



  • 中文名:李潔明
  • 畢業院校:日本筑波大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:工學
  • 任職資格:中國農業大學



2001.09-2005.06 中國農業大學 環境工程系 本科 工樂漏茅鍵學學士
2005.09-2008.06 南開大學 環境科學系 理學碩士
2008.08-2011.07 日本筑波大學 生命環境科學系 工學博士


2012.03-2014.11 中國農業大學 資源與環境學院 講師
2014.12- 中套多國農業大學 資源與環境學院 副教授


1. 藍藻水華污染生態修復,包括藍藻生長抑制、藻毒素去除定膠端的機理與技術研發
2. 生物炭土壤改良機理





1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目1項
2. 國家重點研發計畫項目子課欠付享題 2項
3. 國家自然科學基屑巴習金青年基金項目1項
6. 教育部留學回國紙轎晚汗人員科研啟動基金項目1項
7. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項基金項目1項


1. Li Jieming*, Cao Linrong, Yuan Yue, et al., 2018. Comparative study for microcystin-LR sorption onto biochars produced from various plant- and animal-wastes at different pyrolysis temperatures: Influencing mechanisms of biocharproperties. Bioresource Technology 247, 794-803.
2. Luo Lin, Li Jieming*, Zhang Zhong, Yuan Yue, et al., 2018. Phosphorus influences the interaction between toxigenic Microcystis and chloramphenicol. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
1. Jieming Li*, Renhui Li, Ji Li. 2017. Current research scenario for microcystins biodegradation - a review onfundamental knowledge, application prospects and challenges. Science of the Total Environment, 595: 615-632.
2. Ruiping Wang, Jieming Li*, Yongguang Jiang, et al. 2017. Heterologous expression of mlrA gene originated from Novosphingobiumsp. THN1 to degrade microcystin-RR and identify the first step involved in degradation pathway. Chemosphere, 184: 159-167.
3. 王瑞萍, 李潔明*, 李季, 等. 2017. mlrC基因異源表達系統的構建. 中國科技論文(線上), Q74: 1-8.
4. 曹林榮, 李潔明*,王瑞萍, 等. 2017. 植物化感抑藻作用及機理研究進展. 中國科技論文(線上), 1-17.
1. Jieming Li*, Ji Li, Ge Shi, et al. 2016. Discerning biodegradation and adsorption of microcystin-LR in a shallow semi-enclosed bay and bacterial community shifts in response to associated process. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 132: 123-131.
1. Jieming Li*, Kazuya Shimizu, Haruna Akasako, et al. 2015. Assessment of the factors contributing to the variations in microcystinsbiodegrability of the biofilms on a practical biological treatment facility. Bioresource Technology, 175: 463-472.
2. Jieming Li, Liujing Peng, Ji Li, et al. 2015. Divergent responses of functional gene expression to various nutrient conditions during microcystin-LR biodegradation by Novosphingobium sp. THN1 strain. Bioresource Technology, 156: 335-341.
1. Zhijiang Lu*, Jieming Li, Ryuhei Inamori, et al. 2013. Comparative study on purification characteristics of various submerged macrophyte species in different seasons. Japanese Journal of Water Treament and Biology, 49: 11-19.
