
李翔宇 雙博士獲得者 副教授 博士生導師 教育部新世紀優秀人才 洪堡學者 四川省傑青 四川省千人計畫入選者 四川省學術和技術帶頭人後備人選


  • 中文名:李翔宇
  • 職業:西南交通大學力學與工程學院副教授


2011.01-今西南交通大學 力學與工程學院 副教授
2008.01-2010.07 法國巴黎第六大學 地球物理與自然資源研究所獲博士學位
2007.09-2007.12 法國巴黎第六大學實習
2004.03-2007.06 浙江大學 土木系交通工程研究所 獲工學博士學位(導師陳偉球教授)
2002.09-2004.01 浙江大學 土木系交通工程研究所 碩士生(提前攻博)
1998.09-2002.06 浙江大學 土木工程系 獲工學學士學位


4.準晶彈性力學中裂紋和接觸問題的三維分析(國家自然科學基金) 主持
3.勢理論在準晶彈性力學中的套用 (教育部歸國留學人員基金) 主持
2.勢理論方法在準晶彈性力學中的套用(西南交大創新基金) 主持
1.波在多孔介質中的傳播(挪威國家石油公司) 主研榮譽獎勵






近5年內,作者在《Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids》,《Proceedings of the Royal Society A》,《International Journal of Solids and Structures》,《Mechanics of Materials》,《Journal of Sound and Vibration》,《European Journal of Mechanics A/SoLids》,《Smart Materials and Structures》,《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》,《International Journal of Fracture》,《Physics Letters A》,《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences》,《International Journal of Engineering Science》,等著名刊物上發表論文43篇,其中SCI論文41篇,他引達200多次。
[43]Zhao X,Li XY*, Li YH. Axisymmetric analytical solutions for a heterogeneous multi-ferroic circular plate subjected to electric loading.Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures(Accepted, Paper ID UMCM-2013-0028).(SCI)
[42]Zhao X, Zhao YR, Gao XZ,Li XY*, Li YH. Green's functions for the forced vibrations of cracked Euler-Bernoulli beams.Mechanical Systems and Signal Proceeding(Accepted, Paper ID MSSP14-554).(SCI)
[41]Li XY*, Zheng RF, Kang GZ, Chen WQ, Muller R. Closed-form field in an infinite space of transversely isotropic multiferroic composite medium with an elliptical or penny-shaped crack: 3D exact analysis.International Journal of Solids and Structures(Published online).(SCI)
[40]Li PD,Li XY*, Kang GZ. Crack tip plasticity of a half-infinite Dugdale crack embedded in an infinite space of one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystal.Mechanics Research Communications70(2015) 72-78.(SCI)
[39]Li XY*, Wu F, Jin XQ, Chen WQ. 3D coupled field in a transversely isotropic magneto-electro-elastic half space punched by an elliptic indenter.Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids75(2015) 1-44.(SCI)
[38]Li PD,Li XY*, Wang T. Three-dimensional thermo-electro-elastic field in a circular plate of functional graded materials with transverse isotropy.Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures22 (2015) 537-547.(SCI)
[37]Li XY*, Ren SC, He QC*. A general solution for Stokes flow and its applicationto the problem of a rigid plate translating in a fluid.Acta Mechanica Sinica31(1) (2015) 32-44.(SCI)
[36]Li XY, Wang T, Zheng RF, Kang GZ*. Fundamental thermo-electro- elastic solutions for 1D hexagonal QC.ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech.95 (2015) 457-468.(SCI)
[35]Wang T,Li XY*, Zhang X, Muller R. Fundamental solutions in a half space of two-dimensional hexagonal QC and their applications.Journal of Applied Physics117 (2015) 154904.(SCI)
[34]Wang YZ, Chen WQ,Li XY*. Statics of an FGM circular plate with magneto-electro-elastic coupling: Axisymmetric solutions and their relations with those for a corresponding rectangular beam.Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition) 36 (2015) 581-598.(SCI)
[33]Wang YW, Wu TH,Li XY*, Kang GZ. Fundamental elastic field in an infinite medium of two-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystal with a planar crack: 3D exact analysis.International Journal of Solids and Structures66 (2015) 171-183.(SCI)
[32]Li XY*, Li PD, Kang GZ. Crack tip plasticity of a thermally loaded penny-shaped crack in an infinite space of 1D QC.Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica25 (2015) 471-483.(SCI
[31] Li XY*, Dong YH, Liu C, Liu Y, Wang CJ, Shi TF. Axisymmetic thermo-magneto-electro-elastic field in a heterogeneous circular plate subjected to a uniform thermal load. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 88 (2014) 71-81.(SCI)
[30] Li XY*. Elastic field in an infinite medium of one-dimensional hexagonal quasi-crystal with a planar crack. International Journal of Solids and Structures 51(2014) 1442-1455.(SCI)
[29] Li XY*, Zheng RF, Chen WQ. Fundamental solutions to contact problems of a magneto-electro-elastic half-space indented by a semi-infinite punch. International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (2014) 164-178.(SCI)
[28] Li XY*, Zhao X, Li YH. Green’s functions of the forced vibration of Timoshenko beams with damping effect. Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (2014) 1781-1795.(SCI)
[27] Li XY*, Li PD, Wu TH, Shi MX, Zhu ZW. Three-dimensional fundamental solutions for one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystal with piezoelectric effect.Physics Letters A 378 (2014) 826-834.(SCI)
[26] Li XY*, Shen HM, Li GB, Ye GR. Physical bounds for a half-infinite plane crack in an infinite thermo-electro-elastic medium with transverse isotropy. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 21 (2014) 579-587.(SCI)
[25] Li XY*, Wu F, Wu YF, Chen WQ. Indentation on two-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals.Mechanics of Materials 76 (2014) 121- 136.(SCI)
