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  • 中文名:李艷燕 
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:學習分析、計算機支持的協作學習
  • 職務:教育技術學北京市重點實驗室副主任 北京師範大學知識工程研究中心主任 
  • 任職院校:北京師範大學


擔任國際期刊“Journal of Computers in Education”執行主編
擔任三本國際期刊“Technology for Education and Learning”,“Smart Learning Environment”和“International Journal of Distance Education Technologies”編委
擔任SSCI索引期刊British Journal of Educational Technology和SCI索引期刊IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies審稿人
擔任Technology for Education and Learning(TEL2011)國際會議程式委員會成員
擔任International Conference on Hybrid Learning (ICHL2011)國際會議程式委員會成員
擔任IEEE International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E) 國際會議程式委員會成員
2010年3.4日-6日在香港舉辦的‘CITE諮詢科技教育會議’上,受邀做了題為'Analyzing Transcripts of Online Asynchronous Discussion Groups with VINCA和Toward a Semantic Forum for Active Collaborative Learning'的兩場專題報告






項目負責人,北京市重點實驗室科學研究與研究生培養共建項目,“面向學科領域的教育資源智慧型搜尋關鍵技術研究”, 2015.
項目負責人,北京師範大學教師教育創新平台建設項目,“科研訓練與創新活動”,2009.7-2010.12 項目負責人,北京師範大學年教育技術學院985項目,“基於挑戰式學習的高校教學模式改革實踐研究:以“智慧型機器人”為例”,2013.3-2014.2
2018.6,在倫敦召開的第19屆國際人工智慧教育大會(International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education),受邀做Keynote報告,題目為“Public Knowledge Graph Initiative for Science Education”
2015.6,在上海召開的AECT-LAKOE (Learning and Knowledge Analytics in Open Education)國際論壇上,受邀做題為‘Learning Analytics: Serving the Learning Process Design and Optimization’的報告
2011年在香港召開的第九屆計算機支持的協作學習(CSCL)國際大會上,受邀作為代表參加“中國CSCL研究進展”專題研討會,做了題為‘Semantic Organization of Online Discussions for Active Collaborative Learning’報告
李艷燕. STEM創新教學模式與實踐[M].北京:電子工業出版社,2019.
Yanyan Li, et al. (Ed.), State-of-the-Art and Future Directions of Smart Learning, Springer, 2016.
Maiga Chang, Yanyan Li (Ed.), Smart Learning Environments, Springer, 2013.
Yanyan Li, Haogang Bao, Chang Xu, Learning Analytics: Serving the Learning Process Design and Optimization, In F. Lai, J. Lehman (Ed.), Learning and Knowledge Analytics in Open Education, Springer, 2017.
Yanyan Li, Shaoqian Ma, Ronghuai Huang, Social Context Analysis for Topic-Specific Expert Finding in Online Learning Communities, In M. Chang, Y. Li (Ed.), Smart Learning Environments, Springer, 2013.
Yanyan Li, Yue zhou, Lanfang Zeng, Pilot Curriculum in China: the Practice of Promoting the Quality of Higher Education, In R. Huang, J. M. Spector, Kinshuk (Ed.), Reshaping Learning - The Frontiers of Learning Technologies in Global Context, Springer, 2012.
[3]Carolyn Rose,Chris Bogart,王旭,江師雁,李艷燕,王琦,包昊罡. 文本分析工具——縮短從數據收集到教學干預的周期[J].人工智慧,2019
[4]You Su, Yanyan Li, Jyh-Chong Liang & Chin-Chung Tsai (2019) Moving literature circles into wiki-based environment: the role of online self-regulation in EFL learners’ attitude toward collaborative learning, Computer Assisted Language Learning,
[9]You Su, Yanyan Li, Hening Hu, Carolyn Rose, Exploring College English Language Learners’ Self and Social Regulation of Learning During Wiki-supported Collaborative Reading Activities, International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2018
[10]Yafeng Zheng, Chang Xu, Yanyan Li, You Su, Measuring and visualizing group knowledge elaboration in online collaborative discussions, Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 2018
[11]Menglu Jiang, Yanyan Li, Jing Zheng, Xue Han, Gender grouping difference on behavior patterns in collaborative problem solving through LEGO, Journal of Computers in Education, 2017
[12]Chenglong Lin, Yanyan Li, Ting-Wen Chang, Kinshuk, Analyzing User Retweeting Behavior on Microblogs: prediction model and influencing features. Int. J. Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, Nos.
