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  • 中文名: 李思悅
  • 職業:博導
  • 性別:男
  • 學位:博士


職 務:研究中心主任
職 稱: 研究員
通訊地址: 中國科學院重慶綠色智慧型技術研究院/中國科學院水庫水環境重點實驗室


男,博士,研究員,中國科學院“百人計畫(A類)”入選者,博士生導師。2008 年6月博士畢業於中國科學院武漢植物園,獲生態學博士學位,2008年9月晉升為副研究員。2010年至2015年分別在National University of Singapore, Singapore 和Southern Cross University, Australia從事博士後研究。主要研究領域為生物地球化學循環和流域生態學,重點關注流域重要生源要素輸運及關鍵過程、岩溶關鍵帶河流碳匯與全球變化、元素循環的水庫效應及溫室氣體釋放。先後主持和參加中國科學院“百人計畫”擇優項目,國家自然科學基金項目、科技支撐等項目,獲湖北省科技進步二等獎、湖北省科技進步三等獎等獎項。


2015/04- 研究員(中國科學院“百人計畫”A類),中國科學院重慶綠色智慧型技術研究院/中國科學院水庫水環境重點實驗室
2013/01-2015/03,Postdoc Research Fellow in Southern Cross Geoscience, Southern Cross University, Australia
2010/01-2012/12,Research Associate in National University of Singapore, Singapore




Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2012-
中國生態學會Ecological Society of China 2009-
European Geosciences Union (EGU)2012-
中國生態學學會第一屆生態水文專業委員會 (2012-2016)


  1. 湖北省科技進步三等獎、2012、關鍵人員、排名第二
  2. 湖北省科技進步二等、獎2015、排名第二
  3. 中國科學院青年創新促進會會員 (Youth Innovation Promotion Association, China) (第一批會員)
  4. 環境科學研究期刊年度(2008)優秀論文(李思悅, 張全發. 運用水質指數法評價南水北調中線水源地丹江口水庫水質. 環境科學研究, 2008, 21(3): 61-68)
  5. 奧加諾(水質與水環境)獎(2008年11月;中國科學院生態環境研究中心與蘇州工業園區管理委員會)
  6. 優秀博士畢業研究生(2008年6月;中國科學院武漢教育基地)


