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  • 中文名:李承紅
  • 外文名:Li Chenghong
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:華東師範大學副教授


國家開發銀行 華東師範大學國際關係與地區發展研究院, 副教授。
2009/5 美國南卡羅來納大學(University of South Carolina)獲國際研究(International Studies)博士學位。
1995/6 華東師大法政系獲國際共運史碩士學位。
1992/6 華東師大政治教育系獲法學學士學位。
2009/11--至今 國家開發銀行 華東師範大學國際關係與地區發展研究院 副教授。
2008/7-2009/1 華東師大國際關係與地區發展研究院 兼職研究員。
2006/1-2007/8 擔任美國南卡羅來納大學亞洲研究中心研究助理。
2004夏季, 2006春季 美國南卡羅來納大學政治系給本科生講授《國際關係理論》課程。
2000/8-2005/8 美國南卡羅來納大學政治系擔任美國政黨政治,世界政治導論, 政治學。
1995/8-1999/8 華東師大法政系 任教。



1.“重新考察林彪在中美關係改善中所扮演的角色”(Re-examining Lin Biao’s Role in Sino-U.S. Rapprochement), American Journal of Chinese Studies, vol. 17, no. 2 ( October ,2010), pp. 119-130 ,(英文)。
4. “當代中國外交的根本轉型與分期問題:一個外交政策分析理論的視角,”《外交評論》,總第106期,2008年第6期,27-36頁。
5.“有限的防禦性戰略夥伴關係:中俄日趨接近及其深層次助推力(Limited Defensive Strategic Partnership: Sino-Russian Rapprochement and the Driving Forces),” Journal of Contemporary China, vol. 16, no. 53 (August, 2007), pp.477-497,(英文)。
6.“中美日趨緊密的相互依賴關係及其對中國外交的影響(Increasing Interdependence between China and the U.S. and Its Implications for Chinese Foreign Policy),” in Sujian Guo, ed., New Dimensions of Chinese Foreign Policy (Lexington: Roman and Little Field Publisher, 2007),pp.203-232,(英文)。
7.書評,“華北村級治理:1875-1936 (Village Governance in North China: 1875-1936),” Journal of Chinese Political Science, vol. 12, issue 2 (Fall 2007), pp.197-199, (英文)。
8.“雙層次博弈,議題政治化與2000年總統大選後台灣海峽兩岸政策的混亂(Two-level Games, Issue Politicization and the Disarray of Taiwan’s Cross-Strait Policy after the 2000 Presidential Election),” East Asia: An International Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 3 (Fall, 2005),pp. 41-62,(英文)。
9.書評,“台灣2004年總統大選:民主的鞏固還是民主的倒退?(Taiwan’s 2004 Presidential and Vice Presidential Election: Democracy’s Consolidation or Devolution?),”American Journal of Chinese Studies, Book Review, (2005), (英文)。
10.書評,“外依性國家:大中國與跨國國際關係(Contingent States: Greater China and Transnational Relations),” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Book Review, vol .34,no. 2 (2005), pp.639-641, (英文)。
11.“中俄軍事技術合作:回顧與展望,” 《俄羅斯研究》,總第134期,2004年第4期,19-25頁。
12.“當代世界經濟中的南北關係,”周敏凱主編,《當代世界政治與經濟》, 101-121 頁。
13.“當代世界經濟中的全球化與區域化,” 周敏凱主編,《當代世界政治與經濟》, 122-144頁。
14.“俄羅斯尋租現象分析,”《今日東歐中亞》, 1999年第1期,21-25頁。
15.“論共產國際和蘇聯的關係,”《共產國際研究》, 1994年第4期。
16. 翻譯,史蒂芬. 赫德蘭,“危機中的俄羅斯”,《俄羅斯研究》,Stephan Hedlund, “Russia in Crisis: The End of an Energy Superpower,” 2010年第2期,總第162期,40-64頁 (英譯中)。
17. 翻譯, 鄭永年,“國際視野中的中國模式”, “The Chinese Model of Development: An International Perspective,” Social Sciences in China, vol. 31, no. 2, May 2010, pp. 44-59,(中譯英)。
18. 校譯,Karl Gerth, China Made: Consumer Culture and the Creation of the Nation-State (Zhizao zhongguo: xiaofei wenhua he minzu guojia de chuangjian) (Peking University Press, 2007), translation proof reader (English to Chinese).


