



  • 中文名:李智靈
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1982年
  • 畢業院校:日本名古屋大學
  • 職務:副教授、博士/碩士生導師
  • 主要成就:環保部科學技術獎一等獎
  • 外文名:Li Zhiling


李智靈,女,1982年生,哈爾濱工業大學環境學院副教授、博士/碩士生導師。從事水土環境污染控制工作。主持包括國家自然科學基金國際合作項目和青年項目在內的國家級和省部級項目共6項。博士畢業於日本名古屋大學,在日本名古屋大學EcoTopia科學研究所從事博士後研究工作近3年。出版300頁英文編著一部。2017年獲得環保部科學技術獎一等獎。2014年獲得日本生物工學亞洲青年科研獎勵獎(The Dasilva Award)。2015年獲得中國微生物生態青年科技創新獎一等獎。在專業領域內頂級學術期刊,如Environmental Science &TechnologyWater Research、Journal of Harzdous Material等Top期刊發表SCI收錄論文47篇,其中以第一和通訊作者發表20篇(14篇為JCR一區論文,8篇為中科院一區論文),論文影響因子累計超過200,平均影響因子超過5.0。論文引用800餘次,申請授權發明專利13項,其中5項授權,8項排名前3。 H因子為19。


  1. 2007年-2010年, 就讀於日本名古屋大學工學部土木工程學院, 博士學位
  2. 2004年-2007年, 就讀於中國地質大學(北京)水資源與環境學院,碩士學位
  3. 2000年-2004年, 就讀於中國地質大學(北京)水資源與環境學院,學士學位


  1. 2016年12月~至今,哈爾濱工業大學市政環境工程學院,副教授
  2. 2013年12月~至今,哈爾濱工業大學市政環境工程學院,博士後
  3. 2013年7月~至今,哈爾濱工業大學市政環境工程學院,講師
  4. 2010年11月~2013年4月,日本名古屋大學EcoTopia科學研究所,博士後研究員


  1. 土壤/地下水持久性有機物生物修復:難降解/毒害性污染物生物梯級分解轉化機制;持久性/新興有機污染物分解菌富集分離;弱電能/納米金屬激活強化生物處理過程調控機制;複合污染同步分解去除機制;場地污染修復菌劑開發利用和功能材料研發
  2. 污水/廢水生物處理技術:新興污染物在污水/廢水處理過程的遷移轉化規律;高濃度毒害性廢水生物處理新技術;特徵污染物和常規污染物同步去除原理和機制;深度脫氮生物技術;污水/廢水生物處理新原理和新技術
  3. 微生物生態系統模型構建:複雜微生物系統群落演替規律解析、微生物互作網路、微生物與環境因子相互影響關係等模型構建


  1. 美國微生物學會(ASM)會員
  2. 日本生物技術協會(SBJ)會員
  3. 日本水環境學會會員
  4. SCI期刊International Journal of Electrochemistry客座編輯
  5. The Open Waste Management Journal執行客座編輯
  6. 領域內主流SCI期刊Bioresource Technolgy, Water Resaerch等期刊審稿人


  1. 2019年,哈爾濱工業大學環境學院第一屆課程思政教學設計競賽,二等獎
  2. 2019年,直接指導的研究生姚曉婧獲得校級優秀畢業生金獎。
  3. 2017年,中國環保部環境保護科學技術一等獎,“工業聚集區污水深度淨化新型技術” (排名第八)
  4. 2016年,直接指導的本科生科技創新小組獲得校級一等獎
  5. 2015年,中國微生物生態青年科技創新獎 一等獎
  6. 2014年,日本生物技術協會Dasilva獎(該獎項授予該領域有潛力的35歲以下亞洲籍青年研究人員,每年只獎勵1人)
  7. 2007年-2010年,日本文部省獎學金全額資助
  8. 2004年,北京市優秀畢業生