[14]Chang Xu, Yafeng Zheng, Hening Hu, Yanyan Li, Exploring individual contributions during online collaborative discussions, Journal of Computers in Education, 2016
[15]Yanyan Li, Zhinan Huang, Menglu Jiang, Tingwen Zhang, The Effect on Pupils’ Science Performance and Problem-Solving Ability through Lego: An Engineering Design-based Modeling Approach, Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 2016
[16] 黃志南,陸星兒,胡賀寧,李艷燕.學習分析主題結構研究及可視化分析,開放教育研究,2016,
[17]鄭婭峰,包昊罡,李艷燕.智慧學習環境下的社會化學習支持服務, 現代教育技術, 2016,
[18]Yanyan Li, Yafeng Zheng, Haogang Bao, Yang Liu, Towards Better Understanding of Hot Topics in Online Learning Communities, Journal of Smart Learning Environments, (2015)
[19] 鄭婭峰,李艷燕,黃志南,等. 基於微課程的高校翻轉課堂實踐研究[J]. 現代教育技術, 2016
[21]包昊罡,康佳,李艷燕,齊虎春, 基於設計的“協作-探究”教學模式創新與實踐,現代遠程教育研究,2015
[22]Yanyan Li, et al., An improved mix framework for opinion leader identification in online learning communities, Knowledge-based systems, Vol.
[23]包昊罡,李艷燕. 大數據背景下學習分析的特點[J]. 北京廣播電視大學學報,2015
[24]吳天聰,李艷燕,基於HD Wiki的教師協作教研系統的搭建與套用[J]. 教育信息技術,2013
[25]李艷燕,馬韶茜,黃榮懷.學習分析技術: 服務學習過程設計與最佳化, 開放教育研究, 2012
[26]李艷燕,王麗,梁妙.基於語義wiki的網路課程設計與開發, 中國遠程教育, 2012
[27]Yanyan Li, Mingkai Dong, R. Huang, Designing Collaborative E-Learning Environments based upon Semantic Wiki: From Design Models to Application Scenarios, Journal of Educational Technology & Society,
[28]陳鵬,李艷燕.CSCL中基於數據挖掘的角色分析研究, 現代遠程教育研究, 2011
[29]Yanyan Li, Mingkai Dong, R. Huang, Toward a Semantic Forum for Active Collaborative Learning, Journal of Educational Technology & Society,[30]Jian Liao, Minghong Wang, Yanyan Li, Ronghuai Huang, An investigation into knowledge discovery in collaborative learning communities, International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management
[31]李艷燕,王晶,廖劍,黃榮懷.遠程協作學習中教師角色研究, 現代教育技術, 2008.
[35]H.Zhuge and Yanyan Li, Learning with Active E-Course in Knowledge Grid Environment, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,
[36]H.Zhuge and Yanyan Li, Semantic-Profile-based Document Logistics for Cooperative Research, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.
[37]D.Zhou, X.Cheng, X.He, Yanyan Li, The Development of a Customized E-Learning System, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2005. (EI)
[38]李艷燕,董明楷.基於類比的記憶模型, 西南師範大學學報:自然科學版, 2001, 24(2).
[36]邢爽,包昊罡,李艷燕.線上協作學習中教師運用學習分析工具的個案研究,第22屆全球華人計算機教育套用大會(GCCCE 2018). 廣州: 華南師範大學,2018.