1. Jieming Li, Kazuya Shimizu, Hideaki Maseda, et al. 2012. Investigations into the biodegradation of microcystin-LR mediated by the biofilm in wintertime from a biological treatment facility in a drinking-water treatment plant. Bioresource Technology, 106: 27-35.
1. Jieming Li, Kazuya Shimizu, Kishore Sakharkar M, et al. 2011. Comparative study for the effects of variable nutrient conditions on the biodegradation of microcystin-LR and concurrent dynamics in microcystin-degrading gene abundance. Bioresource Technology, 102: 9509-9517.
2. Jieming Li, Kazuya Shimizu, Yulin Zhou, et al. 2011. Biodegradation of microcystins by bacterial communities co-existing with flagellate Monas guttula and concurrent succession of the community structures. Journal of Water Supply: Reseach and Technology-AQUA, 60: 352-63.
3. Jieming Li, Kazuya Shimizu, UtsumiMotoo, et al. 2011. Dynamics of the functional gene copy number and overall bacterial community during microcystin-LR degradation by a biological treatment facility in a drinking water treatment plant. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 111: 695-701.
4. Hongwen Sun*, Jieming Li, Cuiping Wang, et al. 2011. Enhanced microbial removal of pyrene in soils in the presence of earthworms. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 20: 617-630.
5. 菅原崇聖, 呂志江, 李潔明, 稲森隆平, 稲森悠平*. 2011. 用塊狀型凝集劑去除高濃度污水中磷的方法解析及評價. “加快經濟發展方式轉變——環境挑戰與機遇”——2011中國環境科學學會學術年會, 中國新疆烏魯木齊, 8: 17.
6. Zhijiang Lu, Jieming Li, Ryuhei Inamori, Kaiqin Xu, Norio Sugiura, Yuhei Inamori. Evaluating the Effects of Surfactant Alchol Ethoxylates on the Stability of Model Ecosystem with Aquatic Animals and Plants. Proceedings of The 14th World Lake Conference. 27-31 October, 2011, Austin, TX, United States..
7. Haruna Akasako, Kazuya Shimizu, Jieming Li, Motoo Utsumi, Norio Sugiura*. Study of Biological Treatment Facility in a Water Purification Plant, Japan. RESOURCE ENVIRONMENT LIFE, Proceedings of Doctoral Forum of China and the 4th China-Japan Graduate Student Forum, pp. 360-365, 24-27 September, 2011, Beijing, China.
1. Gang Chen, Yulin Zhou, Jieming Li, et al. 2010. Development and application of quantitative PCR for monitoring of microbial population dynamics during methane fermentation process. Japanese Journal of Water Treament and Biology, 46: 47-57.
1. Cuiping Wang, Hongwen Sun*, Jieming Li, et al. 2009. Enzyme activities during degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium in soils. Chemosphere, 77: 733-738.
1. 李潔明, 孫紅文*, 李陽, 王翠苹, 張彥峰, 張清敏. 2008. 蚯蚓輔助微生物修復芘污染土壤. 環境科學學報, 28: 1854-1860.
2. 王靜, 張彥峰, 姜春曉, 李潔明, 孫紅文*, 田麗梅, 徐震, 韓建華, 崔魁柱. 2008. 天津市污灌區重金屬在土壤—蔬菜體系中的遷移積累. 城市環境與城市生態, 21: 38-41.


