
1983年出生,博士,副研究員,碩士生導師。2015年入選武漢青年科技晨光計畫,2017年入選中國科學院創新青年促進會。主要從事遙感影像時空分析、多源遙感數據融合、土地覆蓋製圖與變化檢測研究。先後主持完成和正在承擔包括國家自然科學基金、中國科學院創新青年促進會人才項目、湖北省自然科學基金等項目;相關研究工作在IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens., ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sens.等國際刊物上發表研究論文30餘篇,以第一作者在Photogramm. Eng. Remote Sens.發表的論文Sub-pixel-scale Land Cover Map Updating by Integrating Change Detection and Sub-Pixel Mapping獲得美國攝影測量與遙感學會Boeing最佳論文獎(Boeing Award for Best Scientific Paper in Image Analysis and Interpretation).
1.Li Xiaodong, Ling Feng,Giles Foody, Du Yu.A superresolution land-cover change detection method using remotely sensed images with different spatial resolutions.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2016,54(7): 3822-3841.
2.Li Xiaodong, Ling Feng,Giles Foody, Du Yu.Improving super-resolution mapping through combining multiple super-resolution land-cover maps.International Journal of Remote Sensing,2016, 37(10): 2415-2432.
3.Li Xiaodong, Du Yun, Ling Feng, Li Wenbo.Locally adaptive linear mixture model-based super-resolution land-cover mapping based on a structure tensor.International Journal of Remote Sensing,2016,37(24): 5802-5825.
4.Ling Feng, Zhang Yihang,Giles Foody,Li Xiaodong, Zhang Xiuhua, Fang Shiming, Li Wenbo, Du Yun.Learning-based superresolution land cover mapping.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2016,54(7): 3794-3810.
5.Ling Feng,Giles Foody, Ge Yong,Li Xiaodong, Du Yun.An iterative interpolation deconvolution algorithm for superresolution land cover mapping.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2016,54(12): 7210-7222.
6.Du Yun, Zhang Yihang,Ling Feng, Wang Qunming, Li Wenbo,Li Xiaodong.Water bodies’ mapping from Sentinel-2 imagery with modified normalized difference water index at 10-m spatial resolution produced by sharpening the SWIR band,Remote Sensing,2016,8, 354.
7.Li Xiaodong,Du Yun, Ling Feng.Sub-Pixel scale land cover map updating by integrating change detection and sub-pixel mapping.Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing.2015,81(1): 59-67.
8.Ling Feng, Du Yun, Zhang Yihang,Li Xiaodong, Xiao Fei. Burned-area mapping at the sub-pixel scale with MODIS images,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2015, 12: 1963 - 1967 .
9.Zhang Yihang, Ling Feng,Li Xiaodong, Du Yun.Super-resolution land cover mapping using multiscale self-similarity redundancy.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,2015, 8 (11):5130-5145.
10.Li Xiaodong, Ling Feng, Du Yun & Zhang Yihang. Spatially adaptive superresolution land cover mapping with multispectral and panchromatic images.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2014, 52: 2810-2823.
11.Li Xiaodong, Ling Feng, Du Yun, Feng Qi & Zhang Yihang. A spatial-temporal Hopfield neural network approach for super-resolution land cover mapping with multi-temporal different resolution remotely sensed images.ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2014, 93: 76-87.
12.Li Xiaodong, Du Yun & Ling Feng. Super-resolution mapping of forests with bitemporal different spatial resolution images based on the spatial-temporal Markov random field.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2014, 7: 29-39.
13.Li Xiaodong, Du Yun, Ling Feng, Feng Qi & Fu Bitao. Superresolution mapping of remotely sensed image based on Hopfield neural network with anisotropic spatial dependence model.IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2014, 11: 1265-1269.
14.Li Xiaodong, Ling Feng & Du Yun. Super-resolution mapping based on the supervised fuzzy c-means approach.Remote Sensing Letters, 2012, 3: 501-510.
15.Li Xiaodong, Du Yun & Ling Feng. Spatially adaptive smoothing parameter selection for Markov random field based sub-pixel mapping of remotely sensed images.International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012, 33: 7886-7901.
16.Li Xiaodong,Du Yun,Ling Feng,Wu Shengjun & Feng Qi,Using a sub-pixel mapping model to improve the accuracy of landscape pattern indices.Ecological Indicators, 2011,11(5): 1160-1170.