[37]Xiaonan Dong, Haogang Bao, You Su, & Yanyan Li. USING SCRATCH TO CREATE PICTURE STORIES: A STEM EDUCATION PERSPECTIVE. The 5th International STEM in Education Conference 2018.,Australia, 2018
[38]胡賀寧,蘇友,張媛,刑爽,李艷燕.計算機支持的協作學習中英語學習者的學習調節研究,第21屆全球華人計算機教育套用大會(GCCCE 2017)。
[39]Xu, C., Zheng, Y., Hu, H., & Li, Y. Measuring and Visualizing Individual Contributions in Online Collaborative Discussions. 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). IEEE Computer Society,Austin,USA, 2016
[40]Li Y, Bao H, Zheng Y, et al. Social Analytics Framework to Boost Recommendation in Online Learning Communities, International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. IEEE, 2015
[41]徐唱,鄭婭峰,康佳,胡賀寧,李艷燕.線上協作討論中個人貢獻的分析研究,第20屆全球華人計算機教育套用大會(GCCCE 2016). 香港: 香港教育學院,2016. (會議最佳論文獎)
[42] 康佳,鄭婭峰,徐唱,胡賀寧,李艷燕.線上協作學習中社會互動對知識加工水平的影響,第20屆全球華人計算機教育套用大會(GCCCE 2016). 香港: 香港教育學院,2016.
[43]蔣夢璐,韓雪,鄭婧,陸星兒,李艷燕.樂高協作過程中會話模式的性別差異實證研究,第20屆全球華人計算機教育套用大會(GCCCE 2016). 香港: 香港教育學院,2016.
[44]Xinger LU, Junce FANG, Zhinan HUANG, Menglu JIANG, Yanyan LI, Topic Structure and Visualization Analysis of Learning Analytics Researches. (2016). Conference Proceedings of the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2016. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
[45]Yanyan Li, Yafeng Zheng, Jia Kang, Haogang Bao, Designing a Learning Recommender System by Incorporating Resource Association Analysis and Social Interaction Computing, International Conference on Smart Learning Environment, Romania, Sep., 2015.
[46]Yanyan Li, Haogang Bao, Social Analytics Framework to Boost Recommendation in Online Learning Communities, proceedings of IEEE ICALT2015, Taiwan, July, 2015.
[47]黃志南,李艷燕,陸星兒,包昊罡,蔣夢璐.STEM 教育下中國工程教育研究:回顧與展望,GCCCE, 台灣,2015.
[48]李艷燕,包昊罡,黃志南,鄭婭峰.基於雲計算的 MOOCs 學習支持系統構建研究, GCCCE, 台灣,2015.
[49]康佳,錢春蘭,毛荷,齊虎春,李艷燕,江豐光.CIPP 模式下的樂高課程教學評價與分析——以《智慧型機器人科技創新實踐課程》為例,GCCCE, 台灣,2015.
[50]Yang Liu, Yanyan Li, Zhiqiang Zhang, Designing an Intelligent Interactive Tool for Scaffolding Concept Map Construction, Proceedings of ICHL2013, LNCS 8038, pp. 280-289, 2013.
[51]Feipeng Sun, Yanyan Li, Zhiqiang Zhang, A Tool for Visualizing Topic Evolution in Large Text Collections, proceedings of the 13th IEEE ICALT Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Beijing, China, July, 2013
[52]Yanyan Li, Cloud-based Resources and the Transformation of Learning, proceedings of the 13th IEEE ICALT Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Beijing, China, July, 2013
[53]Yanyan Li, Shaoqian Ma, Expertise Network Discovery via Topic and Link Analysis in Online Communities, proceedings of the 12th IEEE ICALT Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Rome, Italy, July, 2012
[54]Yanyan Li, Li Wang, Modeling Semantic Context for Active e-Learning in the Workplace, Proceedings of ICHL2012, LNCS 7411, 2012
[55]Yonghe Zhang, Nancy Law, Yanyan Li, Ronghuai Huang, Automatic extract interpretable topics from online discussion, Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2012
[56]Yonghe Zhang, Yanyan Li, Ronghuai Huang, Understanding Learners' Interaction Patterns through Analyzing Context of Questions in Discussion Transcripts, Proceeding of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2011
[57]Yanyan Li, Yuanyuan Liu, Constructing a Semantic Wiki-based Teamwork Platform for Collaborative e-Research, Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering (ICECE), 2011
[58]Yanyan Li, Mingkai Dong, Ronghuai Huang, Developing a Collaborative E-Learning Environment based upon Semantic Wiki: From Design Models to Application Scenarios. Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Tunis, July, 2010
[59]Yanyan Li, Yuanyuan Liu: Building an Online Course Based on Semantic Wiki for Hybrid Learning. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Hybrid Learning
[60]Yonghe Zhang, Yanyan Li, BaryLayout: A Simple Algorithm for Fast Drawing Large Graphs, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering, 2010.12. (EI)
