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  • 中文名:李熙萌
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 外文名:Ximeng Li






Li, X., Shi, W., Broughton, K., Smith, R., Sharwood, R., Payton, P., ... & Tissue, D. T. (2020). Impacts of growth temperature, water deficit and heatwaves on carbon assimilation and growth of cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutumL.). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 179, 104204.
Gauthey, A., Peters, J. M. R., Carins-Murphy, M. R., Rodriguez-Dominguez, C. M.,Li, X., Delzon, S., ... & Choat, B. (2020). Evaluating methods used to measure cavitation resistance in seven woody species with differing xylem anatomy: a comparison of visual and hydraulic techniques. New Phytologist. (In press)
Li, X., Delzon, S., Torres-Ruiz, J., Badel, E., Burlett, R., Cochard, H., ... & St-Paul, N. M. (2020). Lack of vulnerability segmentation in four angiosperm tree species: evidence from direct X-ray microtomography observation. Annals of Forest Science, 77(2), 1-12.
Li, X., He, X., Smith, R., Choat, B., & Tissue, D. (2020). Temperature alters the response of hydraulic architecture to CO2in cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 172, 104004.
Li, X., Blackman, C. J., Peters, J. M., Choat, B., Rymer, P. D., Medlyn, B. E., & Tissue, D. T. (2019). More than iso/anisohydry: hydroscapes integrate plant water use and drought tolerance traits in 10 eucalypt species from contrasting climates. Functional Ecology, 33(6), 1035-1049.
Blackman, C. J.,Li, X., Choat, B., Rymer, P. D., De Kauwe, M. G., Duursma, R. A., ... & Medlyn, B. E. (2019). Desiccation time during drought is highly predictable across species of Eucalyptus from contrasting climates. New Phytologist, 224(2), 632-643.
Li, X., Xu, C., Li, Z., Feng, J., Tissue, D. T., & Griffin, K. L. (2019). Late growing season carbon subsidy in native gymnosperms in a northern temperate forest. Tree physiology, 39(6), 971-982.
Li, X., Blackman, C. J., Choat, B., Rymer, P. D., Medlyn, B. E., & Tissue, D. T. (2019). Drought tolerance traits do not vary across sites differing in water availability inBanksia serrata(Proteaceae). Functional Plant Biology, 46(7), 624-633.
Li, X., Smith, R., Choat, B., & Tissue, D. T. (2020). Drought resistance of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) is promoted by early stomatal closure and leaf shedding. Functional Plant Biology, 47(2), 91-98.
Li, X., Blackman, C. J., Choat, B., Duursma, R. A., Rymer, P. D., Medlyn, B. E., & Tissue, D. T. (2018). Tree hydraulic traits are coordinated and strongly linked to climate-of-origin across a rainfall gradient. Plant, Cell & Environment, 41(3), 646-660.
Li, X., Blackman, C. J., Rymer, P. D., Quintans, D., Duursma, R. A., Choat, B., ... & Tissue, D. T. (2018). Xylem embolism measured retrospectively is linked to canopy dieback in natural populations ofEucalyptus piperitafollowing drought. Tree Physiology, 38(8), 1193-1199.
Li, Z.,Li, X., Rubert-Nason, K. F., Yang, Q., Fu, Q., Feng, J., & Shi, S. (2018). Photosynthetic acclimation of an evergreen broadleaved shrub (Ammopiptanthus mongolicus) to seasonal climate extremes on the Alxa Plateau, a cold desert ecosystem. Trees, 32(2), 603-614.
Patterson, A. E., Arkebauer, R., Quallo, C., Heskel, M. A.,Li, X., Boelman, N., & Griffin, K. L. (2018). Temperature response of respiration and respiratory quotients of 16 co-occurring temperate tree species. Tree physiology, 38(9), 1319-1332.
李征珍,石莎,李熙萌, &馮金朝. (2017).毛烏素沙地2種蒿屬植物光合作用特徵.東北林業大學學報, 45(9), 31-34.
李熙萌,楊瓊,李征珍,劉海鷗, &馮金朝. (2016).胡楊(Populus euphratica)葉片呼吸作用對地下水埋深的回響.生態科學, 35(3), 29-36.
李熙萌,李征珍,劉海鷗,石莎, &馮金朝. (2016).北美地區溫帶針闊葉混交林5個常綠樹種葉片呼吸特性.林業科學, 52(4), 1-10.
楊瓊,李熙萌,李征珍,石莎, &馮金朝. (2015).胡楊異胚發育葉片碳平衡研究.雲南大學學報:自然科學版, 37(4), 607-615.
馬木木,李熙萌,石莎, &馮金朝. (2015).科爾沁沙地黃柳(Salix gordejevii)光合特性.中國沙漠, (2), 352-357.
韋玉,李熙萌,桑衛國,周芸芸, &馮金朝. (2014).不同海拔高度矮嵩草的光合回響差異.生態科學, 33(6), 1160-1164.
關越,李熙萌,李征珍,石莎, &馮金朝. (2013).寧夏地區引種葡萄的光合適應性研究.雲南大學學報:自然科學版, (4), 571-579.
李熙萌,石莎,關越, &馮金朝. (2012).毛烏素沙地植被恢復主要植物種的氣體交換特性研究.套用基礎與工程科學學報, (S1), 45-53.
李熙萌,馮金朝,周芸芸, &朱發廳. (2012).水分對科爾沁沙地差不嘎蒿氣體交換特性的影響.中國沙漠, 32(3), 744-749.
唐霞,崔建垣,曲浩, &李熙萌. (2011).風對科爾沁地區幾種常見作物幼苗光合,蒸騰特性的影響.生態學雜誌, 30(03), 471-476.