1.Globalization and Its Critics: An Intellectual History of the Studies of Interdependence in IR Theory, Shanghai Roundtable with IR Scholars from University of Jyvaskyla of Finland, School of Advanced International and Area Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, May 19, 2011.
2. My Reflections on the Notion of China’s Overseas Interests, Conference on “China’s Overseas Interest Protection in the Future 10 Years,” Shanghai International Studies University, November 18, 2010.
3. Discussant for the Panel “SCO as a Regional/Global Player and the Future of Eurasia,” The Third Eurasian Forum: The Emerging Balance of Power in Central Asia and the Development of SCO, Center for Russian Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, September 28-30, 2009.
4. Sino-Russian Military Cooperation: Present Situation, Problems and Prospect, the First East Asian Conference for Slavic Eurasian Studies, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Japan, February 5-6, 2009 (a paper submitted).
5.Beyond Two-step Model: Power, Ideas, and the Fundamental Reorientations of Chinese Foreign Policy, International Symposium on Political China in 21 Century, People’s University of China, June 10-11, 2006.
6.Beyond Two-step Model: Power, Ideas and the Fundamental Reorientations of Chinese Foreign Policy, International Studies Association-South, Miami, Florida, November 2005.
7. Beyond Two-step Model: Power, Ideas and the Fundamental Reorientations of Chinese Foreign Policy, South Political Science Association, Atlanta, January 5-7, 2006.
8. Two-Level Games, Issue Politicization, and the Disarray of Taiwan’s Mainland China Policy after the 2000 Presidential Election. International Studies Association Convention, Honolulu, March 2005.
9. Chair and Discussant for the panel “Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy,” International Studies Association Convention, Honolulu, March 2005.
10. Two-level Games, Authoritarian Regime and International Negotiation, American Political Science Association Annual Convention, Chicago, September 2004.
11. Discussant for the Panel “New Security Issues in Contemporary World,” South Carolina Political Science Convention, Charleston, November 2004.
12. Economic Reform Sequence, Elite Shifting Preference, and China’s Discontinued Democratization, American Association for Chinese Studies, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 2003.
13. Increasing Interdependence between China and the United States and its Implication on China’s U.S. Policy, South American Political Association Conference, Savannah, Georgia, November 2002.
14. Limited, Defensive Strategic Partnership—Russia-China’s Rapprochement and the Driving Forces, International Studies Association-South, Richmond, Virginia, October 2002.


2009/11-至今 華東師大國際關係與地區發展研究院講授《國際關係理論》,《國際關係經濟名著選讀》,《中國外交研究》等研究生課程。
2006年春季 美國南卡羅來納大學政治系本科生講授《國際關係理論導論》一課。
2004年夏季 美國南卡羅來納大學政治系本科生講授《國際關係理論導論》一課(Introduction to International Relations)。


Dissertation Fellowship, Richard Walker Institute of International and Areas Studies, University of South Carolina,2007-2009。
Research Assistantship, Center for Asian Studies, University of South Carolina, 2006-present。
Scholarship, Center for Asian Studies, University of South Carolina, 2006。
Prestage-Cook Travel Award, South Political Science Association, 2005。
Travel Grant, American Association for Chinese Studies, 2003- 2004。
Travel Grants, Department of Political Science, University of South Carolina, 2003-2006。
West Foundation Fellowship, Department of Political Science, University of South Carolina, 2002-2003。
Graduate Assistantship, Department of Political Science, University of South Carolina, 2000-2004。