[61]Yanyan Li, Mingkai Dong: Building a Semantic Resource Space for Online Learning Community. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Hybrid Learning
[62]Biao Wu, Yanyan Li, Ronghuai Huang, Supporting Asynchronous Discussion Text Analysis with an Automatic Coding Approach, WRI Global Congress on Intelligent Systems, Xiamen, May, 2009. (EI)
[63]Yanyan Li, Mingkai Dong, R. Huang, Special Interest Groups Discovery and Semantic Navigation Support within Online Discussion Forums, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
[64]Yanyan Li, Mingkai Dong, Ronghuai Huang, Semantic Organization of Online Discussion Transcripts for Active Collaborative Learning, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies,
[65]Yanyan Li, Mingkai Dong, Towards a Knowledge Portal for E-Learning based on Semantic Web, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies,
[66]Yanyan Li, Ronghuai Huang, Analyzing Peer Interactions in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Model, Method and Tool, Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Hybrid Learning, LNCS
[67]Jian Liao, Yanyan Li, P. Chen, R. Huang, Using Data Mining as a Strategy for Discovering User Roles in CSCL, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, pp. 960-964, Spain, July. 2008. (EI)
[68]Yanyan Li, Ronghuai Huang, An Analysis of Online Interaction Discourse in Knowledge Forum, Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, Dec. 2008. (EI)
[69]Yanyan Li, et al., Assessing Collaborative Process in CSCL with an Intelligent Content Analysis Toolkit, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies,
[70]Yanyan Li, J. Liao, J. Wang, R. Huang, CSCL Interaction Analysis for Assessing Knowledge Building Outcomes: Method and Tool, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2007.
[71]N. Law, J. Yuen, R. Huang, Yanyan Li, N. Pan, A Learnable Content & Participation Analysis Toolkit for Assessing CSCL Learning Outcomes and Processes, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2007.
[72]Yanyan Li, Ronghuai Huang, Topic-Centered Adaptive Curriculum for E-Learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 4018), Springer,
[73]Yanyan Li, Ronghuai Huang, Dynamic composition of curriculum for personalized e-learning, International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2006), Beijing, Nov, 2006.
[74]Yanyan Li, Ronghuai Huang, Semantic-Based Thematic Search for Personalized E-Learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 4018), Springer,
[75]H.Zhuge and Yanyan Li, KGCL: A Knowledge-Grid-based Cooperative Learning Environment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 2436), Springer,
[76]Yanyan Li, Ronghuai Huang, Implementing a Knowledge Portal for E-Learning, International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2006), Beijing, Nov, 2006.
[77]Jian Liao, Yanyan Li, et al, Computer-Supported Content Analysis for Collaborative Knowledge Building in CSCL, International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2006), Beijing, Nov, 2006.
[78]Jian Liao, Ronghuai Huang, Yanyan Li, et al, Towards Auto-Coding of Collaborative Interaction Texts Based on Maximum Entropy Approach, International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2006), Beijing, Nov, 2006.
[79]Yanyan Li, Ronghuai Huang, Towards Active E-Learning by Incorporating Knowledge Logistics, 10th Annual Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, May, 2006.
[80]H.Zhuge and Yanyan Li, KGTutor: A Knowledge-Grid-based Intelligent Tutoring System, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 3007),
[81]J.Bi, Yanyan Li, et al, A Proxy-based Dynamic Inheritance of Soft-device, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 3795),
[82]Nancy Law, Rong Huai Huang, Huanglingzi Liu, Johnny Yuen, Yan Yan Li, Content Analysis Tools for Knowledge Forum Discourse: Towards Intelligent Support for Knowledge Building Facilitation, workshop of 2006 Summer Institue on Knowledge Building, Toronto, Aug. 2006.
