李月龍(天津工業大學副教授 、碩士生導師)

李月龍(天津工業大學副教授 、碩士生導師)

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  • 中文名:李月龍
  • 國籍:中國 
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:山東
  • 出生日期:1982.10.1
  • 職業:大學教師、科研工作者
  • 畢業院校:北京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士/博士研究生
  • 專業方向:計算機科學與技術
  • 職務:副教授、碩士生導師
  • 主要成就:天津市教育系統“教工先鋒崗”、天津市131創新型人才培養工程第二層次、天津市“三年引進千人”人才計畫


李月龍,男,1982年生,2012年畢業於北京大學機器感知與智慧型教育部重點實驗室視覺組,在計算機科學與技術(智慧型科學與技術)專業獲得理學博士學位;現為天津工業大學計算機科學與軟體學院副教授、碩士生導師。 李月龍長期在圖形圖像處理、模式識別、虛擬現實、機器學習等領域從事理論 和套用問題的研究工作。李月龍目前已發表科技論文近20篇,其中5篇被SCI檢索、16篇被EI檢索;獲得國家專利授權2項,主持國家自然科學基金項目2項、天津市教委科研項目1項;國家留學基金委公派訪問學者;是包括IEEE Transactions on Image Processing、IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology和Neurocomputing在內的多個國際期刊和學術會議的審稿人。2014年度天津市教育系統“教工先鋒崗”先進個人、天津市131創新型人才培養工程第二層次、天津市“三年引進千人”人才引進計畫。


國家自然科學基金項目,基於單目視覺的實時人臉動畫生成方法研究(No. 61302127),2014.01-2016.12
國家自然科學基金項目,稀疏性先驗知識在輪廓提取中的套用研究(No. 11326198),2014.01-2014.12






  1. Yuelong Li, Jufu Feng, Li Meng, Jigang Wu, "Sparse Representation Shape Models", Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 48(1): 83-91, 2014(SCI, IF:2.330)
  2. Yuelong Li, Li Meng and Jufu Feng, "Downsampling Sparse Representation and Discriminant Information Aided Occluded Face Recognition",SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences,57(3): 1-8, 2014(SCI, IF:0.702)
  3. Yuelong Liand Jufu Feng, "Reconstruction Based Face Occlusion Elimination for Recognition",Neurocomputing, 101: 68-72, 2013(SCI, IF:2.005)
  4. Yuelong Li,Li Meng,and Jufu Feng, "Face illumination compensation dictionary",Neurocomputing, 101:139-148, 2013(SCI, IF:2.005)
  5. Yuelong Li, LiMeng,Jufu Feng and Jigang Wu, "Illumination compensation subspace based robust face recognition",Scientia Sinica Informationis, 43(11):1398-1409, 2013(in Chinese)
  6. Yuelong Liand Jufu Feng, "Frontal Face Synthesizing According to Multiple Non-Frontal Inputs and Its Application in Face Recognition",Neurocomputing, 91: 77-85, 2012 (SCI, IF:2.005)
  7. Yuelong Li, Jufu Feng, Chongjin Liu, and Xiang Fu,"Face Recognition with Illumination Distinction Description",21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),Tsukuba,November, 2012, pp. 809-812
  8. Yuelong Li, Li Meng, and Jufu Feng,"Lighting Coefficients Transfer Based Face Illumination Normalization", in Pattern Recognition,Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR),Beijing, September,2012, pp. 268–275(Oral paper)
  9. Yuelong Liand Jufu Feng, "Adaptive Patch Alignment Local Binary Patterns For Face Recognition",1st Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR), Beijing,November,2011,pp. 269-272 (Oral paper)
  10. Yuelong Liand Jufu Feng, "Synthesizing for face recognition",18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 1101-1104, 2011
  11. Yuelong Liand Jufu Feng, "Multi-view face synthesis using minimum bending deformation",Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 23(6), pp. 1085-1090, 2011 (in Chinese)
  12. Yuelong Li, Junjie Bian, and Jufu Feng, "Low Resolution Facial Image Restoration Based on Sparse Representation",7th International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MIPPR), Proc. SPIE 8004, 80040K, 2011
  13. Junjie Bian,Yuelong Li, and Jufu Feng, "Single Image Super-Resolution Using Sparse Prior",7th International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MIPPR), Proc. SPIE 8004, 80040L, 2011
  14. Yuelong Liand Jufu Feng, "Automatic frontal view face image synthesis",17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 1829-1832, 2010 (Oral paper)
  15. Yuelong Liand Jufu Feng, "Sparse representation shape model",17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 2733-2736, 2010
  16. Jianqin Yin,Yuelong Liand Jinping Li, "Face feature extraction based on principle discriminant information analysis",International Conference on Automation and Logistics, pp.1580-1584, 2007
  17. Yuelong Li, Jinping Li and Li Meng, "Character recognition based on hierarchical RBF neural networks",6th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), pp.127-132, 2006
  18. Yuelong Li, Jianqin Yin, and Jinping Li, "A New Method of Face Recognition",Journal of University of Jinan (Science and Technology), vol.20, no.4, pp.315-317, 2006 (in Chinese)