  1. 主持國家自然科學基金國際(地區)中日合作研究項目,“弱電能強化地下水生物脫鹵效能及調控機制”(51961145202)(起止時間2020年1月-2024年12月),經費280萬,在研。
  2. 主持國家自然科學基金(青年)項目(31400104),“生物陰極加速氯代烴污染物還原脫氯及作用機制”(起止時間2015年1月-2017年12月),26萬元。
  3. 主持黑龍江省自然科學基金面上項目(C018035)(2018年7月-2021年7月)“電刺激強化溴系阻燃劑微生物降解及厭氧呼吸機制”,6萬元。
  4. 主持中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目(2015T80359)“微生物-電化學耦合強化鹵代烴還原脫鹵效能及代謝調控”(起止時間2015年1月-2017年12月),15萬元。
  5. 主持中國博士後科學基金面上(一等)(2014M550196) “厭氧細菌電化學陰極加速氯代烴還原分解及作用機制”(起止時間2014年6月-2017年5月),8萬元。
  6. 主持黑龍江省博士後基金(LBH-Z14087)“生物電化學促進氯代有機烴還原分解機制研究”(起止時間2015年1月-2017年1月),7萬元。
  7. 主持哈工大創新科研基金(HIT.NSRIF.2015092)“厭氧細菌陰極加速還原脫氯過程及作用機制”(起止時間 2014年3月-2016年2月),5萬元。
  8. 主持哈爾濱工業大學環境生態創新專項基金(HSCJ201621)“微生物嗜極代謝難降解鹵抗素類污染途徑及分子機制”(2016年7月-2018年6月),10萬元。
  9. 主持城市水資源與水環境國家重點實驗室開放課題(ES201806)“電刺激強化溴系阻燃劑微生物降解及厭氧呼吸機制”(2018年1月-2019年12月),5萬元。
  10. 作為核心人員(排名第3)參與國家傑出青年科學基金(51225802)“水中低濃度難降解有機物強化生物轉化及定向代謝調控” (2013年1月-2016年12月),280萬元。
  11. 作為核心人員(排名第2)參與蘇伊士環境集團中歐合作課題,厭氧耦合生物電化學過程協同降解持久性有機污染物,2016.01-2019.12,80萬元,在研。
  12. 作為主要人員(排名第2)參與國家自然科學基金(面上)項目“多糖型微生物絮凝劑去除水中重金屬離子的機制及其定向合成策略”(51578179)(2016年1月-2019年12月),經費63萬元,在研。
  13. 作為主要人員(排名第2)參與國家自然科學基金(面上)項目“基於強親水改性正滲透膜製備的含油廢水資源化關鍵技術研究”(51678187) (2017年1月-2020年12月),經費64萬元,在研。



1、Zhi-Ling Li, Kai Sun, Fan Chen, Xiao-Qiu Lin, Cong Huang, Zheng Yao, Dan Chen, Ting Xia, Zhi-Xing Xiao, and Ai-Jie Wang*. Efficient treatment of alizarin yellow R contained wastewater in an electrostimulated anaerobic-oxic integrated system. Environ Res., 2020,185,109403. IF=5.026.


1、Xiaoqiu Lin, Zhi-Ling Li*, Bin Liang, Hong-Liang Zhai, Wei-Wei Cai, Jun Nan, and Ai-Jie Wang**. Accelerated microbial reductive dechlorination of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol by weak electrical stimulation. Water Res., 2019, 162, 236-245. IF: 7.913.
2、Fan Chen, Zhi-Ling Li*, Bin Liang, Jia-Qi Yang, Hao-Yi Cheng, Cong Huang, Jun Nan, Ai-Jie Wang*. Electrostimulated bio-dechlorination of trichloroethene by potential regulation: kinetics, microbial community structure and function. Chem Eng J., 2019, 357, 633-640.IF: 8.355.
3、Fan Chen, Bin Liang, Zhi-Ling Li*, Jia-Qi Yang, Cong Huang, Miao Lv, Jun Nan, Ai-Jie Wang. Bioelectrochemical assisted dechlorination of tetrachloroethylene and 1,2-dichloroethane by acclimation of anaerobic sludge. Chemosphere, 2019, 227,514-521. IF: 5.108.
4、Xiao-Qiu Lin, Zhi-Ling Li*, Ying-Ying Zhu, Fan Chen, Bin Liang, Jun Nan, Ai-Jie Wang. Palladium/iron nanoparticles stimulate tetrabromobisphenol A microbial reductive debromination and further mineralization in sediment. Environ Inter, 2019, Just accepted. IF: 7.943
5、Fan Chen, Zhi-Ling Li*, Miao Lv, Cong Huang, Bin Liang, Ye Yuanb, Xiao-Qiu Lin, Xiang-Yu Gao, Ai-Jie Wang. Recirculation ratio regulates denitrifying sulfide removal and elemental sulfur recovery by altering sludge characteristics and microbial community composition in an EGSB reactor. Environ Res., 2019, Just Accepted. IF=5.026.
6、Xiaodan Ma, Mengyuan Qi, Zhiling Li, Youkang Zhao, Peisheng Yan, Bin Liang, Aijie Wang. Characterization of an efficient chloramphenicol-mineralizing bacterial consortium. Chemosphere, 2019, 222, 149-155. IF: 5.108.
7、Dongdong Zhang, Hongyue Dang, Zhiling Li, Chunfang Zhang. Redox characteristics of humins and their coupling with potential PCB dechlorinators in southern Yellow Sea sediments. Environ Pollut, 2019, 252, 296-304. IF: 5.714.
8、Youkang Zhao, Yang Bai, Qiu Guo, Zhiling Li, Mengyuan Qi, Xiaodan Ma, Hao Wang, Deyong Kong, Aijie Wang*, Bin Liang**. Bioremediation of contaminated urban river sediment with methanol stimulation: Metabolic processes accompanied with microbial community changes. Sci Total Environ., 2019, 653, 649–657. IF: 4.610.


