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李森,現任華中科技大學副教授,英國牛津大學 (University of Oxford) 環境變化研究所(Environmental Change Institute)名譽研究員 ,英國自然環境研究理事會(NERC) 生態水文研究中心(Centre for Ecology and Hydrology)客座研究員。主要科研方向為環境規劃與管理與地理信息科學,致力於開發、套用社會-環境互動模型方法,開展交叉學科研究,注重與人文社會科學的有效結合。


  • 中文名:李森
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1986年1月
  • 畢業院校:比利時法語魯汶大學(Université catholique de Louvain)
  • 職業:教師
  • 主要成就:歐盟第七框架計畫,子項目主要技術負責人
  • 外文名:Sen Li
副教授 @ 華中科技大學 環境科學與工程學院
名譽研究員 @ 英國牛津大學 (University of Oxford) 環境變化研究所(Environmental Change Institute)
客座研究員 @ 英國自然環境研究理事會(NERC) 生態水文研究中心(Centre for Ecology and Hydrology)
2014年:博士,地理學專業,比利時法語魯汶大學(Université catholique de Louvain)
2008年:研究式碩士,地理信息科學專業英國愛丁堡大學(University of Edinburgh)
2017年10月 – 今:副教授,華中科技大學 環境科學與工程學院 環境工程系
2014年5月 – 2017年9月:博士後研究助理,英國牛津大學 (University of Oxford) 環境變化研究所 (Environmental Change Institute)
2010年10月 – 2014年5月:Aspirant研究員,比利時國立科學研究基金委(Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS)
2009年3月 – 2014年5月:研究助理,比利時法語魯汶大學(Université catholique de Louvain)地球與生命研究所 (Earth and Life Institute) 喬治·勒梅特地球與氣候研究中心 (Georges Lemaître Centre for Earth and Climate Research)
2014年 – 2017年:“極端氣候以及社會經濟情況下的風險以及危害:通往革新解決方案的策略(IMPRESSIONS)” 歐盟第七框架計畫(編號603416;資助金額1120萬歐元),參與,匈牙利子項目主要技術負責人
2014年 – 2017年:“自然資本以及生態系統功能的可操作性(OpenNESS)” 歐盟第七框架計畫(編號308428,資助金額1150萬歐元),參與
2014年 – 2015年:“生物多樣性以及生態系統功能:未來環境的邏輯論證(BESAFE)”,歐盟第七框架計畫(編號282743,資助金額370萬歐元),參與
2010年 – 2014年:“蜱蟲傳染病的動態學以及風險模型研究”,比利時國立科學基金委Aspirant研究員啟動項目(編號FC84648,資助金額12萬歐元),項目負責人
2009年 – 2010年:“歐洲萊姆病的多尺度空間-時間分析” 比利時政府以及法語魯汶大學專項研究(FSR)基金(編號FSR2008,資助金額3萬歐元),第一完成人
項目評審專家:挪威研究理事會(The Research Council of Norway)
期刊審稿人: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Environment International; Expert Systems with Applications; Environment and Planning B; Environmental Modelling & Software; Sustainability; Environment, Development and Sustainability; Journal of Environment Management; Health Informatics Journal; Ecological Modelling;
會議主題召集人/審稿人: Theme 'Urban, energy & infrastructure', 3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA 2017, Glasgow, UK);
主要科研方向為環境規劃與管理與地理信息科學,致力於開發、套用社會-環境互動模型方法,開展交叉學科研究,注重與人文社會科學的有效結合。現有成果涉及綜合環境模型理論及套用,生態疾病模型開發,以及氣候變化影響等領域。已發表各類論文20餘篇,包括13篇一作SCI/SSCI期刊論文,2篇一作中文期刊論文。參與撰寫了多篇歐盟第七框架項目報告以及環境、氣候管理政策手冊。擁有多次國際會議報告、公開演講經歷。研究成果多次被科學出版社(如The Royal Society英國皇家學會)推薦、被媒體轉載。
代表性期刊論文: (*通訊作者;SCI/SSCI檢索)
Li S, Gilbert L, Vanwambeke SO, Yu J, Purse BV, Harrison PA. Lyme Disease Risks in Europe under Multiple Uncertain Drivers of Change. Environmental health perspectives 2019; 127: 67010.