[24] Zhu ZW*, Liu X, Li XY. Ratcheting Behaviors of the Carbon Fiber Reinforced PEEK Composites: Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation.Polymer & Polymer Composites22 (2014) 51-57.(SCI)
[23] Li XY, Gu ST, Chen WQ, He QC*, Penny-shaped Dugdale crack in a transversely isotropic medium and under axisymmetric loading. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 18(3) (2012) 246-263 (SCI, IF=1.299)
[22] Li XY*, Li PD, Kang GZ, Pan DZ. Axisymmetric thermo-elasticity field in a functionally graded circular plate of transversely isotropic material. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 18(5) (2012) 464-475 (SCI, IF=1.299)
[21] Li XY*,Deng H. On 2D Green's functions for 1D hexagonal quasi-crystals. Physica B 430 (2013) 45-51. (SCI).
[20] Wu YF, Chen WQ, Li XY*. Indentation on one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals: general theory and complete exact solutions. Philosophical Magazine 93(8) (2013) 858-882.(SCI)
[19] Li XY*. Fundamental solutions of penny-shaped and half-infinite plane cracks embedded in an infinite space of one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystal under thermal loading. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 469 (2013) 20130023.(SCI)
[18] Li XY*, Ding HJ, Chen WQ, Li PD. Three-dimensional piezoelectricity solutions for uniformly loaded circular plates offunctionally graded piezoelectric materials with transverse isotropy.(ASME) Journal of Applied Mechanics 80 (2013) 0410071-12.(SCI)
[17] Li PD, Li XY*, Zheng RF, Thermo-elastic Green’s functions for an infinite bi-material of one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals. Physics Letters A 377 (2013) 637-642.(SCI)
[16]Li XY*. Fundamental electro-elastic field in an infinite transversely isotropic piezoelectric medium with a permeable external circular crack.Smart Materials and Structures21 (2012) 065019 (SCI, IF=2.096)
[15]Li XY*, Yang D, Chen WQ, Kang GZ. Penny-shaped Dugdale crack in an infinite elastic medium with transverse isotropy.International Journal of Fracture176 (2012)207-214(SCI, IF=1.043)
[14]Li XY*, Exact and complete electro-elastic field in a half-space of piezoelectric medium with a charged surface electrode: Revisit.Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ZAMM)92 (2012) 816-823 (SCI, IF=0.866)
[13]Li XY*, Wu J, Chen WQ, Wang HY, Zhou ZQ. Exact and Complete Fundamental Solutions for Penny-shaped Crack in an Infinite Transversely Isotropic Thermoporoelastic Medium: Mode I Problem.Structural Engineering and Mechanics42 (2012) 313-334.(SCI, IF=0.400)
[12]Li XY*, Li PD. Three-dimensional thermal-elastic general solutions of one-dimensional hexagonal Quasi-crystal and fundamental solutions.Physics Letters A.376 (2012) 2004-2009 (SCI, IF=1.963)
[11]Li XY*, Chen WQ, Wang HY, Wang GD. Crack tip plasticity of a penny-shaped Dugdale crack in a power-law graded elastic infinite medium.Engineering Fracture Mechanics.88 (2012) 1-14 (SCI, IF=1.571)
[10]Li XY*. Exact fundamental thermo-elastic solutions of a transversely isotropic elastic medium with a half infinite plane crack.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences59 (2012) 83-94 (SCI, IF=1.266)
[9]Li XY*, On the half-infinite crack problem in thermo-electro–elasticity.Mechanics Research Communications38 (2011) 506-511 (SCI) (IF=1.307)
[8]Li XY*, Wu J, Ding HJ, Chen, WQ, 3D analytical solution for a functionally graded transversely isotropic piezoelectric circular plate under tension and bending.International Journal of Engineering Science49 (2011) 664–676. (SCI, IF=1.194)
[7]Li XY*, Chen, WQ, Wang, HY. General Steady State Solutions for Transversely Isotropic Thermoporoelastic Media in Three Dimensions and Its AppLication.European Journal of Mechanics A/SoLids29 (2010) 317-326. (SCI, IF=1.414)
[6]Li XY, Ding HJ, Chen WQ*, Three-dimensional analytical solution for a transversely isotropic functionally graded piezoelectric circular plate subject to a uniform electric potential difference.Science in China Series G-Physics Mechanics Astronomy.51 (2008) 1116-1125. (SCI, IF=1.008)
[5]Li XY, Ding HJ, Chen WQ*, Axisymmetric elasticity solutions for a uniformly loaded annular plate of transversely isotropic functionally graded materials.Acta Mechanica196 (2008) 139-159. (SCI) (IF=1.130)
[4]Li XY, Ding, HJ, Chen, WQ*, Three-dimensional analytical solution for functionally graded magneto- electro-elastic circular plates subjected to uniform load.Composite Structure.2008 (83) 381-390. (SCI) (IF=2.028)
[3]Li XY, Ding HJ, Chen WQ*, Elasticity Solutions for a transversely isotropic functionally graded circular plate subject to an axisymmetric transverse load.International Journal of Solids and Structures45 (2008) 191-210. (SCI, IF=1.677)
[2]Li XY, Ding HJ*, Chen WQ, Pure bending of simply supported circular plate of transversely isotropic functionally graded material.J. Zhejiang Univ.SCI.2006 A7(8):1324-1328.(EI)
[1]Ding HJ*,Li XY, Chen WQ, Analytical solutions for a uniformly loaded circular plate with clamped edges.J. Zhejiang Univ.SCI.2005 A(10):1163-1168. (EI)
王 濤,本科畢業於蘭州大學,2012級固體力學碩士研究生,就業:中國核動力設計院。


