



  • 中文名:李繼剛
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:北京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:植物光形態建成與逆境應答
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學





2007年1月-2011年1月,耶魯大學,博士後(Postdoctoral Associate)
2011年1月-2013年6月,耶魯大學,副研究科學家(Associate Research Scientist)


光不但為植物提供光合作用所需的能量,而且還作為重要的環境信號,調控植物生長和發育的多個過程,比如種子萌發、幼苗去黃化(seedling de-etiolation)、避蔭反應、開花,等等。植物通過不同家族的光受體(photoreceptors)感受不同波長的光,其中光敏色素(phytochromes)特異感受紅光(600-700 nm)與遠紅光(700-750 nm)。擬南芥的基因組一共編碼5個光敏色素蛋白(phyA-phyE),其中phyA是主要的遠紅光受體,phyB是主要的紅光受體。實驗室通過結合分子、生化和細胞生物學的方法,研究遠紅光信號如何在植物中進行傳遞,以及光信號與植物逆境應答反應的互動作用(cross-talk)等。
野生型(wild-type, WT)擬南芥的幼苗在黑暗下發育出較長的下胚軸(hypocotyl)和閉合的子葉(cotyledon),但是在遠紅光下則展現出較短的下胚軸和張開的子葉;然而,phyA突變體無法感受到遠紅光信號,在遠紅光下發育出黑暗下的表型,即具有較長的下胚軸和閉合的子葉(見下圖)。