1、Cong Huang, Wen-Zong Liu, Zhi-Ling Li*, Shu-Ming Zhang, Fan Chen, Hua-Rong Yu, Sen-Lin Shao, Jun Nan, Ai-Jie Wang**. High recycling efficiency and elemental sulfur purity achieved in a biofilm formed membrane filtration reactor. Water Res., 2018,130 (1), 1-12. IF: 7.913.
2、Fan Chen, Zhi-Ling Li*, Jia-Qi Yang, Bin Liang, Xiao-Qiu Lin, Jun-Nan, Ai-Jie Wang*. Effects of different carbon substrates on performance, microbiome community structure and function for bioelectrochemical stimulated dechlorination of tetrachloroethylene. Chem Eng J., 2018, 352, 730-736. IF: 8.355.
3、Fan Chen, Zhi-Ling Li*, Jiaqi Yang, Bin Liang, Cong Huang, Weiwei Cai, Jun Nan, Ai-Jie Wang*. Electron Fluxes in Biocathode Bioelectrochemical Systems Performing Dechlorination of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons. Front Microbiol., 2018, 9, 2306. IF: 4.019.
4、Xiao-Qiu Lin, Zhi-Ling Li*, Bin Liang, Jun Nan, Ai-Jie Wang**. Identification of biofilm formation and exoelectrogenic population structure and function with graphene/polyanliline modified anode in microbial fuel cell. Chemosphere, 2019, 219, 358-364. IF: 5.108.
5、Youkang Zhao, Zhiling Li, Jincai Ma, Hui Yun, Mengyuan Qi, Xiaodan Ma, Hao Wang, Aijie Wang*, Bin Liang**. Enhanced bioelectroremediation of a complexly contaminated river sediment through stimulating electroactive degraders with methanol supply. J Hazard Mater, 2018, 348,168-176. IF: 7.650.
6、Mengyuan Qi, Bin Liang**, Rongrong Chen, Xun Sun, Zhiling Li, Xiaodan Ma, Youkang Zhao, Deyong Kong, Jun Wang, Aijie Wang*. Effects of surface charge, hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity on functional biocathode catalytic efficiency and community structure. 2018, Chemosphere, 202, 105-110. IF: 4.208.
7、Bin Liang, Jincai M, Weiwei Cai, Zhiling Li, Wenzong Liu, Mengyuan Qi, Youkang Zhao, Xiaodan Ma, Ye Deng, Aijie Wang*, Jizhong Zhou. Response of chloramphenicol-reducing biocathode resistome to continuous electrical stimulation. Water Res., 2019,148 398-406. IF: 6.942.
8、Chunfang Zhang, Shaohong You, Hongyue Dang, Zhiling Li, Qinglin Xie, Dongdong Zhang*. Redox characterization of humins in sediments from the Yangtze Estuary to the East China Sea and their effects on microbial redox reactions. J Soils Sediments., 2019, 1, 1-10. IF: 2.44.
9、Chunfang Zhang, Ning Zhang, Zhixing Xiao, Zhiling Li, and Dongdong Zhang. Characterization of biochars derived from different materials and their effects on microbial dechlorination of pentachlorophenol in a consortium. RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 917–923. IF:2.94


