



  • 中文名:李晟曼
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1994年
  • 畢業院校華中科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:工學博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 職稱副教授 
  • 性別:女


2015-2020,華中科技大學微電子學與固體電子學,工學博士 (導師:吳燕慶)





在Nature Materials、Nature Nanotechnology、Advanced Electronic Materials等期刊發表SCI論文10餘篇。2019年參加國際微電子器件大會(IEDM)並作口頭報告,獲得台積電公司的關注。


1. Li S. M., Tian M. C., Gao Q. G., Wang M. F., Hu Q. L., Li X. F., Wu Y. Q. Nanometer thin indium tin oxide for advanced high performance electronics. Nature Materials, 2019, 18(10), 1091-1097.
2. Li S. M., Tian M. C., Gu C. R., Wang R. S., Wang M. F., Xiong X., Li X. F., Huang R., Wu Y. Q. BEOL Compatible 15-nm channel length ultrathin indium-tin-oxide transistors with Ion = 970 μA/μm and on/off ratio near 10 at Vds = 0.5 V. IEDM, 2019.
3. Huang M. Q., Li S. M., Zhang Z. F., Xiong X., Li X. F., Wu Y. Q. Multifunctional high-performance van der Waals heterostructures. Nature Nanotechnology, 2017, 12(12), 1148.
4. Wang M. F., Tian M. C., Zhang Z. F., Li S. M., Wang R. S., Gu C. R., Shan X. Y., Xiong X., Huang R., Hu Q. L., Li X. F., Wu Y. Q. High performance gigahertz flexible radio frequency transistors with extreme bending conditions. IEDM, 2019.
5. Li T. Y., Tian M. C., Li S. M., Huang M. Q., Xiong X., Hu Q. L., Li S. C., Li X. F., Wu Y. Q. Black phosphorus radio frequency electronics at cryogenic temperatures. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2018, 4, 1800138.
6. Li X. F., Wu J. Y, Ye Y. S., Li S. M., Li T. Y., Xiong X., Xu X. L., Gao T. T., Xie X. L., Wu Y. Q. Performance and reliability improvement under high current densities in black phosphorus transistors by interface engineering. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 2019, 11 (1), 1587–1594.
7. Li T. Y., Zhang Z. F., Li X. F., Huang M. Q., Li S. C., Li S. M., Wu Y. Q. High field transport of high performance black phosphorus transistors. Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 110, 163507.
8. Wang M. F., Li X. F., Xiong X., Song J., Gu C. R., Zhang D., Hu Q. L., Li S. M., Wu Y. Q. High-performance flexible ZnO thin-film transistors by atomic layer deposition. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2019, 40, 3, 419-422.
9. Hu Q. H., Hu, B., Gu C. R., Li T. Y., Li S. C., Li S. M., Li X. F., Wu Y.Q. Improved current collapse in recessed AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs by interface and structure engineering. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2019, 66(11): 4591-4596.




