- 中文名:李曉
- 國籍:中國
- 性別:男
- 職稱:中國科學院新疆理化技術研究所研究員
2、Yu-An Huang, *Zhu-Hong You, *Xiao Li, Xing Chen, Pengwei Hu, Shuai Li, Xin Luo,Construction of Reliable Protein-Protein Interaction Networks Using Weighted Sparse Representation Based Classifier with Pseudo Substitution Matrix Representation, Neurocomputing, vol.218, no.12, pp.131–138, 2016/12/19(SCI)
3、Zhu-Hong You, *Xiao Li, Keith CC Chan,An Improved sequence-based prediction protocol for protein-protein interactions using amino acids substitution matrix and rotation forest ensemble classifiers, Neurocomputing, vol.228, pp.277–282, 2017/03/08(SCI)
4、Jinying Kong,Yating Yang,Lei Wang,Xi Zhou,Tonghai Jiang,and *Xiao Li,Filtering Reordering Table Using a Novel Recursive Autoencoder Model for Statistical Machine Translation,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017 (2) :1-9.(SCI)
5、Zhu S., *Li X., Yang Y., Wang L., Mi C. Harvest Uyghur-Chinese Aligned-Sentences Bitexts from Multilingual Sites Based on Word Embedding. In: Sun M., Wang X., Chang B., Xiong D. (eds) Chinese Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing Based on Naturally Annotated Big Data. CCL 2017, NLP-NABD 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10565. Springer, Cham.(EI)