此期間,在國內《遺傳學報》、《水生生物集刊》等雜誌上發表過論文五篇。1985年完成由中科院武漢分院院長陳宏溪研究員主持的論文答辯後,應邀赴加拿大亞伯達大學任助教,教授發育生物學實驗課程。1986年9月應美國華盛頓大學(Vmiversity Of Washington)邀請,成為全額獎學金博士研究生,從事發育的機制分子的研究。其後幾年,多次參加美國國家學術年會,在國際著名學術刊物上發表過學術論文五篇。1992年5月完成博士答辯後,應邀赴美國哥倫比亞大學醫學院生化系和眼科系,從事白內障形成的細胞學基礎的研究,提出了各種環境因子引起的細胞死亡(Apoptiosis)是非遺傳性白內障形成的細胞學基礎的學說。應邀去過英國、德國、美國國內、日本、印度和中國作學術交流和演講。在國際細胞生物學、生物化學和眼科學雜誌上發表過論文、文摘20多篇。
1. Li, D. W-C., Liu Y, Liu J-P., P.C. Schmid., R. Schelosser, H. Feng, Y-M Xiao, W-B. Liu, Yan Q, Huang X-Q, H-G Chen, Gong L, Sun S-M, Deng M, and Yun Liu (2006). Protein Serine/Threonine Phosphatase-1 Dephosphorylates p53 at Ser-15 and Ser-37 to Modulate its Transcriptional and Apoptotic Activities. Oncogene. 25(21), 3006-3022.
2. Li, D. W-C., Liu, J-P., Mao Y. W., H. Xiang, J. Wang, W-Y Ma, Z. Dong, H. M. Pike, Rhoderick E. Brown and J. C., Reed (2005). Calcium-Activated RAF/MEK/ERK pathway mediates p53-dependent apoptosis and is abrogated by B-crystallin through Inhibition of Ras Activation. Mol. Biol. Cell. 16, 4437-4453.
3. Wang J, Feng H, Huang X-Q, Xiang H, Y-W. Mao, Liu J-P, Yan Q, Liu W-B, Liu Y, Deng M, Gong L, Sun S-M, Yun Liu and Li, D. W-C. (2005). hTERT immortalizes bovine lens epithelial cells and suppresses differentiation through regulation of the ERK signaling pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 280, 22776-22787.
4. Huang X-Q, Wang J, Liu J-P, Feng H, Yan Q, Liu W-B, Liu Y, Sun S-M, Deng M, Gong L, Yun Liu and Li, D. W-C. (2005). hTERT extends proliferative lifespan and prevents replicative senescence and oxidative stress-induced apoptosis in human lens epithelial cells. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 46, 5203-5213.
5. Feng, H., Xiang, H., Mao, Y-W., J. Wang, J-P., Liu, X-Q Huang, Y. Liu, S-J. Liu, C. Luo, X-J Zhang, Y. Liu, and Li, D. W-C. (2004). Human Bcl-2 activates RAF/MEK/ERK pathway and regulates AP-1 activity and downstream genes in rabbit Lens epithelial cells. Oncogene. 23, 7310-7321.
6. Mao, Y-W., Liu, J., Xiang, H., and Li, D. W-C. (2004). Human A and B-Crystallins Bind to Bax and Bcl-XS to sequester their translocation during staurosporine- induced apoptosis. Cell Death and Differ. 11, 512-526.