  1. Li, S.Y. †, Bush, R.T., Ward, N.J., Sullivan, L.A., Dong, F.Y., 2016. Air-water CO2 outgassing in the Lower Lakes (Alexandrina and Albert, Australia) following a millennium drought. Science of the Total Environment 542, 453-468.
  2. Li, S.Y. †, Bush, R.T., 2015. Changing fluxes of carbon and other solutes from the Mekong River. Scientific Reports 5, 16005 DOI: 10.1038/srep16005
  3. Li, S.Y. †, Bush, R.T., 2015. Rising flux of nutrients (C, N, P and Si) in the lower Mekong River. Journal of Hydrology 530, 447-461.
  4. Li, S.Y., Bush, R.T., 2015. Revision of methane and carbon dioxide emissions from inland waters in India. Global Change Biology21, 6-8.
  5. Li, S.Y. †, Zhang, Q.F., Bush, R.T., Sullivan L. 2015. Methane and CO2emissions from China's hydroelectric reservoirs: a new quantitative synthesis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 5325-5339.
  6. Ye, C., Li, S.Y., Yang, Y., Shu, X., Zhang, J., Zhang, Q., 2015. Advancing Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Variations of Soil Nutrients in the Water Level Fluctuation Zone of China's Three Gorges Reservoir Using Self-Organizing Map. PLoS ONE 10, e0121210.
  7. Tan, X., Xia X., Li, S.Y., Zhang, Q., 2015. Water quality characteristics and integrated assessment based on multistep correlation analysis in the Danjiangkou Reservoir, China. Journal of Environmental Informatics 25(1), 60-70.
  8. Li, S.Y., Zhang, Q., 2014. Partial pressure of CO2and CO2emission in a monsoon-driven hydroelectric reservoir (Danjiangkou Reservoir), China. Ecological Engineering71, 401–414.
  9. Lu, X., Li, S.Y.,Kummu, M., Padawangi, R., Wang, J., 2014. Observed changes in the water flow at Chiang Saen in the lower Mekong: Impacts of Chinese dams? Quaternary International 336, 145-157.
  10. Li, S.Y., Zhang, Q., 2014. Carbon emission from global hydroelectric reservoirs revisited. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 13636-13641.
  11. Li, S.Y., Lu, X.X., Bush, R.T., 2014. Chemical weathering and CO2 consumption in the Lower Mekong River. Science of the Total Environment 472, 162–177.
  12. Li, S.Y., Lu, X.X., Richard, B.T., 2013. CO2 partial pressure and CO2 emission in the Lower Mekong River.Journal of Hydrology 504, 40-56.
  13. Li, S.Y., Xia, X., Tan, X., Zhang, Q., 2013. Effects of catchment and riparian landscape setting on water chemistry and seasonal evolution of water quality in the Upper Han River Basin, China. PLoS ONE 8, e53163, 1-14.
  14. Ye, C., Li, S.Y., Zhang, Y., Tong, X., Zhang, Q., 2013Assessing heavy metal pollution in the water level fluctuation zone of China's Three Gorges Reservoir using geochemical and soil microbial approaches. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment185, 231-240.
  15. Li, S.Y., 2012. China's huge investment on water facilities: an effective adaptation to climate change, natural disasters, and food security. Natural Hazards 61, 1473-1475.
  16. Li, S.Y., Lu, X.X., He, M., Zhou, Y., Ziegler, A.D., 2012. Daily CO2 partial pressure and CO2 outgassing in the upper Yangtze River: a case study of Longchuanjiang, China. Journal of Hydrology 466-467,141-150.
  17. Li, S.Y., Lu, X.X., 2012. Uncertainties of carbon emission from hydroelectric reservoirs. Natural Hazards 62, 1343-1345.
  18. Li, S.Y., Zhang, Q., 2012. Basin ecosystem management in the upper Han River for the South to North Water Division Project, China. Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology S3-002.
  19. Li, S.Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q., 2012. Interaction of landscape setting and stream flow seasonality on nitrogen concentrations in a subtropical river, China. Acta Oecologica 44, 38-45.
  20. Liu, W., Li, S.Y.,Bu, H., Zhang, Q., Liu, G., 2012. Eutrophication in the Yunnan Plateau lakes: the influence of lake morphology, watershed land use, and socioeconomic factors. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 19, 858-870.
  21. Lu, X.X., Li, S.Y., He, M., Zhou, Y., Bei, R., Ziegler, A.D., 2012. Organic carbon fluxes from the upper Yangtze basin: An example of the Longchuanjiang, China. Hydrological Processes26, 1604-1606.
  22. Li, SY., Li, J., Zhang, Q., 2011. Water quality assessment in the rivers along the water conveyance system of the Middle Route of the South to North Water Transfer Project (China) using multivariate statistical techniques and receptor modeling. Journal of Hazardous Materials195, 306-317.
  23. Lu, X.X., Yang, X., Li, S.Y.,2011. Dam not sole cause of Chinese drought. Nature475, 174.
  24. Li, S.Y., Lu, X.X., 2011. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Reservoirs Could Double Within 40 Years. Science (E-letter; 28 June 2011), www.sciencemag.org/content/331/6013/50/reply.
  25. Li, S.Y., Zhang, Q., 2011. Response of dissolved trace metals to land use/land cover and their source apportionment using a receptor model in a subtropic river, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials 190, 205-213.
  26. Ye, C.,Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q., 2011. Assessing soil heavy metal pollution in the water-level-fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China.Journal of Hazardous Materials 191, 366-372.
  27. Lu, X.X., Li, S.Y., He, M., Zhou, Y., Bei, R., Ziegler, A.D., 2011. Seasonal changes of nutrient fluxes in the Upper Changjiang basin: An example of the Longchuanjiang River, China. Journal of Hydrology 405, 344-351.
