ding, Z. B. Li, D. L. Li and Y. G. Wei -2012 PROTOTYPE OF AN AQUACULTURAL INFORMATION SYSTEM BASED ON INTERNET OF THINGS E-NOSE Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
53 Chen, Y. Y., X. Wu, D. L. Li, Y. Liang and D. D. Li -2012 APPLICATION OF GPS & GPRS TECHNOLOGY TO FIELD DATA ACQUISITION IN COAL MINE DUMP AREA Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
55 Li, L., Y. Y. Chen, H. J. Gao and D. L. Li -2012 A HYBRID REGISTRATION APPROACH OF REMOTE SENSING IMAGES FOR LAND CONSOLIDATION Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
56 Li,Daoliang;Yang SimonX; 2012 Intelligent automation and control systems for Agriculture "Intelligent Automation and Soft
57 Hu, J., D. L. Li, Q. L. Duan, Y. Q. Han, G. F. Chen and X. L. Si -2012 Fish species classification by color, texture and multi-class support vector machine using computer vision Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
58 Sun, Y. R., C. X. Cai, J. H. Lin, Q. Cheng, F. J. Meng and D. L. Li -2011 A case study of EM38 for characterizing topsoil thickness in a reclaimed field Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers
59 Yang, W. Z., D. L. Li and L. A. Zhu -2011 An improved genetic algorithm for optimal feature subset selection from multi-character feature set Expert Systems with Applications
60 Chen, Y. Y., D. D. Li, D. L. Li, X. Wu and Y. J. Zheng -2011 Assessment for soil improvement benefit of land rehabilitation in dump areas Mathematical and Computer Modelling
61 Yang, W. Z., S. K. Lu, S. L. Wang and D. L. Li -2011 Fast recognition of foreign fibers in cotton lint using machine vision Mathematical and Computer Modelling
62 Zhu, X., D. L. Li and L. F. Rodriguez -2011 An agent-based simulation model of a nutrient trading market for natural resources management Mathematical and Computer Modelling
63 Sun, H., M. Z. Li and D. L. Li -2011 The vegetation classification in coal mine overburden dump using canopy spectral reflectance Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
64 Zhang, X., D. L. Li, W. Z. Yang, J. X. Wang and S. X. Liu -2011 A fast segmentation method for high-resolution color images of foreign fibers in cotton Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
65 Chen, J., D. L. Li, S. F. Du, Y. G. Wei and H. J. Tai -2011 A Wireless Sensor Network Based Water Temperature Stratification Monitoring System for Aquaculture of Sea Cucumber Sensor Letters
66 Cui, J. Y., J. Q. Wang, Q. Wang and D. L. Li -2011 Study on Traceability Coding of Wheat Quality and Distributed Object Name Service Sensor Letters
67 Ding, Q. S., H. J. Tai, D. K. Ma, D. L. Li and L. L. Zhao -2011 Development of a Smart Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Based on IEEE1451.2 Sensor Letters
68 Tai, H. J., D. L. Li, Y. G. Wei, D. K. Ma and Q. S. Ding -2011 An Intelligent Turbidimeter for Monitoring Suspended Sediment Sensor Letters
69 Wei, Y. G., Q. S. Ding, D. L. Li, H. J. Tai and J. Q. Wang -2011 Design of an Intelligent Electrical Conductivity Sensor for Aquaculture Sensor Letters
70 Wei, Y. G., D. L. Li, H. J. Tai, J. Q. Wang and Q. S. Ding -2011 Prediction of Dissolved Oxygen Content in Aquaculture of Sea Cucumber Using Support Vector Regression Sensor Letters
71 Yan, M. X., D. L. Li, Y. G. Wei, H. J. Tai and Q. S. Ding -2011 Short-Term Predicting Model for Dissolved Oxygen of Hyriopsis Cumingii Ponds Based on Elman Neural Network Sensor Letters
72 Zhang, X., D. L. Li, W. Z. Yang, J. X. Wang and S. X. Liu -2011 An Improved Morphological Edge Detection Method for Color Images of Cotton Foreign Fibers Sensor Letters
73 Zhao, X. H., D. L. Li, W. Z. Yang and G. F. Chen -2011 Feature Selection Based on Ant Colony Optimization for Cotton Foreign Fiber Sensor Letters
74 Guo, X. Y., K. Komnitsas and D. L. Li -2010 Correlation Between Herbaceous Species and Environmental Variables at the Abandoned Haizhou Coal Mining Site Environmental Forensics
75 Wang, X. X., Y. Y. Chen, D. L. Li and Y. J. Jiang -2010 A GIS-BASED DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR PLANT SPECIES SELECTION IN DUMP AREA REVEGETATION Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
76 Komnitsas, K., X. Y. Guo and D. L. Li -2010 Mapping of soil nutrients in an abandoned Chinese coal mine and waste disposal site Minerals Engineering
77 Ji, R. H., D. L. Li, L. R. Chen and W. Z. Yang -2010 Classification and identification of foreign fibers in cotton on the basis of a support vector machine Mathematical and Computer Modelling
78 Zhang, L. X., D. L. Li, X. Liu and Z. T. Fu -2010 Multi-criteria decision support for China agricultural domestic support based on CGE model Mathematical and Computer Modelling