1、Cong Huang, Qian Liu, Chuan Chen, Fan Chen, You-Kang Zhao, Ling-Fang Gao, Wen-Zong Liu, Ji-Zhong Zhou, Zhi-Ling Li*, and Ai-Jie Wang**. Elemental sulfur recovery and spatial distribution of functional bacteria and expressed genes under different carbon/nitrate/sulfide loadings in up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors. J Hazard Mater., 2017, 324, 48-53. IF: 7.650.
2、Hui Yun, Bin Liang, Deyong Kong, Zhiling Li, Guoshu Qi, Aijie Wang. Enhanced Biotransformation of Triclocarban by Ochrobactrum sp. TCC-1 Under Anoxic Nitrate Respiration Conditions. Curr Microbiol., 2017, 74(4), 491-498. IF: 1.373.
3、Hui Yun, Bin Liang, De-Yong Kong, Hao-Yi Cheng, Zhi-Ling Li, Ya-Bing Gu, Hua-Qun Yin, Ai-Jie Wang. Polarity Inversion of Bioanode for Biocathodic Reduction of Aromatic Pollutants. J Hazard Mater., 2017, 331, 280-288. IF: 6.065.


1、Zhi-ling Li, Jun Nan, Cong Huang, Bin Liang, Wenzong Liu, Haoyi Cheng, Chunfang Zhang, Dongdong Zhang, Deyong Kong, Kyoko Kanamaru, Tetsuo Kobayashi, Aijie Wang**, and Arata Katayama*. Spatial abundance and distribution of potential microbes and functional genes associated with anaerobic mineralization of pentachlorophenol in a cylindrical reactor, Sci Rep., 2016, 6, 19015. IF: 5.259.
2、Qian Sun, Zhiling Li*, Dan Cui, Youzhao Wang, Jong Shik Chung, and Aijie Wang*. Assessment of the operational parameters in bioelectrochemical system in perspective of decolorization efficiency and energy conservation. Inter J Electrochem Sci 2016, 11, 2447-2460. IF: 1.369.
3、Cong Huang, Zhi-ling Li, Fan Chen, Qian Liu, You-kang Zhao, Ling-fang Gao, Chuan Chen, Ji-zhong Zhou, Ai-jie Wang*. Efficient regulation of elemental sulfur recovery through optimizing working height of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor during denitrifying sulfide removal process. Biresour Technol , 2016, 200, 1019-1023. IF: 6.669.
4、Qian Sun, Zhi-Ling Li, You-Zhao Wang, Chun-Xue Yang, Jong Shik Chung, Ai-Jie Wang. Cathodic bacterial community structure applying the different co-substrates for reductive decolorization of Alizarin Yellow R. Biresour Technol., 2016, 208, 64-72. IF: 6.669.
5、Dongdong Zhang, Zhiling Li, Chunfang Zhang, Xue Zhou, Zhixing Xiao, Katayama Arata*. Phenol-degrading anode biofilm with high coulombic efficiency in graphite electrodes microbial fuel cell. J Biosci Bioeng., 2016, 123 (3), 364-369. IF: 2.015.
6、Hui Yun, Deyong Kong, Bin Liang, Minhua Cui, Zhiling Li, Aijie Wang. Response of anodic bacterial community to the polarity inversion for chloramphenicol reduction, Biresour Technol., 2016, 221, 666-670. IF: 5.651.
7、Zhixing Xiao, Takanori Awata, Dongdong Zhang, Chunfang Zhang, Zhiling Li, Arata Katayama*. Enhanced denitrification of pseudomonas stutzeri by a bioelectrochemical system assisted with solid-phase humin. J Biosci Bioeng., 2016, 122(1), 85-91. IF: 2.015.