  28. Li, S.Y., Lu, X.X., He, M., Zhou, Y., Bei, R., Ziegler, A.D., 2011. Major element chemistry in the Upper Yangtze River: A case study of the Longchuanjiang River. Geomorphology 129, 29-42.
  29. Li, S.Y., Zhang, Q., 2010. Major ion chemistry and weathering processes of the Danjiangkou Reservoir, China.Hydrological Sciences Journal55, 1385-1395.
  30. Li, S.Y., Zhang, Q., 2010. Risk assessment and seasonal variations of dissolved trace elements and heavy metals in the Upper Han River, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials181, 1051-1058.
  31. Li, S.Y., Zhang, Q., 2010. Spatial characterization of dissolved trace elements and heavy metals in the upper Han River (China) using multivariate statistical techniques. Journal of Hazardous Materials176, 579-588.
  32. Bu, H., Tan. X., Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Q., 2010. Temporal and spatial variations of water quality in the Jinshui River, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety73: 907-913.
  33. Bu, H., Tan, X., Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Q., 2010. Water quality assessment of the Jinshui River (China) using multivariate statistical techniques. Environmental Earth Sciences 60, 1631-1639.
  34. Liu, W., Liu, G., Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Q., 2010. Phosphorus retention capacity of wetland soils from a subtropical reservoir in response to water level fluctuations. Marine and Freshwater Research61, 507-512.
  35. Li, S.Y., Zhang, Q., 2009. Geochemistry of the upper Han River basin, China. 2: Seasonal variations in major ion compositions and contribution of precipitation chemistry to the dissolved load. Journal of Hazardous Materials170, 605-611.
  36. Li, S.Y., Xu, Z., Wang, H., Wang, J., Zhang, Q., 2009. Geochemistry of the upper Han River basin, China. 3: Anthropogenic inputs and chemical weathering to the dissolved load. Chemical Geology 264, 89-95.
  37. Li, S.Y., Gu, S., Tan, X., Zhang, Q., 2009. Water quality in the upper Han River basin, China: the impacts of land use/land cover in riparian buffer zone. Journal of Hazardous Materials 165, 317-324.
  38. Li, S.Y., Liu, W., Gu, S., Cheng, X., Xu, Z., Zhang, Q., 2009. Spatio-temporal dynamics of nutrients in the upper Han River basin, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials162, 1340-1346.
  39. Li, S.Y., Cheng, X., Xu, Z., Zhang, Q., 2009. Spatial and temporal patterns of the water quality in the Danjiangkou Reservoir, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal 54, 124-134.
  40. Zhang, Q., Xu, Z., Shen, Z., Li, S.Y., Wang, S., 2009. The Han River Watershed Management Initiative for the South-to-North Water Transfer Project (Middle Route) of China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 148, 369-377.
  41. Li, S.Y., Gu, S., Liu, W., Han, H., Zhang, Q., 2008. Water quality in relation to the land use and land cover in the Upper Han River basin, China. Catena75, 216-222.
  42. Li, S.Y., Zhang, Q., 2008. Geochemistry of the upper Han River basin, China, 1: Spatial distribution of major ion compositions and their controlling factors. Applied Geochemistry23, 3535-3544.
  43. Li, S.Y., Xu, Z., Cheng, X., Zhang, Q., 2008. Dissolved trace elements and heavy metals in the Danjiangkou Reservoir, China. Environmental Geology 55, 977-983.
王婧,袁潔,譚香,李思悅,張全發. 2015. 漢江上游金水河懸浮物及水體碳氮穩定同位素組成特徵.生態學報35(22):1-10.
葉琛,李思悅,張全發.2011. 三峽庫區消落區表層土壤重金屬污染評價及源解析.中國生態農業學報 19(1):1-4.
葉琛,李思悅,卜紅梅,陳晰,張全發.2010. 三峽水庫消落區蓄水前土壤重金屬含量及生態危害評價.土壤學報 47(6):1264-1269.
李思悅, 劉文治, 顧勝, 張全發. 2009. 南水北調中線水源地漢江上游流域主要生態環境問題及對策. 長江流域資源與環境 18(2): 264-270.
顧勝,李思悅, 張全發. 漢江堵河流域地表水質時空變化特徵研究. 長江流域資源與環境, 2009, 18(1): 42-47.
劉文治,李思悅,張全發. 2009. 丹江口庫區濕地生態系統的現狀分析及研究展望. 環境科學與管理. 34(12): 122-126.
李思悅, 程曉莉, 顧勝, 李佳, 張全發. 2008. 南水北調中線水源地丹江口水庫水化學特徵研究. 環境科學 29(8): 2111-2116.
李思悅, 譚香, 徐志方, 張全發. 2008. 湖北丹江口水庫主要離子化學季節變化及離子來源分析. 環境科學 29(12): 3353-3359.
李思悅, 張全發. 2008. 運用水質指數法評價南水北調中線水源地丹江口水庫水質. 環境科學研究 21(3): 61-68. (該刊年度優秀論文)
李思悅, 張全發. 南水北調中線丹江口庫區主要生態環境問題及植被恢復. 2008. 中國農村水利水電 (3): 1-4.
李佳,李思悅,譚香,張全發.2008. 南水北調中線工程總乾渠沿線經過河流水質評價.長江流域資源與環境 17, 693-698.
Other publications:
Li, S.Y., Lu, X.X., 2012. Recent flood events and potential mitigation policies for the Asia-Pacific region. WATERLEADER (published by National University of Singapore, Singapore) 4, 30-31.
Sullivan, L.A., Ward, N.J., Rosicky, M.A., Li, S.Y., Bush, R.T., Fyfe, D.M., Bush, M. and Toppler, N. (2013) Recovery of acid sulfate sediments in the Lower Lakes. Southern Cross GeoScience Technical Report No. 213. Prepared for the SA Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Adelaide.


  1. 中國科學院“百人計畫”項目:河流-水庫重要營養元素循環,2015-2018
  2. 中國科學院重點部署項目子課題-河流污染源解析,2016-2018
  3. CAS PIFI項目,2016
  4. Effects of flow regulation in the Murray-Darling River on riverine element stochiometry and nutrient balance (funded by Southern Cross University, Australia.), 2013-2015。
  5. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,漢江流域土地利用/覆被變化對水環境化學的影響研究、2012-2014。
  6. 中國科學院青年創新促進會項目,2011-2013。
6、新加坡國立大學資助項目,Establishing Datasets to support Water Policy Studies of Large Asian Rivers,2011/01-2012/12。
7、新加坡國立大學資助項目,Sediment and Carbon Fluxes from Large Asian Rivers: Climate and Human Impacts,2010/01-2011/06。
10、中國科學院知識創新工程“百人計畫”項目,流域生態系統管理與南水北調工程中線水源地保護、 2005/08-2008/07。


