民國三十二年(1943年),他在美國的《土壤科學》(Soil Science)第55卷第5期上發表了《中國主要土壤的化學特徵》(Chemical Characteristic of the Great Soil Groups of China)論文,向國際土壤學界介紹 中國土壤學的研究成果,為中國土壤學的研究在世界上爭得了一席之地。
1:Ching-kwei Li,Sodium Hydroxide as a Substitute for Iodine in Robinso ns Sulfur Dioxide MethodJournal of the Chemical Society Chinese,1933,3: 288~292.
7:Ching-kwei Li,Determining Organic Matter in Paddy Soils,Industrial a nd Engineering Chemistry,AnalEd USA,1939,11:428~429.
8:李慶逵、尚仰震,中國中南部紅壤之磷肥試驗,土壤季刊, 1940,1(1):46~50。
9:Ching-kwei Li,Variations in Yield and Composition of the Wheat Plant as Affected by the Time of Applying Phosphatic Fertilizers,Journal of the American Society of Agronomy,1940,32:782~790.
12:Ching-kwei Li,Chemical Characteristics of the Great Soil Groups of ChinaSoil Science,USA,1943,55:(5),343~351.
13:Ching-kwei Li,A Study of Methods of Extraction and Determination of the Available Nutrients in Soils,Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosop hy in Agronimy University of Illinois,1948.
14:李慶逵,中國土壤代換性鉀之分析結果,科學, 1949,31(6):171~176。
15:Ching-kwei Li and Roger H Bray,Organic Matter and Nitrogen Contents of Soils as Influenced by Management,Soil Science,USA,1949,68:(3) ,203~212.
17:Ching-kwei Li,Exchangeable Potassium in Lateritic Soils of China Derived from Different Parent Materials,Forth International Congress of Siol Science,1950,1:303~304.
33:Ching-kwei Li,May-chu Wang and Shio-ni Chang,On the Status of Soil Potassium and the Sequence of Transformation of Potassium-Bearing Minerals in Some Important Soil Types in the Red Earth Region of China, Scientia Sinica,1961,10(8):985~997.
42:Ching-kwei Li and Rong-yen Chen,Ammonium Bicarbonate Used as a Nitro gen Fertilizer in China,Fertilizer Research,1980,1:125~136.
43:Ching-kwei Li and Sheng-wu Qing,Phosphorus Balance on Paddy Soils Re claimed from the Salinized Waste Land,Northern Jiangsu Proceedings of Symposiu m on Paddy Soil,Science Press,Beijing;Springer-Verlag,1981:805~808.
45:Ching-kwei Li,Present Methods of Fertilization for the Red Soils in South China,Tropical Agriculture Research Series (Japan),1982,No15:333~340.
46:Ru-kun Lu,Bai-fan Jiang and Ching-kwei Li,Phosphorus Management for Submerged Rice Soils,Transactions of the 12th International Congress of Soi l Science,Symposia Papers 1982,Ⅱ:182~191.
50:Ching-kwei Li,Fertilizer Application,Food Production and Changes in Soil Fertility through 30 Years Land Utilization in South China Proceedings of the International Symposium on Red Soils,Science Press,Beijin g;Elsevler,Amsterdam,1986:560~575.