李新影, 女,研究員,醫學博士。2005年開始,在中科院心理所任職,從事青少年情緒與行為發展的研究。
- 中文名:李新影
- 學位:醫學博士
- 任職機構:中科院心理所
- 職稱:研究員
Chen, J., Li, X., McGue, M. (2012) Interacting effect of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and stressful life events on adolescent depression. Gene, Brain and Behaviors
Chen, J., Li, X., Zhang, J., Natsuaki, M. N., Leve, L. D., Harold, G. T., Chen, Z., Yang, X., Guo, F., Zhang, J., Ge, X. (2012) The Beijing Twin Study (BeTwiSt): a longitudinal study of child and adolescent development. Twin Research and Human Genetics. 16(Special Issue)
Li, X., McGue, M., Gottesman., I.I. (2012). Two sources of genetic liability to depression: interpreting the relationship between stress sensitivity and depression under a multifactorial polygenic model. Behavior genetics
Chen, J., Li, X., Chen, Z., Yang, X., Zhang, J., Duan, Q., Ge, X. (2010). Optimization of zygosity determination by questionnaire and DNA genotyping in Chinese adolescent twins. Twin Research and Human Genetics.
Guo, F., Chen, Z., Li, X., Yang, X., & Ge, X.(2011). Parenting Does Matter: the Relation between Nonshared Environment and Monozygotic Adolescent Twin Differences in Effortful Control. Social Behavior and Personality
Liu, Z., Li, X., & Ge, X. (2009). Left Too Early: The Effects of Age at Separation From Parents on Chinese Rural Children's Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression. American Journal of Public Health
Chen, Z., Guo, F., Yang, X., Li, X., Duan, Q., Zhang, J., & Ge, X., (2009). Emotional and behavioral effects of romantic relationships in Chinese adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Li, X., Wang, M., Poliakoff, E., Luo, Y-J. (2007). Attention to threat in high and low trait anxious individuals: A study using extremely threatening pictorial cues. Perceptual and Motor Skills
Poliakoff, E., Miles, E., Li, X., & Blanchette, I. (2007). The effect of visual threat on exogenous spatial attention to touch. Cognition
李夢姣,陳杰,李新影 (2012). 非藥物成癮的遺傳學和神經生物學機制研究評述. 心理科學進展
張俊先,陳杰,李新影 (2012). 5-HTTLPR與抑鬱相關性的研究動態. 心理科學
張俊先,陳杰,李新影 (2011). 母親抑鬱與青少年認知重評的關係:教養方式的中介作用. 中國臨床心理學雜誌
侯金芹,李新影,楊小冬,陳祉妍 (2010). 父母教養與外化行為關係的行為遺傳學研究. 中國臨床心理學雜誌,
陳祉妍,楊小冬,李新影 (2007). 我國兒童青少年研究中的抑鬱自評工具. 中國心理衛生雜誌