Li S*, Juhász-Horváth L, Pintér L, Rounsevell MDA, Harrison PA, 2017, Modelling regional cropping patterns under scenarios of climate and socio-economic change in Hungary,Science of the Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.038 (SCI)
Li S*, Juhász-Horváth L, Pintér L, Rounsevell MDA, Harrison PA, 2017, Lifestyle, habitat and farmers’ risk of exposure to tick bites in endemic area of tick-borne diseases in Hungary, Zoonoses and Public Health, doi: 10.1111/zph.12413 (SCI)
Li S*, Juhász-Horváth L, Pedde S, Pintér L, Rounsevell MDA, Harrison PA, 2017, Integrated modelling of urban spatial development under uncertain climate futures: A case study in Hungary, Environmental Modelling & Software, 96: 251-264, doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.07.005 (SCI)
Smith A*, Harrison PA, Perez-Soba M, Archaux F, Blicharska M, Egoh B, Eros T, Fabrega N, Gyorgy AI, Haines-Young R, Li S, Lommelen E, Meiresonne L, Ayala LM, Mononen L, Simpson G, Stange E, Turkelboom F, Uiterwijk M, Veerkamp C, Wyllie de Echeverria V, 2017, How natural capital delivers ecosystem services: A typology derived from a systematic review, Ecosystem Services, 26(A):111-126, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.06.006 (SCI/SSCI)
Li S*, Juhász-Horváth L, Harrison PA, Pintér L, Rounsevell MDA, 2017, Relating farmer's perceptions of climate change risk to adaptation behaviour in Hungary,Journal of Environmental Management, 185: 21-30, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.10.051 (SCI/SSCI)
Haslett J*, Garcia-Llorente M, Harrison P, Li S, and Berry P, 2016, Offshore renewable energy and nature conservation: The case of marine tidal turbines in Northern Ireland, Biodiversity and Conservation, doi: 10.1007/s10531-016-1268-6 (SCI)
Li S*, Juhász-Horváth L, Harrison PA, Pintér L, Rounsevell MDA, 2016, Population and age structure in Hungary: A residential preference and age dependency approach to disaggregate census data, Journal of Maps, 12(S1):560-569, doi: 10.1080/17445647.2016.1237898 (SCI/SSCI)
Li S*, Gilbert L, Harrison PA, Rounsevell MDA, 2016, Modelling the seasonality of Lyme disease risk and the potential impacts of a warming climate within the heterogeneous landscapes of Scotland, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 13(116):20160140, doi: 10.1098/rsif.2016.0140 (SCI)
Li S*, Colson V, Lejeune P, Vanwambeke SO, 2016, On the distance travelled for woodland leisure via different transport modes in Wallonia, south Belgium, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 15:123-132, doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2015.12.007 (SCI/SSCI)
Li S*, Colson V, Lejeune P, Speybroeck N, Vanwambeke SO, 2015, Agent-based modelling of the spatial pattern of leisure visitation in forests: A case study in Wallonia, south Belgium, Environmental Modelling & Software, 71: 111-125, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.06.001 (SCI/SSCI)
Li S*, Mackaness WA, 2015, A multi-agent-based, semantic-driven system for decision support in epidemic management, Health Informatics Journal, 21(3): 195-208, doi: 10.1177/1460458213517704 (SCI/SSCI)
Li S*, Vanwambeke SO, Liccope AM, Speybroeck N, 2014, Impacts of deer management practices on the spatial dynamics of the tick Ixodes ricinus: A scenario analysis, Ecological Modelling, 276: 1-13, doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.12.023 (SCI)
Li S*, Tao H, Xu Y, 2013, Abiotic determinants to the spatial dynamics of dengue fever in Guangzhou, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 25(3):239-247, doi:10.1177/1010539511418819 (SCI/SSCI)
Li S*, Heyman P, Cochez C, Simons L, Vanwambeke SO, 2012, A multi-level analysis of the relationship between environmental factors and questing Ixodes ricinus dynamics in Belgium, Parasites & Vectors, 5:149, doi:10.1186/ 1756-3305-5-149 (SCI)
Li S*, Hartemink N, Speybroeck N, Vanwambeke SO, 2012, Consequences of landscape fragmentation on Lyme disease risk: A cellular automata approach, PLoS ONE, 7(6):e39612, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039612 (SCI)
Li S, Harrison PA, Rounsevell MDA, 2017, Predicting the spill-over risk of tick-borne pathogens at the human-tick interface in an uncertain climate future [發言],ECCA 2017: Our Climate Ready Future, the 3rd European climate change adaptation conference, 5-9 June 2017 Glasgow, UK
Li S, Juhász-Horváth L, Pedde S, Harrison PA, Pintér L, Rounsevell MDA, 2017, Predicting the future patterns of urban growth and population distribution in Hungary [牆報], ECCA 2017: Our Climate Ready Future, the 3rd European climate change adaptation conference, 5-9 June 2017 Glasgow, UK
Li S, 2015, Modelling the spatial risks of tick-borne zoonoses [發言],International workshop on agent-based modelling of land use, 4-5 May 2015, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Li S, Vanwambeke SO, 2013, Modelling the risk of spillover of tick-borne zoonoses at the human-tick interface: an agent-based approach [牆報],Epidemics4 - Fourth international conference on infectious disease dynamics, 19-22 November 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Li S, Vanwambeke SO, Licoppe A, Speybroeck N, 2013, Modelling the impacts of deer management practices on spatial dynamics of ticks [發言], IUGB 2013: Diversity in Wildlife Management –Objectives & Tools, the 31st biennial congress of the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB), 28-30 August 2013, Brussels, Belgium
Li S, Vanwambeke SO, 2012, Landscape heterogeneity and tick-borne disease: understanding the spatial dynamics of vector-borne zoonoses using cellular automata models [發言], EcoHealth2012: Sustaining Ecosystems, Supporting Health, the 4th biennial conference of the International Association for Ecology & Health, 15-18 October 2012, Kunming, China
Li S, Vanwambeke SO, 2012, Agent-based modelling of tick-borne zoonoses [牆報], EcoHealth2012: Sustaining Ecosystems, Supporting Health, the 4th biennial conference of the International Association for Ecology & Health, 15-18 October 2012, Kunming, China
Li S, Vanwambeke SO, 2012, Spatial dynamics of ticks and the integration of climatic impacts in spatial tick transmission models [發言], Summer workshop “Ecology and Evolution of Parasites and Infections”, 21-23 August 2012, Antwerp University, Antwerp, Belgium
Li S, Vanwambeke SO, 2011, Modelling the spatial dynamics of pathogen transmission in tick-borne disease system [牆報], 2011 Belgian biodiversity - public health conference, 30 November 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Li S, Vanwambeke SO, 2010, Spatial heterogeneity and dynamics of pathogen transmission in tick-borne disease system [牆報], International conference EDEN2010 - Emerging vector-borne diseases in a changing European environment, 10-12 May 2010, Montpellier, France
Li S, Vanwambeke SO, 2009, A cellular automata approach to spatial dynamics of tick-borne disease [牆報],Organisms on the move: On the ecology and evolution of dispersal, the 4th meeting of the International Dispersal Workgroup, 14-15 September 2009, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium


