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  • 中文名:李智 
  • 出生地:內蒙古烏蘭察布市
  • 出生日期:1985年5月 
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:華中農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:葡萄抗病種質創新與遺傳改良
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學










Li Z, Zhang H, Li GH*. Characterization of phytotoxin and secreted proteins identifies of Lasiodiplodia theobromae , causes of peach gummosis. Fungal Biology, 2019, 123:51-58.
Li Z, Dang H, Yuan X, He J, Hu Z,Wang X*. Morphological characterization and optimization of conditions for conidial production of Elsinoë ampelina , the causal organism of grapevine anthracnose. Journal of Phytopathology, 2018, 166:420-428.
Guo R, Qiao H, Zhao J, Wang X, Tu M, Guo C,Wan R, Li Z*, Wang X*. The grape VlWRKY3 gene promotes abiotic and biotic stress tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana . Frontiers in Plant Science,2018,9, 545.
Wang X, Tu M, Wang D, Liu J, Li Y, Li Z, Wang Y,Wang X*. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated efficient targeted mutagenesis in grape in the first generation. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16:844-855.
Wang X, Tu M, Li Z, Wang Y, Wang X*. Current progress and future prospects for the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) genome editing technology in fruit tree breeding. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences,2018,37:233-258.
Wang M, Zhu Y, Han R, Yin, W, Guo C, Li Z, Wang X*. Expression of Vitis amurensis VaERF20 in Arabidopsis thaliana Improves Resistance to Botrytis cinerea and Pseudomonas syringae pv. Tomato DC3000. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19:696.
Zhao J, Zhang X, Guo R, Wang Y, Guo C, Li Z, Chen Z, Gao H, Wang X*. Over-expression of a grape WRKY transcription factor gene, VlWRKY48 , in Arabidopsis thaliana increases disease resistance and drought stress tolerance. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2018, 132:359-370.
Wen Z, Yao L, Singer SD, Muhammad H, Li Z*, Wang X*. Constitutive heterologous overexpression of a TIR-NB-ARC-LRR gene encoding a putative disease resistance protein from wild Chinese Vitis pseudoreticulata in Arabidopsis and tobacco enhances resistance to phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2017, 112:346-361.
Wang X, Guo R, Tu M, Wang D, Guo C, Wan R,Li Z,Wang X*. Ectopic expression of the wild grape WRKY transcription factor VqWRKY52 in Arabidopsis thaliana enhances resistance to the biotrophic pathogen powdery mildew but not to the necrotrophic pathogen Botrytis cinerea . Frontiers in Plant Science,2017, 8.
YinX, Huang L, Zhang X, Guo C, Wang H, Li Z, Wang X*. Expression patterns and promoter characteristics of the Vitis quinquangularis VqSTS36 gene involved in abiotic and biotic stress response. Protoplasma,2017, 254:2247-2261.
LiZ, Fan Y, Gao L, Cao X, Ye JL, Li GH*. The dual roles of zinc sulfate in mitigating peach gummosis. Plant Disease, 2016, 100:345-351.
Yin X, Singer SD, Jiao C, Liu Y, Wang H, Li Z, Fei Z, Wang Y, Wang X*. Insights into the mechanisms underlying ultraviolet-C induced resveratrol metabolism in grapevine ( V. amurensis Rupr.) cv. Tonghua-3. Frontiers in Plant Science,2016, 7:503.
Guo R, Tu M, Wang X, Zhao J, Wan R, Li Z, Wang Y, Wang X*. Ectopic expression of a grape aspartic protease gene, AP13, in Arabidopsis thaliana improves resistance to powdery mildew but increases susceptibility to Botrytis cinerea . Plant Science, 2016, 248: 17-27.
Gao L, Wang Y, Li Z, Zhang H, Ye J, Li G*. Gene expression changes during the gummosis development of peach shoots in response to Lasiodiplodia theobromae infection using RNA-Seq. Frontiers in Physiology,2016, 7:170.
Guo R, Zhao J, Wang X, Guo C, Li Z, Wang Y, Wang X*. Constitutive expression of a grape aspartic protease gene in transgenic Arabidopsis confers osmotic stress tolerance. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture,2015, 121: 275-287.
Cheng C, Jiao C, Singer SD, Gao M, Xu X, Zhou Y, Li Z, Fei Z, Wang Y, Wang X*. Gibberellin-induced changes in the transcriptome of grapevine ( Vitis labrusca × V. vinifera ) cv. Kyoho flowers. BMC Genomics,2015, 16:128.
Wen Z, Yao L, Wan R, Li Z, Liu C, Wang X*. Ectopic expression in A rabidopsis thaliana of an NB-ARC encoding putative disease resistance gene from wild Chinese Vitis pseudoreticulata enhances resistance to phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria. Frontiers in Plant Science,2015, 6: 1087.
Li Z, Gao L, Wang YT, Zhu W, Ye JL,Li GH*. Carbohydrate metabolism changes in Prunus persica gummosis infected with Lasiodiplodia theobromae . Phytopathology, 2014, 104: 445-452.
Li Z, Zhu W, Fan YC, Ye JL,Li GH*. Effects of pre- and post-treatment with ethephon on gum formation of peach gummosis caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae .Plant Pathology, 2014, 63:1306-1315.
Li Z, Wang YT, Gao L, Wang F, Ye JL,Li GH*. Biochemical changes and defenseresponses during the development of peach gummosis caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae . European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2014, 138:195-207.


