- 中文名:李珍
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 性別:女

- Huang, Z., T. Cui, J. Liu, Y. Zhuang, Q. Meng, L, Tao, and Z. Li. 2008. Characterization of the expression of CTRP9, a paralog of adiponectin. Tsinghua Sci and Tech. 13: 492-499.
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*These authors contributed equally to this work. - Li, Z., C. A. Karlovich, M. P. Fish, M. P. Scott, and R. M. Myers. 1999. A putative Drosophila homolog of the huntington disease gene. Hum. Mol. Genet. 8:1807-1815.
- Shelbourne, P. F., N. Killeen, R. F. Hevner, H. M. Johnston, L. Tecott, M. Lewandoski, M. Ennis, L. Ramirez, Z. Li, C. Iannicola, D. R. Littman, and R. M. Myers. 1999. A Huntington’s disease CAG expansion at the murine Hdh locus is unstable and associated with behavioural abnormalities in mice. Hum. Mol. Genet. 8:763-774.
- Li, Z. and G. J. Nabel. 1997. IkB-e, a new member of the IkB protein family, inhibits RelA (p65)-mediated NF-kB transcription. Mol. and Cell. Biol. 17:6184-6190.
- Li, Z., A.G. Paulovich, and J.L. Woolford, Jr. 1995. Feedback inhibition of the yeast ribosomal protein gene CRY2 is mediated by the nucleotide sequence and secondary structure of CRY2 pre-mRNA. Mol. and Cell. Biol. 15:6454-6464.
- Paulovich, A.G., J.R. Thompson, J.C. Larkin, Z. Li, and J.L. Woolford, Jr. 1993. Molecular genetics of cryptopleurine resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: expression of a ribosomal protein gene family. Genetics 135:719-730.