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主要以對蝦為材料,開展對蝦基礎免疫學及遺傳育種相關研究。開展對蝦免疫系統的解析、對蝦免疫系統與病原(細菌及病毒)之間的相互作用機制研究、對蝦經濟性狀的分子標記開發、遺傳育種模型建立、新品種及新品系的選育。在對蝦基礎免疫學研究方面,課題組在解析對蝦Toll和IMD信號通路、對蝦核酸誘導免疫激活通路(STING/IRF/Vago/JAK-STAT)調控機制方面以及對蝦免疫系統與細菌和白斑綜合症病毒互作機制方面取得了一些重要的研究進展,共發表高質量論文40餘篇,代表性的成果發表於iScience,PLoS Pathogens, Emerging Microbes & Infections, Frontiers in Immunology,Frontiers in Genetics,Scientific Reports, Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Fish and Shellfish Immunology, FEBS Letters, Molecular Immunology等雜誌上,並受邀在Frontiers in Immunology,Fish and Shellfish Immunology上發表長篇綜述論文2篇;在對蝦遺傳育種方面,課題組從凡納濱對蝦基因組及轉錄組中篩選及鑑定了1萬多個高多態性的SSR分子標記,利用分子標記建立了輔助育種技術,授權2項國家發明專利,聯合廣東恆興飼料實業股份有限公司,廣東海興農集團有限公司培育了“中興1號”、“海興農2號”兩個凡納濱對蝦國家新品種。


  1. 國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金獲得者(2020年);
  2. 廣東省傑出青年基金獲得者(2016年);
  3. “廣東特支計畫”科技創新青年拔尖人才項目獲得者(2017年).


Frontiers in Immunology嘉賓編輯;Fish and shellfish immunology reports編輯。


1. White spot syndrome virus establishes a novel IE1/JNK/c-Jun positive feedback loop to drive replication. Sheng Wang, Haoyang Li, Shaoping Weng, Chaozheng Li* #, Jianguo He*. iScience 2020, (* Corresponding author,# Lead contact).
2. Penaeidins restrict white spot syndrome virus infection by antagonizing the envelope proteins to block viral entry. Bang Xiao, Qihui Fu, Shengwen Niu, Peng Zhu, Jianguo He*, Chaozheng Li*# Emerging Microbes & Infections 2020 (* Corresponding author,# Lead contact).
3. A polymorphic (CT) n-SSR influences the activity of the Litopenaeus vannamei IRF gene implicated in viral resistance. Yin Bin, Haiyang Wang, Peng Zhu, Shaoping Weng, Jianguo He*, Chaozheng Li*. Frontiers in Genetics 2019. (* Corresponding author).
4. The Two NF-κB Pathways Regulating Bacterial and WSSV Infection of Shrimp (Review), Chaozheng Li*, Sheng Wang, Jianguo He*. Frontiers in Immunology 2019. 10:1785. (* Corresponding author).
5. RNAi screening identifies a new Toll from shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei that restricts WSSV infection through activating Dorsal to induce antimicrobial peptides. PLoS Pathogens 2018. Haoyang Li, Bin Yin, Sheng Wang, Qihui Fu, Bang Xiao, Kai Lv, Jianguo He*, Chaozheng Li* (* Corresponding author).
6. WSSV–host interaction: Host response and immune evasion (Review). Fish & Shellfish Immunology 2019. Chaozheng Li, Shaoping Weng, Jianguo He* (* Corresponding author).
7. The c-Fos and c-Jun from Litopenaeus vannamei play opposite roles in Vibrio parahaemolyticus and white spot syndrome virus infection. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 2015 52:26–36.