79 Zhang, L. X., H. J. Wen, D. L. Li, Z. T. Fu and S. Cui -2010 E-learning adoption intention and its key influence factors based on innovation adoption theory Mathematical and Computer Modelling
80 Duan, Y. Q., Q. L. He, W. Z. Feng, D. L. Li and Z. T. Fu -2010 A study on e-learning take-up intention from an innovation adoption perspective: A case in China Computers & Education
81 Zhu, X. N., D. L. Li, D. X. He, J. Q. Wang, D. K. Ma and F. F. Li -2010 A remote wireless system for water quality online monitoring in intensive fish culture Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
82 Li, D. L., W. Z. Yang and S. Wang -2010 Classification of foreign fibers in cotton lint using machine vision and multi-class support vector machine Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
83 Ding, Q. S., D. K. Ma, D. L. Li and L. L. Zhao -2010 Design and Implementation of a Sensors Node Oriented Water Quality Monitoring in Aquaculture Sensor Letters
84 Feng, W. Z., D. L. Li, Y. Q. Duan and Z. T. Fu -2010 A Survey of Stickiness of Agriculture Knowledge Acquisition in China Sensor Letters
85 Gao, G. L., D. L. Li and S. H. Shang -2010 New Method of Cotton Flow Speed Detection Based on Area CCD Sensor Letters
86 Li, F. F., D. L. Li, Y. G. Wei, D. K. Ma and Q. S. Ding -2010 Dissolved Oxygen Prediction in Apostichopus Japonicus Aquaculture Ponds by BP Neural Network and AR Model Sensor Letters
87 Ma, D. K., Q. S. Ding, D. L. Li and L. L. Zhao -2010 Wireless Sensor Network for Continuous Monitoring Water Quality in Aquaculture Farm Sensor Letters
88 Zhao, L. L., D. L. Li, D. K. Ma and Q. S. Ding -2010 An Portable Intelligent Measurement Instrument for Dissolved Oxygen in Aquaculture Sensor Letters
89 Zou, X. C., W. Su, Y. Y. Chen, L. Li and D. L. Li -2010 Estimation of Fractional Vegetation Cover in Opencast Coal Mine Dump Area Using Landsat TM Data Sensor Letters
91 Su, W., Z. P. Sun, D. L. Li, R. Ramsankaran, X. Zhu and X. Y. Guo 2007 Vegetation recovery monitoring over the waste dump in Haizhou opencast coalmine area, China, during 1975-2000 using NDVI and VF index Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
92 Yang, W. Z., D. L. Li, L. Zhu, Y. Kang and F. Li -2009 A new approach for image processing in foreign fiber detection Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
93 Chen, Y. Y., Y. J. Jiang and D. L. Li -2007 A decision support system for evaluation of the ecological benefits of rehabilitation of coal mine waste areas New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
94 Chen, Y. Y., Y. J. Siang, H. Wang and D. L. Li -2007 Assessment of ambient air quality in coal mine waste areas - a case study in Fuxin, China New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
95 Dou, J. L., Y. Y. Chen, Y. J. Jiang, Y. Wang, D. L. Li and F. R. Zhang -2007 A web-GIS based support system for rural land consolidation in China New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
96 Feng, W. Z., J. Zhang and D. L. Li -2007 A conceptual development of a hypermedia-enabled agricultural expert system New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
97 Fu, Z. T., J. Yue, D. L. Li, X. S. Zhang, L. X. Zhang and Y. J. Gao -2007 Evaluation of learner adoption intention of e-learning in China: a methodology based on perceived innovative attributes New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
98 Gao, W., Z. T. Fu, D. L. Li, L. Y. You, J. Zhang and X. S. Zhang -2007 AgriInfo: an agricultural information system based on a call centre in China New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
99 Gong, W. W., D. L. Li, X. Liu, J. Yue and Z. T. Fu -2007 Improved two-grade delayed particle swarm optimisation (TGDPSO) for inventory facility location for perishable food distribution centres in Beijing New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
100 Han, Y. X., M. Z. Li and D. L. Li -2007 Vegetation index analysis of multi-source remote sensing data in coal mine wasteland New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
101 Yue, J., D. L. Li, L. X. Zhang, W. W. Gong and Z. T. Fu -2007 A WordNet-driven approach to vegetable supply chain domain concepts acquisition New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
102 Zhang, L. X., D. L. Li, W. S. Mu, J. Yue and Z. T. Fu -2007 Analysing levels of China's agricultural domestic support with an optimising model New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
103 Duan, Y. Q., Z. T. Fu and D. L. Li -2003 Toward developing and using Web-based tele-diagnosis in aquaculture Expert Systems with Applications
104 Lia, D. L., Z. T. Fu and Y. Q. Duan -2002 Fish-Expert: a web-based expert system for fish disease diagnosis Expert Systems with Applications




