



  • 中文名:李曉洲
  • 畢業院校:香港城市大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:電子工程
  • 任職院校:大連理工大學



2013.8 -- 2016.8香港城市大學 電子工程 博士
2011.9 -- 2013.7香港城市大學 電子工程 碩士
2007.9 -- 2011.7哈爾濱工業大學 通信工程 學士
2004.9 -- 2007.6山西省應縣一中


2019.4 -- 至今大連理工大學光電工程與儀器科學學院 副教授
2018.10 -- 2019.4韓國科學技術院 博士後研究員
2016.12 -- 2018.9加拿大國立科學研究院 博士後研究員
2016.9 -- 2016.11香港城市大學 高級研究助理
2016.7 -- 2016.8美國維吉尼亞理工 訪問學者




[15] Xiao-Zhou Li, Mohamed Seghilani, Reza Maram, Luis Romero Cortés, and José Azaña,“Ultra-dense CEO-stabilized broadband optical frequency comb generation through simple, programmable and lossless 1,000-fold frequency-spacing division,”IEEE Photon. J. 11, 3200312 (2019) (IF=2.729)
[14] Xiao-Zhou Li and José Azaña, “On mode-spacing division of a frequency comb by temporal phase modulation,”IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron.25, 1100310 (2019). (IF=4.681)
[13] Xiao-Zhou Li, Chan-Gi Jeon, Shilong Pan, and Jungwon Kim, “Low-noise repetition-rate multiplication by injection locking and gain-saturated amplification,”IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 31, 997-1000 (2019). (IF=2.553)
[12] Xiao-Zhou Li and Sze-Chun Chan, “Detection dependencies of statistical properties for semiconductor laser chaos,”IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron. 25, 1501209 (2019). (IF=4.681)
[11] Reza Maram, Mohamed Seghilani, Jinwoo Jeon, Xiao-Zhou Li, Luis Romero Cortés, James van Howe, and José Azaña, “Demonstration of input-to-output gain and temporal noise mitigation in a Talbot amplifier,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 30, 665-668 (2018). (IF=2.553)
[10] Yao Liu, Xiao-Zhou Li, Ray C. C. Cheung, Sze-Chun Chan, and Hei Wong, “High-speed discrete Gaussian sampler with heterodyne chaotic laser inputs,”IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs 65, 794 (2018). (IF=3.25)
[9] Song-Sui Li, Xiao-Zhou Li, and Sze-Chun Chan, “Chaotic time-delay signature suppression with bandwidth broadening by fiber propagation,”Opt. Lett. 43, 4751-4754 (2018). (IF=3.866)
[8] Xiao-Zhou Li, Song-Sui Li, and Sze-Chun Chan, “Correlated random bit generation using chaotic semiconductor lasers under unidirectional optical injection,”IEEE Photon. J. 9, 1505411 (2017). (IF=2.729)
[7] Xiao-Zhou Li, Jun-Ping Zhuang, Song-Sui Li, Jian-Bo Gao, and Sze-Chun Chan, “Randomness evaluation for an optically injected chaotic semiconductor laser by attractor reconstruction,”Phys. Rev. E 94, 042214 (2016). (IF=2.353)
[6] Song-Sui Li, Xiao-Zhou Li, Jun-Ping Zhuang, Gabor Mezosi, Marc Sorel, and Sze-Chun Chan, “Square-wave oscillations in a semiconductor ring laser subject to counter-directional delayed mutual feedback,”Opt. Lett. 41, 812-815 (2016). (IF=3.866)
[5] Jun-Ping Zhuang, Xiao-Zhou Li, Song-Sui Li, and Sze-Chun Chan, “Frequency-modulated microwave generation with feedback stabilization using an optically injected semiconductor laser,”Opt. Lett. 41, 5764-5767 (2016). (IF=3.866)
[4] Xie Wang*, Xiao-Zhou Li*, Sze-Chun Chan, and Kenneth K. Y. Wong, “Modulation instability in a highly nonlinear fiber for discrete-time pulsed random bit generation,”Opt. Lett. 40, 2665-2667 (2015). (*equal contribution) (IF=3.866)
[3] Xiao-Zhou Li, Song-Sui Li, Jun-Ping Zhuang, and Sze-Chun Chan, “Random bit generation at tunable rates using a chaotic semiconductor laser under distributed feedback,”Opt. Lett. 40, 3970-3973 (2015). (IF=3.866)
[2] Xiao-Zhou Li and Sze-Chun Chan, “Heterodyne random bit generation using an optically injected semiconductor laser in chaos,”IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 49, 829-838 (2013). (IF=2.753)
[1] Xiao-Zhou Li and Sze-Chun Chan, “Random bit generation using an optically injected semiconductor laser in chaos with oversampling,”Opt. Lett. 37, 2163-2165 (2012). (IF=3.866)
Conference Presentations
[7] Chan-Gi Jeon, Xiao-Zhou Li, Shilong Pan, and Jungwon Kim, “Repetition-rate multiplication of mode-locked lasers using harmonic injection locking and gain-saturated SOA,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, California, United States, SW3G.6, 2019.
[6] Mohamed Seghilani, Xiao-Zhou Li, Luis Romero Cortés, Reza Maram, and José Azaña, “Dual repetition-rate laser based on in-cavity fractional temporal self-imaging for low-noise RF signal generation,” in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, California, United States, M2J.2, 2018.
[5] Mohamed Seghilani, Xiao-Zhou Li, Reza Maram, Luis Romero Cortés, and José Azaña, “Generation of a CEO-stabilized optical frequency comb with programmable sub-MHz FSR using spectral self-imaging,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, California, United States, JTh2A.157, 2018.
[4] Xiao-Zhou Li, Jun-Ping Zhuang, Song-Sui Li, and Sze-Chun Chan, “Shannon entropy estimation based on chaotic attractor reconstruction for a semiconductor laser,”SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, Utah, United States, MS139, 2017.
[3] Xiao-Zhou Li, Song-Sui Li, Jun-Ping Zhuang, and Sze-Chun Chan, “Feedback delay identification by time-dependent exponent evaluation for a chaotic semiconductor laser," in Frontiers in Optics, San Jose, California, United States, FTh2G.4, 2015.
[2] Xiao-Zhou Li, Jun-Ping Zhuang, Song-Sui Li, and Sze-Chun Chan, “Chaotic optically injected semiconductor laser for random bit generation by electrical heterodyning,” in International Symposium on Physics and Applications of Laser Dynamics, Paris, France, 2013.
[1] Xiao-Zhou Li and Sze-Chun Chan, “40-Gbps random bit generation by oversampling chaos from an injected semiconductor laser,”in SPIE Photonics Asia, Beijing, China, 85520K, 2012 (invited).


