- 中文名:李文東
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:中國海洋大學
- 代表作品:《油樣品的可變角同步螢光光譜的計算機模擬》
- 學歷:博士
- 職稱:教授
2010.11-2011.11 聯合培養博士研究生:澳大利亞昆士蘭大學數學物理專業,研究方向:多體系統中的量子信息處理;導師:Yao-zhong Zhang 準教授
2009.02-2009.07 中科院量子信息重點實驗室訪問學者,研究方向:多體系統中的量子信息處理;指導教師:周正威教授
2006.09-2012.06 研究生:中國海洋大學海洋信息探測與處理專業(碩博連讀),研究領域:量子光學與量子信息;導師:顧永建教授
2000.09-2004.07 理學學士:中國海洋大學物理學專業,論文指導教師:鄭榮兒教授
2012.07-至今 中國海洋大學,信息科學與工程學院物理系,講師
1. 測量為基礎量子計算的物理原理及光學實現研究,山東省自然科學基金(ZR2014AQ026),2015.01-2017.12。
1. 基於自旋系統混合量子體系中的態傳輸研究,國家自然科學基金(11475160),2015.01-2018.12。
2. 大氣和海洋環境下自由空間量子通信理論和方案的研究,國家自然科學基金項目(60677044),2007.01-2009.12。
2. Chun-Hong Zheng, Jie Zhao, Peng Shi, Wen-Dong Li, Yong-Jian Gu*, Generation of three-photon polarization-entangled GHZ state via linear optics and weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity, Optics Communications 316, 26, 2014
3. Wen-Dong Li, Yong-Jian Gu, Kai Liu, Yuan-Harng Lee, and Yao-Zhong Zhang, Efficient universal quantum computation with auxiliary Hilbert space, Physical Review A 88, 034303, 2013.
4. Jie Zhao, Wendong Li and Yongjian Gu, Deterministic multicopy entanglement concentration, Europhysics Letters, 104, 10005, 2013.
5. Wen-Dong Li, Wen-zhao Zhang, Li-Zhen Ma, Yong-Jian Gu. Optimal deterministic entanglement concentration of polarized photons through direct sum extension and cavity-assited interaction, Quantum Information and Computation, 11(7&8), 2011.
6. Li Wen-Dong, Zhang Jian-Li, Gu Yong-Jian. Quantum circuits for realizing deterministic and exact teleportation via two partially entangled pairs of particles, Chinese Physics, 15(3), 2006.
7. Wen-dong Li, Yan Zhu, Li-Zhen Ma, Yong-Jian Gu. Optimal deterministic entanglement concentration of polarized photons through direct sum extension and cavity-assisted interaction, 2008 Symposium for Young Researchers “Quantum manipulation of Photons and Atoms”, 2008.
8. 李文東, 顧永建. 多光子普適么正演化的實現及套用, 第十三屆全國量子光學學術報告會論文摘要集, JUL 28 2008.
9. 李文東, 王春艷, 高居偉, 鄭榮兒. 油樣品的可變角同步螢光光譜的計算機模擬, 中國海洋大學學報(自然版), 37(1), 2007.
10. ZHAO Jie, LI Wen-Dong, GU Yong-Jian,. Deterministic Three-Copy Entanglement Concentration of Photons through Direct Sum Extension and Auxiliary Degrees of Freedom, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 30(7) 070302, 2013.
11. Yong-Jian Gu, Wen-Dong Li, Guang-Can Guo. Protocol and quantum circuits for realizing deterministic entanglement concentration, Physical Review A, 73(022321), FEB 2006.
12. Chunyan Wang, Wendong Li, Xiaoning Luan, Qianqian Liu, Jinliang Zhang, Ronger Zheng; Species Identification and Concentration Quantification of Crude Oil Samples in Petroleum Exploration Using the Concentration-Synchronous-Matrix Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Talanta, 81(1-2), 2010.
13. Yang Ailing, Li Wendong, Yuan Guang, Dong Junyu; Zhang Jinliang. Measuring the refractive indices of liquids with a capillary tube interferometer, Applied Optics, 45(31): 7993, NOV 1 2006.
14. 劉凱, 李文東, 張聞釗, 史鵬, 任春年, 顧永建. 高維輔助的普適量子線路最佳化, 物理學報.61 (12): 120301, 2012
15. 張聞釗, 李文東, 史鵬, 顧永建. 3對非最大糾纏粒子的確定性糾纏濃縮協定, 物理學報, 60(6), 060303, 2011.
16. Peng Shi, Li-bo Chen, Yong-jian Gu*, Wen-dong Li, Generation of multi-level maximally entangled states under large atom-cavity detuning, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 30(4), 2013.
17. 任春年, 史鵬, 劉凱, 李文東, 趙潔, 顧永建. 初態對光波導陣列中連續量子行走影響的研究, 物理學報.62 (9): 90301, 2013.
18. 王春艷, 李文東, 欒曉寧, 張登英, 張金亮, 鄭榮兒. 基於濃度參量同步螢光光譜的相近油源溢油鑑別, 光譜學與光譜分析, 30(10), 2010.
19. GU Yong-Jian, XIAN Liang, LI Wen-Dong, MA Li-Zhen. Optical Realization of Deterministic Entanglement Concentration of Polarized, Chinese Physics Letters, 25 (4), 1191, APR 2008.
21. Yang Ailing, Li Wendong, Dong Junyu, Zhang Jinliang. Source rock maturity study by capillary tube interferometer. 27th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, Proc. of SPIE, 6279(62794W), 2007.
22. Yang Ailing, Li Wendong, Dong Junyu, Sun Guimei, Bi Decang, Yuan Guang, Zhang jinliang. Experimental investigation of the fringe pattern of capillary tube filled with liquid by using focused laser sheet of light, 27th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, Proc. of SPIE, 6279(627978), 2007.
23. Bing Mu, Wen-dong Li, Kai Cheng, Ming-ming Ding, Zheng Sun, Lihui Ren, Xing-hua Ci, Rong-er Zheng. High-resolution linear CCD application in the recognition of cuttings' lithology category, 2009 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology - Optoelectronic Imaging and Process Technology Proc. of SPIE, 7513(75132F), 2009.