李虹橋,貴格教育聯合創始人及首席執行官,University of Pennsylvania 高等教育管理和跨文化交流雙學位碩士,專業研究美國大學體系,系統了解美國高等教育的歷史,政策以及治理。指導近百名學生進入哈佛大學、哥倫比亞大學、賓夕法尼亞大學、布朗大學、杜克大學、韋爾斯利學院等美國頂尖大學就讀。
- 中文名:李虹橋
- 職業:貴格教育聯合創始人及執行長
- 主要成就:指導近百名學生進入哈佛大學等
- 性別:男
李虹橋現任貴格教育聯合創始人及首席執行官,曾任北京新東方前途出國諮詢有限公司美國本科部總監, 新東方學校GRE/GMAT/SAT資深教師, 新東方學校SAT培訓項目創始人之一,被學生親切地稱為“Upenn 大叔”。李虹橋老師曾任Upenn PCCW Pre-college項目學術負責人,代表該項目到中國招生。
Among thousands of students I have taught during my 6-year career as a SAT/GMAT/GRE teacher, only a handful of them know how to explore their experiences, how to position themselves to right schools, and how to convince admission officers. Then I become aware of the significance of being a consultant: to guide students through the labyrinth of paperwork, to pull them away from the turbulence of over-ambition, and to bail them out of the abyss of frustration. When an applicant is lost in the jungle, a consultant makes radar out of the kid’s own intelligence and leads him/her to the glorious land.