1、Zhiling Li, Naoko Yoshida, Aijie Wang, Jun Nan, Bin Liang, Chunfang Zhang, Dongdong Zhang , Daisuke Suzuki, Xue Zhou, Zhixing Xiao, and Arata Katayama*. Anaerobic mineralization of 2,4,6-tribromophenol to CO2 by a synthetic microbial community comprising Clostridium, Dehalobacter and Desulfatiglans. Biresour Technol., 2015,176, 225-232. IF: 6.669.
2、Zhi-ling Li, Jun Nan, Jia-qi Yang, Xiao Jin, Arata Katayama*, Ai-jie Wang*. Temporal distributions of functional microbes and putative genes associated with halogenated phenol anaerobic dehalogenation and further mineralization. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 89157-89163. IF: 3.108.
3、Cong Huang, Zhiling Li, Fan Chen, Qian Liu, Youkang Zhao, Jizhong Zhou, Aijie Wang*. Microbial community structure and function in response to the shift of sulfide/nitrate loading ratio during the denitrifying sulfide removal process. Biresour Technol., 2015,197, 227-234. IF: 6.669.
4、Qian Sun, Zhiling Li, Youzhao Wang, Dan Cui, Sangeetha Thangavel, Jong Shik Chung and Aijie Wang*. A Horizontal Plug-Flow Baffled Bioelectrocatalyzed Reactor for the Reductive Decolorization of Alizarin Yellow R. Biresour Technol., 2015, 195, 73-77. IF: 6.669.
5、Cong Huang, Youkang Zhao, Zhiling Li, Ye Yuan, Chuan Chen, Wenbo Tan, Shuang Gao, Liangfang Gao, Jizhong Zhou, Aijie Wang*. Enhanced elementary sulfur recovery with sequential sulfate-reducing, denitrifying sulfide- oxidizing processes in a cylindrical-type anaerobic baffled reactor. Biresour Technol., 2015, 192(0), 478-485. IF: 6.669.
6、Wenzong Liu, Weiwei Cai, Anzhou Ma, Ge Ren, Zhiling Li, Guoqiang Zhuang, Aijie Wang*. Improvement of bioelectrochemical property and energy recovery by acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) in microbial electrolysis cells (MECs).J Power Sources, 2015, 284, 56-59. IF: 7.46.
7、Chunfang Zhang, Dongdong Zhang, Zhixing Xiao, Zhiling Li, Daisuke Suzuki, Arata Katayama*. Characterization of humins from different natural sources and the effect on microbial reductive dechlorination of pentachlorophenol. Chemosphere, 2015, 131, 110-116. IF: 4.208.
1、Zhiling Li, Daisuke Suzuki, Chunfang Zhang, Suyin Yang, Jun Nan, Naoko Yoshida, Aijie Wang, Arata Katayama*. Anaerobic 4-chlorophenol mineralization in an enriched culture under iron-reducing conditions, J Biosci Bioeng., 2014, 118(5), 529-532. IF: 2.015.
2、Daisuke Suzuki*, Zhiling Li, Xinxin Cui, Chunfung Zhang, Arata Katayama. Reclassification of Desulfobacterium anilini as Desulfatiglans anilini comb. nov. to Desulfatiglans gen. nov., and description of a 4-chlorophenol-degrading sulfate-reducing bacterium—Desulfatiglans parachlorophenolica sp. nov., Int J Syst Evol Microbiol., 2014, 64, 3081-3086. IF: 2.439.
3、Chunfang Zhang, Dongdong Zhang, Zhiling Li, Tetsuji Akatsuka, Suyin Yang, Daisuke Suzuki, Arata Katayama*. Insoluble Fe-Humic acid complex as a solid-phase electron mediator for microbial reductive dechlorination. Environ Sci Technol, 2014, 48(11), 6318-6325. IF: 6.198.
4、Dongdong Zhang, Chunfang Zhang, Zhiling Li, Daisuke Suzuki, Daisuke Komatsu, Urumu Tsunogai, Arata Katayama*. Electrochemical stimulation of microbial reductive dechlorination of pentachlorophenol using solid-state redox mediator (humin) immobilization. Biresour Technol., 2014, 164, 232-240. IF: 6.669.
5、Deyong Kong, Bin Liang, Hui Yun, Jincai Ma, Zhiling Li,Aijie Wang*, Nanqi Ren. Electrochemical degradation of nitrofurans furazolidone by cathode: characterization, pathway and antibacterial activity analysis.Chem Eng J., 2014, 262, 1244-1251. IF: 8.355.


