



  • 中文名:李應衛
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1986年2月
  • 畢業院校中國石油大學、北京大學
  • 學位/學歷:工學博士
  • 專業方向:鐵電單晶/陶瓷的變形與失效 
  • 職稱:副教授


2008-2014 北京大學博士研究生
2014.02-今武漢大學 講師、副教授






1. li, y.w., scott, j. f., dang, d. n. & li, f. x., 90-degree polarization switching in batio3 crystals without domain wall motion. applied physics letters, 2013. 103: 232901.
2. li, y. w. & li, f. x., ultrahigh actuation strains in batio3 and pb(mn1/3nb2/3)o3-pbtio3 single crystals via reversible electromechanical domain switching. applied physics letters, 2013.102: 152905.
3. li, y. w., ren, x. b., li, f. x., luo, h. s.&fang, d. n., large and electric field tunable superelasticity in batio3 crystals predicted by an incremental domain switching criterion. applied physics letters, 2013.102: 092905.
4. li, y.w. & li, f. x., the effect of domain pattern on 180 domain switching in batio3 crystal during antiparallel electric fields loading. applied physics letters, 2014. 104, 042908.
5. li, y. w.&li, f. x., two-dimensional domain switching induced tensile fracture in a crack-free lead titanate zirconate ceramics under orthogonal electromechanical loading. applied physics letters, 2010.97: 102903.
6. li, y. w.&li, f. x.,in situ observation of electric field induced crack propagation in batio3 crystals along the field direction. scripta materialia, 2012. 67: 601-604.
7. li, y. w.&li, f. x.,large anisotropy of fracture toughness in mechanically poled/depoled ferroelectric ceramics. scripta materialia, 2010. 62: 313-316.
8. li, y. w., zhou, x. l., miao, h. c., cai, h. r.&li, f.x., mechanism of crystal-symmetry dependent deformation in ferroelectric ceramics: experiments versus model. journal of applied physics, 2013. 113: 214111.
9. li, y. w., zhou, x. l., &li, f. x.,temperature-dependent mechanical depolarization of ferroelectric ceramics. journal of physics d: applied physics, 2010. 43: 175501.
10. li, y. w., sun, y.&li, f. x., domain texture dependent fracture behavior in mechanically poled/depoled ferroelectric ceramics.ceramics international, 2013. 39: 8605-8614.
11. li, f. x. &li, y. w., modeling on domain switching in ferroelectric ceramics near the morphotropic phase boundary.journal of applied physics, 2009. 105: 124105.
12. lin, l. z.,li, y. w.,soh, a. k.&li, f.x., a pencil-like magnetoelectric sensor exhibiting ultrahigh coupling properties. journal of applied physics, 2013. 113: 134101.
13. 李應衛, 周錫龍, 李法新, pzt壓電陶瓷高溫變形與失效的實驗研究. 實驗力學. 27(5): 527-534


