- 中文名:李為爭
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1978年10月
- 職業:碩士生導師
- 性別:男
- 學歷:博士

1 夜蛾類廣譜引誘劑研製開發
2 水稻螟蟲混合發生區性信息素套用技術研究
3 倉庫害蟲行為調控劑篩選
4 果樹害蟲生物防治研究
The bundles made of the twigs and leaves of Populus nigra “Italica” L. have been used to catch H. armigera adults since 1956. One hypothesis for explaining the mechanism is physical performance, such as providing a shelter or a mating site; another is olfactory performance, such as feeding attraction as well as the stimulations of sex pheromone production, egg-deposition, or calling. We found both aromatic compounds and GLVs elicited strong EAG responses, and field experiments revealed that the active compounds are mainly floral ordours as shortside-chain aromatic alcohols and aldehydes, suggesting the mechanism was mainly feeding attraction. Additionally, agaropectin was used as the matrix of insect attractants for the first time.
Trails of sex pheromones of rice stem borers in Lujiang, Anhui Province demonstrated that there were seasonal shifts for trapping Chilo suppressalis males. A lure (162.3 µg Z-11-16: Ald, 81.3 µg Z-9-16: Ald 56.4 µg 16: Ald, and 30.3µg Z-13-18: Ald) produced five-fold trap catches of the first generation as did the natural blend. Trap catch may depend on the ratio of Z11- and Z9-16: Ald. To elucidate the result, another trail aimed to compare the effects of Z11-/Z9-16︰Ald on the trap catch systematically was conducted in Xinyang, Henan Province, however, the optimum ratios were 9:1 and 8:2 being close to the natural ratio (10:1), indicating geographic variation may present in C. suppressalis sex pheromone.
On-going Projects: Screening of behavioral regulators of storage pests
Future interests: Bio-control of insect pests in orchard
1 李為爭, 盛承發, 郭線茹, 原國輝. 2008. 二化螟性誘芯中不飽和十六醛的比例對誘捕效果的影響. 植物保護(接收).
2 李為爭,王紅托,游秀峰,宣維健,盛承發. 2006. 不同配方信息素誘芯對二化螟的誘捕效果比較研究. 昆蟲學報. 49(4): 710-713
3 盛承發,李為爭, 宣維健. 2006. 昆蟲學百分率差異顯著性統計分析的簡易計算方法. 昆蟲知識. 43(4):574-576
4 W.-Z. Li, G.-H. Yuan, C.-F. Sheng and X.-R. Guo. 2005. Active compounds in Populus nigra L. wilted leaves responsible for attracting Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lep., Noctuidae) and new agaropectin formulation. Journal of Applied Entomology 129 (9/10): 557-562
5 郭線茹,原國輝,李為爭,馬繼盛,沈佐銳. 2003. 黑楊萎蔫枝葉對棉鈴蟲生殖行為的影響. 植物保護學報. 30(2):148-152
1. 李為爭, 安靖靖, 付國需, 等 (2008) 12種調味料粉末及其瓊脂膠樣品對綠豆象成蟲的驅避效果. 河南工業大學學報(自然科學版). 6: 45-47, 85
2. Wei-Zheng Li, Ying-Hua Yuan, Shi-Heng An, et al (2009) Bioassays onselection and feeding responses of Holotrichia oblita adults to different plantspecies. Acta Ecol. Sin.29(5): 293-296
3李為爭, 袁瑩華, 原國輝, 等(2009) 銅綠麗金龜對不同植物葉片的選擇和取食反應. 生態學雜誌. 9:1905-1908
4. 付國需,李為爭,吳少英,等(2009)桃蚜對不同單色光趨性反應的測定. 昆蟲學報. 10:1171-1176
5. 柴曉樂, 李坤, 游秀峰, 付國需, 原國輝, 李為爭*. (2009) 對赤擬谷盜成蟲具驅避性的芳香植物的正交篩選. 河南工業大學學報(自然科學版). 5: 54-58, 64
6. 安靖靖, 李為爭, 原國輝*, 等 (2009) 菸草甲觸角感器的掃描電鏡觀察. 套用昆蟲學報. 46 (5): 714-718
7. 安靖靖,李為爭,原國輝,等(2009) 菸草甲對20種植物材料及其提取物的選擇反應. 河南農業大學學報. 2:186-190
8. 張元臣,李為爭,柴曉樂, 等 (2009) 植物源赤擬谷盜驅避劑的篩選. 糧食儲藏., 6: 6-9
9. 李為爭,付國需,柴曉樂,等(2010) 無翅桃蚜對龜紋瓢蟲的視覺和嗅覺識別反應. 昆蟲學報. 53(3):354-359
10. 李為爭, 付國需, 王英慧, 等 (2010) 棉鈴蟲幼蟲對人類呈味物質的取食反應. 生態學報. 21: 5709-5715
11. 李為爭, 袁瑩華, 原國輝, 等 (2010) 暗黑鰓金龜成蟲對非寄主蓖麻和幾種寄主葉片的選擇和取食反應. 河南農業大學學報.44(4): 438-442, 447
12. 李為爭,游秀峰,李坤,等(2010)昆蟲生態學課程教學改革與實踐.安徽農業科學. 14:7655-7657, 7672
13. 付國需,李為爭,安靖靖,等(2010) 桃蚜誘捕色板的青-洋紅-黃-黑四色模式最佳化. 套用昆蟲學報. 2: 368-373
14. 王英慧, 李為爭, 游秀峰, 等 (2010) 30種芳香植物材料對有翅桃蚜的驅避活性測定. 天然產物研究與開發. 4: 568-574, 586
李亮,李為爭,郭線茹,等(2010) 煙夜蛾谷胱甘肽S-轉移酶基因的克隆與時空表達分析. 河南農業大學學報. 3: 317-321, 329
15. 李為爭, 柴曉樂, 付國需, 等(2011) 肉桂揮發物頂空固相微萃取條件的正交最佳化. 河南農業科學. 2: 131-134
1. 原國輝, 郭線茹, 馬繼盛, 李為爭, 羅梅浩, 蔣金煒, 徐永偉. 夜蛾類成蟲引誘劑 (ZL 20041000010395.x)
2. 郭線茹, 原國輝, 李為爭, 羅梅浩. 螟蛾引誘劑 (ZL200610048482.3)
3. 李為爭, 原國輝, 安靖靖, 馬繼盛, 郭線茹羅梅浩, 湯清波, 吳少英. 菸草甲驅避劑 (ZL 200810141573.0)
4. 李為爭, 原國輝, 游秀峰, 郭線茹, 羅梅浩. 一種鱗翅目害蟲專用型誘殺器 (申請號:2011101052616)