[83]Hai Zhugeand Yanyan Li, Active E-Course for Constructivist Learning, WWW2004, New York Sheraton, May, 2004.
[84]Yanyan Li, et al, Semantic Organization to Enhance Active Learning Based on Distributed Multimedia Educational Resources, Consumer Electronics, IEEE International Symposium, Sept.
[85]Yanyan Li, et al, Formal Analysis for Dynamic Planning of Intelligent Agents', Proceedings of the IEEE SMC UK-RI 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Cybernetic Systems, Londonderry, Northern Ireland, 2004.
[86]Yanyan Li, et al, Agent-based Grid Platform for Active E-Learning, Proceedings of the IEEE SMC UK-RI 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Cybernetic Systems, Londonderry, Northern Ireland, 2004.
[87]Zhixian Yan and Yanyan Li, Adaptive e-learning in Knowledge Grid Environment, International Workshop on Knowledge Grid and Grid Intelligence, Beijing, Sept. 2004.
[88]Hai Zhuge and Yanyan Li, An Open Framework for Constructivist Learning, WWW2003, Budapest, May, 2003
[89]Hai Zhuge and Yanyan Li, Document Logistics for Cooperative Research, WWW2003, Budapest, May, 2003.
[90]Hai Zhuge and Yanyan Li, KGQA: A Knowledge-Grid-Based Question-Answering Approach, In: Proceedings of 1st ICWL conference, Hong Kong,
[91]Yanyan Li, Mingkai Dong, Zhixing Huang, Yuhui Qiu, Personalized Intelligent Information Filtering, In: Proceedings of The International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology, Sept.
[92]Yuhui Qiu, Yanyan Li, Zhixing Huang (2001), Adaptive Information Indexer Based on User’s Profile, The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems,America, July, 2001.
[93]Yanyan Li, Mingkai Dong, Yuhui Qiu (2000), Agent-based E-mail Processing Technology, In: Proceeding of the 5th Asia-Pacific Conference of Computer Application, May
[94]Mingkai Dong, Yanyan Li (2000), Research into the Model of Analogy, In: Proceeding of the 5th Asia-Pacific Conference of Computer Application, May 12-15, 2000, Hefei, China.
國家自然科學基金項目國家社會科學基金項目、北京市重點實驗室共建項目、教改項目以及橫向課題等,並參與國家重大基礎研究計畫973項目、全國教育科學“十三五”規劃重點課題等。曾擔任多個國際會議程式委員會主席和委員,現任國際期刊《Journal of Computers in Education》執行主編,《Smart Learning Environment》、《Technology for Education and Learning》國際期刊編委,多本SSCI期刊同行評審員。迄今在國內外期刊和國際會議上發表學術論文100餘篇,其中多篇SSCI/SCI索引,出版中英文著作三本。2018年應邀在倫敦舉辦的國際人工智慧教育大會上做主旨報告。


2017 年北京市教學成果二等獎,面向國際前沿的“課程-研究-實踐螺旋遞進”創新人才培養模式
研究論文“Topic Structure and Visualization Analysis of Learning Analytics Researches”獲GCCCE2016國際大會最佳技術論文提名(通訊作者)
研究論文“Semantic Organization of Online Discussion Transcripts for Active Collaborative Learning”被評為The IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (IEEE ICALT 2008)國際大會最佳論文(第一作者)
研究論文“Assessing Collaborative Process in CSCL with an Intelligent Content Analysis Toolkit”被評為The IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (IEEE ICALT 2007)國際大會最佳論文(第一作者)
研究論文“Computer-Supported Content Analysis for Collaborative Knowledge Building in CSCL”被評為International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2006)國際大會最佳論文(第二作者)
研究論文“Learning with an active e-course in the Knowledge Grid environment”獲2005年Sony優秀論文獎(第一作者)。博士學位論文“基於語義的學習資源管理及利用”被評為中科院計算所優秀畢業論文,2005. (in Chinese and in English)


