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李業廣(Charles Lee),美國傑克遜實驗室教授。


  • 中文名:李業廣
  • 外文名:Charles Lee
  • Ebert P, Audano PA, Zhu Q, Rodriguez-Martin B, Porubsky D, Bonder MJ, Sulovari A, Ebler J, Zhou W, Serra Mari R, Yilmaz F, Zhao X, Hsieh P, Lee J, Kumar S, Lin J, Rausch T, Chen Y, Ren J, Santamarina M, Höps W, Ashraf H, Chuang NT, Yang X, Munson KM, Lewis AP, Fairley S, Tallon LJ, Clarke WE, Basile AO, Byrska-Bishop M, Corvelo A, Evani US, Lu TY, Chaisson MJP, Chen J, Li C, Brand H, Wenger AM, Ghareghani M, Harvey WT, Raeder B, Hasenfeld P, Regier AA, Abel HJ, Hall IM, Flicek P, Stegle O, Gerstein MB, Tubio JMC, Mu Z, Li YI, Shi X, Hastie AR, Ye K, Chong Z, Sanders AD, Zody MC, Talkowski ME, Mills RE, Devine SE, Lee C, Korbel JO, Marschall T, Eichler EE. Haplotype-resolved diverse human genomes and integrated analysis of structural variation. Science. 2021 Apr 2; 372(6537)
  • 32Lee SH, Cho SY, Yoon Y, Park C, Sohn J, Jeong JJ, Jeon BN, Jang M, An C, Lee S, Kim YY, Kim G, Kim S, Kim Y, Lee GB, Lee EJ, Kim SG, Kim HS, Kim Y, Kim H, Yang HS, Kim S, Kim S, Chung H, Moon MH, Nam MH, Kwon JY, Won S, Park JS, Weinstock GM, Lee C, Yoon KW, Park H. Bifidobacterium bifidum strains synergize with immune checkpoint inhibitors to reduce tumour burden in mice. Nat Microbiol. 2021 Mar; 6(3):277-288
  • 269Chaisson MJP, Sanders AD, Zhao X, Malhotra A, Porubsky D, Rausch T, Gardner EJ, Rodriguez OL, Guo L, Collins RL, Fan X, Wen J, Handsaker RE, Fairley S, Kronenberg ZN, Kong X, Hormozdiari F, Lee D, Wenger AM, Hastie AR, Antaki D, Anantharaman T, Audano PA, Brand H, Cantsilieris S, Cao H, Cerveira E, Chen C, Chen X, Chin CS, Chong Z, Chuang NT, Lambert CC, Church DM, Clarke L, Farrell A, Flores J, Galeev T, Gorkin DU, Gujral M, Guryev V, Heaton WH, Korlach J, Kumar S, Kwon JY, Lam ET, Lee JE, Lee J, Lee WP, Lee SP, Li S, Marks P, Viaud-Martinez K, Meiers S, Munson KM, Navarro FCP, Nelson BJ, Nodzak C, Noor A, Kyriazopoulou-Panagiotopoulou S, Pang AWC, Qiu Y, Rosanio G, Ryan M, Stütz A, Spierings DCJ, Ward A, Welch AE, Xiao M, Xu W, Zhang C, Zhu Q, Zheng-Bradley X, Lowy E, Yakneen S, McCarroll S, Jun G, Ding L, Koh CL, Ren B, Flicek P, Chen K, Gerstein MB, Kwok PY, Lansdorp PM, Marth GT, Sebat J, Shi X, Bashir A, Ye K, Devine SE, Talkowski ME, Mills RE, Marschall T, Korbel JO, Eichler EE, Lee C. Multi-platform discovery of haplotype-resolved structural variation in human genomes. Nat Commun. 2019 Apr 16; 10(1):1784
  • 9Zhu Q, High FA, Zhang C, Cerveira E, Russell MK, Longoni M, Joy MP, Ryan M, Mil-Homens A, Bellfy L, Coletti CM, Bhayani P, Hila R, Wilson JM, Donahoe PK, Lee C. Systematic analysis of copy number variation associated with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 May 15; 115(20):5247-5252
  • 23Park H, Cho SY, Kim H, Na D, Han JY, Chae J, Park C, Park OK, Min S, Kang J, Choi B, Min J, Kwon JY, Suh YS, Kong SH, Lee HJ, Liu ET, Kim JI, Kim S, Yang HK, Lee C. Genomic alterations in BCL2L1 and DLC1 contribute to drug sensitivity in gastric cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Oct 6; 112(40):12492-7
  • 10Gokcumen O, Zhu Q, Mulder LC, Iskow RC, Austermann C, Scharer CD, Raj T, Boss JM, Sunyaev S, Price A, Stranger B, Simon V, Lee C. Balancing selection on a regulatory region exhibiting ancient variation that predates human-neandertal divergence. PLoS Genet. 2013 Apr; 9(4):e1003404
  • 16Iskow RC, Gokcumen O, Abyzov A, Malukiewicz J, Zhu Q, Sukumar AT, Pai AA, Mills RE, Habegger L, Cusanovich DA, Rubel MA, Perry GH, Gerstein M, Stone AC, Gilad Y, Lee C. Regulatory element copy number differences shape primate expression profiles. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jul 31; 109(31):12656-61
  • 111Park H, Kim JI, Ju YS, Gokcumen O, Mills RE, Kim S, Lee S, Suh D, Hong D, Kang HP, Yoo YJ, Shin JY, Kim HJ, Yavartanoo M, Chang YW, Ha JS, Chong W, Hwang GR, Darvishi K, Kim H, Yang SJ, Yang KS, Kim H, Hurles ME, Scherer SW, Carter NP, Tyler-Smith C, Lee C, Seo JS. Discovery of common Asian copy number variants using integrated high-resolution array CGH and massively parallel DNA sequencing. Nat Genet. 2010 May; 42(5):400-5
  • 446Perry GH, Dominy NJ, Claw KG, Lee AS, Fiegler H, Redon R, Werner J, Villanea FA, Mountain JL, Misra R, Carter NP, Lee C, Stone AC. Diet and the evolution of human amylase gene copy number variation. Nat Genet. 2007 Oct; 39(10):1256-60
  • 1113Iafrate AJ, Feuk L, Rivera MN, Listewnik ML, Donahoe PK, Qi Y, Scherer SW, Lee C. Detection of large-scale variation in the human genome. Nat Genet. 2004 Sep; 36(9):949-51