1. Norio Sugiura*, Qiang Xue, Jieming Li, et al. 2012. Chapter 12: Degradation of Some Secondary Metabolites in Aquatic Environment. In: Prasad, R. and Kumar, A. (Ed.), Environment and Biotechnology-Biotechnological Approach for Environmental Science, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, pp: 278-332.
2. Ruiping Wang, Jieming Li*, Yongguang Jiang, et al. 2017. Heterologous expression of mlrA gene originated from Novosphingobiumsp. THN1 to degrade microcystin-RR and identify the first step involved in degradation pathway. Chemosphere, 184: 159-167.
3. 王瑞萍, 李潔明*, 李季, 等. 2017. mlrC基因異源表達系統的構建. 中國科技論文(線上), Q74: 1-8.
4. 曹林榮, 李潔明*,王瑞萍, 等. 2017. 植物化感抑藻作用及機理研究進展. 中國科技論文(線上), 1-17.
1. Jieming Li*, Ji Li, Ge Shi, et al. 2016. Discerning biodegradation and adsorption of microcystin-LR in a shallow semi-enclosed bay and bacterial community shifts in response to associated process. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 132: 123-131.
1. Jieming Li*, Kazuya Shimizu, Haruna Akasako, et al. 2015. Assessment of the factors contributing to the variations in microcystinsbiodegrability of the biofilms on a practical biological treatment facility. Bioresource Technology, 175: 463-472.
2. Jieming Li, Liujing Peng, Ji Li, et al. 2015. Divergent responses of functional gene expression to various nutrient conditions during microcystin-LR biodegradation by Novosphingobium sp. THN1 strain. Bioresource Technology, 156: 335-341.
1. Zhijiang Lu*, Jieming Li, Ryuhei Inamori, et al. 2013. Comparative study on purification characteristics of various submerged macrophyte species in different seasons. Japanese Journal of Water Treament and Biology, 49: 11-19.
1. Jieming Li, Kazuya Shimizu, Hideaki Maseda, et al. 2012. Investigations into the biodegradation of microcystin-LR mediated by the biofilm in wintertime from a biological treatment facility in a drinking-water treatment plant. Bioresource Technology, 106: 27-35.
1. Jieming Li, Kazuya Shimizu, Kishore Sakharkar M, et al. 2011. Comparative study for the effects of variable nutrient conditions on the biodegradation of microcystin-LR and concurrent dynamics in microcystin-degrading gene abundance. Bioresource Technology, 102: 9509-9517.
2. Jieming Li, Kazuya Shimizu, Yulin Zhou, et al. 2011. Biodegradation of microcystins by bacterial communities co-existing with flagellate Monas guttula and concurrent succession of the community structures. Journal of Water Supply: Reseach and Technology-AQUA, 60: 352-63.
3. Jieming Li, Kazuya Shimizu, UtsumiMotoo, et al. 2011. Dynamics of the functional gene copy number and overall bacterial community during microcystin-LR degradation by a biological treatment facility in a drinking water treatment plant. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 111: 695-701.
4. Hongwen Sun*, Jieming Li, Cuiping Wang, et al. 2011. Enhanced microbial removal of pyrene in soils in the presence of earthworms. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 20: 617-630.
5. 菅原崇聖, 呂志江, 李潔明, 稲森隆平, 稲森悠平*. 2011. 用塊狀型凝集劑去除高濃度污水中磷的方法解析及評價. “加快經濟發展方式轉變——環境挑戰與機遇”——2011中國環境科學學會學術年會, 中國新疆烏魯木齊, 8: 17.
6. Zhijiang Lu, Jieming Li, Ryuhei Inamori, Kaiqin Xu, Norio Sugiura, Yuhei Inamori. Evaluating the Effects of Surfactant Alchol Ethoxylates on the Stability of Model Ecosystem with Aquatic Animals and Plants. Proceedings of The 14th World Lake Conference. 27-31 October, 2011, Austin, TX, United States..
7. Haruna Akasako, Kazuya Shimizu, Jieming Li, Motoo Utsumi, Norio Sugiura*. Study of Biological Treatment Facility in a Water Purification Plant, Japan. RESOURCE ENVIRONMENT LIFE, Proceedings of Doctoral Forum of China and the 4th China-Japan Graduate Student Forum, pp. 360-365, 24-27 September, 2011, Beijing, China.
1. Gang Chen, Yulin Zhou, Jieming Li, et al. 2010. Development and application of quantitative PCR for monitoring of microbial population dynamics during methane fermentation process. Japanese Journal of Water Treament and Biology, 46: 47-57.
1. Cuiping Wang, Hongwen Sun*, Jieming Li, et al. 2009. Enzyme activities during degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium in soils. Chemosphere, 77: 733-738.
1. 李潔明, 孫紅文*, 李陽, 王翠苹, 張彥峰, 張清敏. 2008. 蚯蚓輔助微生物修復芘污染土壤. 環境科學學報, 28: 1854-1860.
2. 王靜, 張彥峰, 姜春曉, 李潔明, 孫紅文*, 田麗梅, 徐震, 韓建華, 崔魁柱. 2008. 天津市污灌區重金屬在土壤—蔬菜體系中的遷移積累. 城市環境與城市生態, 21: 38-41.


1. Norio Sugiura*, Qiang Xue, Jieming Li, et al. 2012. Chapter 12: Degradation of Some Secondary Metabolites in Aquatic Environment. In: Prasad, R. and Kumar, A. (Ed.), Environment and Biotechnology-Biotechnological Approach for Environmental Science, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, pp: 278-332.