研究生 《現代生命科學研究技術(酵母單雜交)》、《植物學Seminar》


1)Zhou Y#, Yang L#, Duan J, Cheng J, Shen Y, Wang X, Han R, Li H, Li Z, Wang L, Terzaghi W, Zhu D, Chen H, Deng XW*,Li J* (2018). Hinge region of Arabidopsis phyA plays an important role in regulating phyA function.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA115:E11864-E11873.
2)Wang X, Guo C#, Peng J#, Li C#, Wan F#, Zhang S, Zhou Y, Yan Y, Qi L, Sun K, Yang S, Gong Z,Li J*(2019). ABRE-BINDING FACTORS play a role in the feedback regulation of ABA signaling by mediating rapid ABA induction of ABA co-receptor genes.New Phytol221:341-355.
3)Wang Q, Qu GP, Kong X, Yan Y,Li J, Jin JB (2018).ArabidopsisSUMO protease ASP1 positively regulates ABA signaling during early seedling development.J Integr Plant Biol60:924-937.
4)Wang K, He J, Zhao Y, Wu T, Zhou X, Ding Y, Kong L, Wang X, Wang Y,Li J, Song CP, Wang B, Yang S, Zhu JK, Gong Z (2018). EAR1 negatively regulates ABA signaling by enhancing 2C protein phosphatase activity.Plant Cell30:815-834.
5)Zhang S#, Li C#, Zhou Y, Wang X, Li H, Feng Z, Chen H, Qin G, Jin D, Terzaghi W, Gu H, Qu LJ, Kang D*, Deng XW,Li J*(2018). TANDEM ZINC-FINGER/PLUS3 is a key component of phytochrome A signaling.Plant Cell30:835-852.
This paper was featured in:
Salomé PA. Developmental timing is everything: TZP and phytochrome signaling.Plant Cell30:741-742.
6)Jin D, Wu M, Li B, Bücker B, Keil P, Zhang S,Li J, Kang D, Liu J, Dong J, Deng XW, Irish V, Wei N (2018). The COP9 Signalosome regulates seed germination by facilitating protein degradation of RGL2 and ABI5.PLoS Genet14:e1007237.
7)Xin X, Chen W, Wang B, Zhu F, Li Y, Yang H,Li J, Ren D(2018). Arabidopsis MKK10-MPK6 mediates red-light-regulated opening of seedling cotyledons through phosphorylation of PIF3.J Exp Bot69:423-439.
8)Wang Z, Wang J, Li N,Li J, Trail F, Dunlap JC, Townsend JP (2018). Light sensing by opsins and fungal ecology: NOP-1 modulates entry into sexual reproduction in response to environmental cues.Mol Ecol27:216-232.
9)LianN#, Liu X#, Wang X#, Zhou Y, Li H,Li J*, Mao T* (2017). COP1 mediates dark-specific degradation of microtubule-associated protein WDL3 in regulatingArabidopsishypocotyl elongation.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA114:12321-12326.
10)Jiang B#, Shi Y#, Zhang X, Xin X, Qi L, Guo H,Li J*, Yang S*(2017). PIF3 is a negative regulator of theCBFpathway and freezing tolerance inArabidopsis.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA114:E6695-E6702.
11)Li J, Wu Y, Xie Q, Gong Z (2017) Abscisic acid. In: Li J, Li C, Smith SM (Eds.),Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in Plants. Academic Press, United States of America, 161-202.
12)Wang L, He J, Yang Q, Lv X,Li J, Chen DDY, Ding X, Huang X, Zhou Q(2017) Abnormal pinocytosis and valence-variable behaviors of cerium suggested a cellular mechanism for plant yield reduction induced by environmental cerium.Environ Pollut230:902-910.
13)Xu D,Jiang Y,Li J, Lin F, Holm M, Deng XW (2016). BBX21, anArabidopsisB-box protein, directly activatesHY5and is targeted by COP1 for 26S proteasome-mediated degradation.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA113:7655-7660.
14)Wang Z, Li N,Li J, Dunlap JC, Trail F, Townsend JP (2016).Thefast-evolvingphy-2genemodulatessexualdevelopment inresponse tolight in themodelfungusNeurospora crassa.MBio7:e02148-15.
15)KongL, ChengJ, ZhuY, DingY, MengJ, ChenZ, XieQ, GuoY,LiJ, YangS, GongZ (2015).Degradation of the ABA co-receptor ABI1 by PUB12/13 U-box E3 ligases.Nat Commun6:8630.
16)Yang L, Li B, Zheng XY,Li J, Yang M, Dong X, He G, An C, Deng XW (2015). Salicylic acid biosynthesis is enhanced and contributes to increased biotrophic pathogen resistance inArabidopsishybrids.Nat Commun6:7309.
17)Wang C, Zheng Y, Zhao Y, Zhao Y,Li J, Guo Y (2015).SCAB3isrequired forreorganization ofactinfilaments duringlightqualitychanges.J Genet Genomics42:161-168.
18)Zhang H, Zhao X,Li J, Cai H, Deng XW, Li L (2014).MicroRNA408iscritical for the HY5-SPL7genenetworkthatmediatesthecoordinatedresponse tolight andcopper.Plant Cell26:4933-4953.
19)Wang L#,Li J#, Zhou Q, Yang G, Ding XL, Li X, Cai CX, Zhang Z, Wei HY, Lu TH, Deng XW, Huang XH (2014). Rare earth elements activate endocytosis in plant cells.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA111:12936-12941.(#equal contribution)
20)Xu D, Lin F, Jiang Y, Huang X,Li J, Ling J,HettiarachchiC,Tellgren-RothC,HolmM, Deng XW (2014).The RING-finger E3ubiquitinligase COP1 SUPPRESSOR1negativelyregulates COP1abundance inmaintaining COP1homeostasis indark-grownArabidopsisseedlings.Plant Cell26:1981-1991.
21)Xu D#,Li J#,GangappaaSN,HettiarachchiaC, Lin F,AnderssonMX, Jiang Y, Deng XW,HolmM (2014). Convergence of light and ABA signaling on theABI5promoter.PLoS Genet10:e1004197.(#equal contribution)
22)Zhu D, Wu Z, Cao G,Li J, Wei J, Tsuge T, Gu H, Aoyama TandQu LJ(2014).TRANSLUCENT GREEN, an ERFfamilytranscriptionfactor,controlswaterbalance inArabidopsisbyactivating theexpression ofaquaporingenes.Mol Plant7:601-615.
23)Li J, Yang L, Jin D,Nezames CD, Terzaghi W and Deng XW (2013). UV-B-induced photomorphogenesis inArabidopsis.Protein Cell7: 485–492.