1、Zhiling Li, Yashushi Inoue, Daisuke Suzuki, Lizhen Ye, Arata Katayama*. Long-term anaerobic mineralization of PCP in a continuous-flow system using only lactate as an external nutrient, Environ SciTechnol., 2013, 47 (3), 1534-1541. IF: 7.1.
2、Zhiling Li, Daisuke Suzuki, Chunfang Zhang, Suyin Yang, Naoko Yoshida, Arata Katayama*. Involvement of Dehalobacter strains in the anaerobic dechlorination of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, J Biosci Bioeng., 2013, 116(5), 602-609. IF: 2.015.
3、Chunfang Zhang, Zhiling Li, Daisuke Suzuki, Naoko Yoshida, Arata Katayama*. A humin-dependent Dehalobacter species is involved in reductive debromination of Tetrabromobisphenol A, Chemosphere, 2013, 92 (10), 1343-1348. IF: 5.108.


1、Zhiling Li, Suyin Yang, Yasushi Inoue, Naoko Yoshida, Arata Katayama*. Complete anaerobic mineralization of pentachlorophenol (PCP) under continuous flow conditions by sequential combination of PCP-dechlorinating and phenol-degrading consortia, Biotechnol Bioeng., 2010, 107(5), 775-785. IF: 4.481.
2、Zhiling Li, Yasushi Inoue, Suyin Yang, Naoko Yoshida, Arata Katayama*. Mass balance and kinetic analysis of anaerobic microbial dechlorination of pentachlorophenol in a continuous flow column, J Biosci Bioeng, 2010, 110(3), 326-332. IF: 2.015.
3、Zhiling Li, Yasushi Inoue, Daisuke Suzuki, Lizhen Ye, Arata Katayama*. Complete anaerobic mineralization of PCP in a continuous flow column by a consortium requiring no electron acceptor, J Biotechnol, 2010, 150, 222. IF: 2.533.
4、Chunfang Zhang, Daisuke Suzuki, Zhiling Li, Lizhen Ye, Arata Katayama*. Polyphasic characterization of two microbial consortia with wide dechlorination spectra for chlorophenols, J Biosci Bioeng., 2012, 114(5), 512-517. IF: 2.015.
5、Naoko Yoshida*, Lizhen Ye, Fengmao Liu, Zhiling Li, Arata Katayama. Evaluation of biodegradable plastics as solid hydrogen donors for the reductive dechlorination of fthalide by Dehalobacter species, Biresour Technol., 2012,130, 473-485. IF: 6.669.


1、 朱穎穎,李智靈*,王愛傑。納米零價鐵還原溴代阻燃劑的研究進展。環境科學與管理。42(10), 75-79,2017。
2、李智靈,楊琦,尚海濤,席宏波,郝春博。負載型納米Pd/Fe對氯代烴脫氯機理研究。環境科學,29 (4), 978-984. 2008。
3、尚海濤,李智靈,楊琦,席宏波,郝春博。負載型納米Pd/Fe對揮發性氯代烴的去除。現代地質,22(2), 313-320, 2008。
4、席宏波,廖娣傑,尚海濤,李智靈,楊琦。納米鐵除磷的影響因素及吸附模式研究。給水排水。36(3), 270-275, 2008。
5、席宏波,廖娣傑,尚海濤,李智靈,楊琦。三氧化二鋁超細粉末對水中三氯乙烯吸附特性研究。地球與環境。36(3), 2008。


1、Ai-Jie Wang, Bin Liang, Zhi-Ling Li, Hao-Yi Cheng. Bioelectrochemistry Stimulated Environmental Remediation. Springer, 2019.
2、Fan Chen, Zhi-Ling Li*, Ai-Jie Wang. Chapter 4: Accleration of Microbial Dehalorespiration with Electrical Stimulation. Bioelectrochemistry Stimulated Environmental Remediation. Springer, 201


3、王愛傑,陳帆,李智靈, 黃聰, 呂淼, 趙友康, 高翔宇。一種電化學系統耦合硫自養反硝化的方法及裝置. 國家發明專利。申請時間:2018年11月02日。申請號: 201811301388.3。
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