24)He G#, Chen B#, Wang X#, Li X#,Li J#, He H, Yang M, Lu L, Qi Y, Wang X and Deng XW (2013).Conservation and divergence of transcriptomic and epigenomic variation in maize hybrids.Genome Biol14:R57.(#equal contribution)
25)Li B, Duan H,Li J, Deng XW, Yin W and Xia X (2013).Global identification of miRNAs and targets inPopulus euphraticaunder salt stress.Plant Mol Biol81: 525-539.
26)Huang X, Ouyang X, Yang P, Lau OS, Li G,Li J, Chen H and Deng XW (2012).ArabidopsisFHY3 and HY5positivelymediateinduction ofCOP1transcription inresponse tophotomorphogenic UV-Blight.Plant Cell24:4590-4606.
27)Zhong S, Shi H, Xue C, Wang L, Xi Y,Li J, Quail PH, Deng XW and Guo H (2012).A molecular framework of light-controlled phytohormone action inArabidopsis.CurrBiol22:1530-1535.
This paper was featured in:
Lorrain S and Fankhauser C.Plant development: should I stop or should I grow?Curr Biol22:R645-647.
28)Chen F, Shi X, Chen L, Dai M, Zhou Z, Shen Y,Li J, Li G, Wei N and Deng XW (2012).Phosphorylation of FAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL1 is a key mechanism defining signaling dynamics of phytochrome A under red and far-red light.Plant Cell24:1907-1920.
29)Yang DL, Yao J, Mei CS, Tong XH, Zeng LJ, Li Q, Xiao LT, Sun TP,Li J, Deng XW, Lee CM, Thomashow MF, Yang Y, He Z and He SY (2012).Plant hormone jasmonate prioritizes defense over growth by interfering with gibberellin signaling cascade.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA109:E1192-1200.
30)Li J, Terzaghi W and Deng XW (2012). Genomic basis for light control of plant development.Protein Cell3:106-116.
31)Shen H#, He H#,Li J#, Chen W, Wang X, Guo L, Peng Z, He G, Zhong S, Qi Y, Terzaghi W and Deng XW (2012). Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression changes in twoArabidopsisecotypes and their reciprocal hybrids.Plant Cell24:875-892.(#equal contribution)
This paper was featured in:
HofmannNR. A global view of hybrid vigor: DNA methylation, small RNAs, and gene expression.Plant Cell24:841.
32)Li J, Li G, Wang H and Deng XW (2011). Phytochrome signaling mechanisms.Arabidopsis Book9:e148. doi: 10.1199/tab.0148.
33)Ouyang X#,Li J#, Li G#, Li B#, Chen B, Shen H, Huang X, Mo X, Wan X, Lin R, Li S, Wang H and Deng XW (2011). Genome-wide binding site analysis of FAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL3 reveals its novel function inArabidopsisdevelopment.Plant Cell23:2514-2535. (#equal contribution)
34)Li G, Siddiqui H, Teng Y, Lin R, Wan X,Li J, Lau OS, Ouyang X, Dai M, Wan J, Devlin PF, Deng XW and Wang H (2011). Coordinated transcriptional regulation underlying the circadian clock inArabidopsis.Nat Cell Biol13:616-622.
35)Li J, Li G, Gao S, Martinez C, He G, Zhou Z, Huang X, Lee JH, Zhang H, Shen Y, Wang H and Deng XW (2010).Arabidopsistranscription factor ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5 plays a role in the feedback regulation of phytochrome A signaling.Plant Cell22:3634-3649.
36)Lee JH, Yoon HJ,Terzaghi W, Martinez C, Dai M,Li J, Byun MO andDeng XW (2010). DWA1 and DWA2, twoArabidopsisDWD protein components of CUL4-based E3 ligases, act together as negative regulators in ABA signal transduction.Plant Cell22:1716-1732.
37)Chen H, Huang X,Gusmaroli G, Terzaghi W, Lau OS, Yanagawa Y, Zhang Y,Li J,Lee JH, Zhu D and Deng XW (2010).ArabidopsisCULLIN4-Damaged DNA Binding Protein 1 interacts with CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1-SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA complexes to regulate photomorphogenesis and flowering time.Plant Cell22:108-123.
38)Shen Y, Zhou Z, Feng S,Li J,Tan-Wilson A, Qu LJ, Wang H andDeng XW (2009). Phytochrome A mediates rapid red light–induced phosphorylation ofArabidopsisFAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL1 in a low fluence response.Plant Cell21:494-506.
39)Saijo Y, Zhu D,Li J,RubioV, Zhou Z, Shen Y, Hoecker U, Wang H andDeng XW (2008).ArabidopsisCOP1/SPA1 complex and FHY1/FHY3 associate with distinct phosphorylated forms of phytochrome A in balancing light signaling.Mol Cell31:607-613.
40)Yang X,Li J, Pei M, Gu H, Chen Z and Qu LJ (2007). Over-expression of a flower-specific transcription factor geneAtMYB24causes aberrant anther development.Plant Cell Rep26:219-228.
41)Li J, Li X, Guo L, Lu F, Feng X, He K, Wei L, Chen Z, Qu LJ and Gu H (2006). A subgroup ofMYBtranscription factor genes undergoes highly conserved alternative splicing inArabidopsisand rice.J Exp Bot57:1263-1273.
42)Li J, Yang X, Wang Y, Li X, Gao Z, Pei M, Chen Z, Qu LJ and Gu H (2006). Two groups of MYB transcription factors share a motif which enhances trans-activation activity.Biochem Biophys Res Commun341:1155-1163.
43)Chen Y, Yang X, He K, Liu M,Li J, Gao Z, Lin Z, Zhang Y, Wang X, Qiu X, Shen Y, Zhang L, Deng X, Luo J, Deng XW, Chen Z, Gu H and Qu LJ (2006). The MYB transcription factor superfamily ofArabidopsis: expression analysis and phylogenetic comparison with the rice MYB family.Plant Mol Biol60:107-124.
44)Qin G, Kang D, Dong Y, Shen Y, Zhang L, Deng X, Zhang Y, Li S, Chen N, Niu W, Chen C, Liu P, Chen H,Li J, Ren Y, Gu H, Deng XW, Qu LJ and Chen Z (2003).Obtaining and analysis of flanking sequences from T-DNA transformants ofArabidopsis.Plant Sci165:941-949.


